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Lu in Copenhagen

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Shining skull, yes indeed, I was there in

Copenhagen. The weather was wonderful, millions of people in

the city, all with black leather jackets and all were

smoking all the time, in the shops, in the coffee-bars,

in the streets, everythere. I thought, the Danish

people must be the most smoking people in the world. -

But, there is a exception: the yogis, of course, don't

smoking. There is a new school in Copenhagen, built up

with the help of Lino and Gwendoline, and what I know

is, that this school has got the permission by PJ.

Now they have their own place there with several

rooms with wooden floor, in a vivid surroundings

(important for shopping).<br>I attended for the first day

the beginner-class/intermidiate, and we were going

through the first series, standings and sittings (with

changing legs) and did Lino's end-sequence you have just

described, the cow-pose, camel (in this case it would be

really helpflu to know the right terms). The next days I

tryed the morning-group at 7 a.m. (no traffic in the

streets at that time), and I liked practicing with a lot

of people (about 25) in a light warm place with a

lot of breathing. Lino, Gwendoline and Susanna made

adjustments very well, I had the feeling, whenever there was

a need to get one, they were standing behind one,

they even were behind me when I thought, oh please, no

adjustment right now, but finally it was a good one. Now I

have a bad lower back..., but that is my weak place

out of order and now I feel the stiff muscles very

well, so the adjustments brought me further in my

practice. (By the way I only practiced to navasana, and

watched admiring the other guys in handstand and so

on.)<br>Copenhagen is really a nice place to go ("I recommend

highly"), not only for the very good Capuccino. Lu

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That sounds great!! Apart from the back pain ...

aber das gehört wohl dazu.<br><br>I have been in

Copenhagen only once. I found it to be a beautiful and rich

city, obviously very comfortable to live in--where else

would you see ladies smoking big cigars? Quite

expensive though.<br><br>The link to the new Astanga Yoga

school set up by Lino Miele in Copenhagen is

<a href=http://www.astanga.dk target=new>http://www.astanga.dk</a> (Betty has

recently put it in the classes section

of her Ashtanga.com site). In Milan there was only

one large room with a wooden floor we practised in,

but it was very nice.<br><br>Yes, the 'cow pose'...

we did that too back in Italy, I forgot to mention

it (I am now posting from Germany again). I also

think to have seen Gwendoline Hunt. When Lino did his

demonstration on a Saturday afernoon, I remember there was a

man standing near the wall with a camera on his

shoulder, filming the event. Next to him was an elder lady,

and the two were speaking English with each other.

She remembered me of pictures I've seen of Gwendoline


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