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Yoga Korunta

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So many yoga students on this board are quick to

celebrate Sri T. Krisnamacaryas' accomplishemnts and

references while dismissing and criticizing those of Sri. K.

Pattabhi Jois. Those of you who fall into the above

category have probably never visited a library in India

and seen the deplorable conditions where stacks of

palm leaf texts crumble upon touch, already laced with

holes from hungry insects. You probably don't know that

100s upon 100s of precious palm leaf tests lie in

disrepair and will never be translated into English let

alone transcribed for modern day preservation in their

original languages. Actually many poor and desperate

Brahmin families burn these texts for cooking fuel as

they no longer understand their inherent worth.

Knowledgable pandits of the caliber of Sri T. Krisnamacarya

and Sri K. Pattabhi Jois are ever rarer. The

education system that taught these men to memorize for a

lifetime thousands of slokas through repetition, no longer

exists. The forefathers and community temples that taught

them 100s of pujas with particulars of offerings,

homas and mantras are also becoming extinct in an

enthusiasm to leave off traditions in favor of "modern"

pursuits.<br>Those of you that feel you are in a postion to reproach

Guruji (LOL) and his reference to the Yoga Korunta

probably don't know the following: Sri T. Krisnamacarya

cites Yoga Korunta as a reference in two of his books,

Yogasana and Yoga Makaranda. The Mysore Maharaja's

library, that published these two books of Krisnamacaryas,

lists Yoga Korunta among its vast collection. <br>

<br>always, missy

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Thanks a million. That was one of the best posts

on this board, ever. <br><br>Missy Pinky's posts

always bring a calming wind of sanity cooling these

overheated minds who try to find definitive answers to wrong

questions by taking them out of context. <br><br>...I am

guilty. :)

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Given the fact that Brahmin families feel

compelled to burn sacred texts in order to keep body and

soul together...makes me wonder about the ultimate

practical worth of those texts.<br><br>The wisdom of the

East (including Gurus) is great in some ways, but we

in the West are guilty of overrating that wisdom to

an absurd degree.<br><br>In other words, we are

easily impressed by mumbojumbo, and very gullible.

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Here is an example of what the palm leaf texts


like...<br><br><a href=http://www.telalink.net/~mnott/E3856_0014.jpg

target=new>http://www.telalink.net/~mnott/E3856_0014.jpg</a><br><br>While it is

true that many manuscripts have been lost

and there has been great neglect, there are many

active projects ongoing in India and the world to

preserve, translate and digitize these texts.

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