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the emperor has no clothes

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Yoga Alliance is the Gambino crime family of

yoga. Missy's biggest regret is that she didn't think

of it first, because then she'd be sitting on a big

stack of cash rather than its creator Fatcat Rama "Don

Corleone" Birch of La Jolla. <br>How'd she do it? She

created a completely unofficial alliance overseen by

herself which collects money from eager teachers who have

so little confidence in their credentials that they

pay for a false legitimacy from a self-appointed

governer. She collects scads of money to "protect" these

so-called teachers in her "club" and doesn't even have to

break their fingers to collect this illicit money! A

brilliant and evil scheme.<br>Folks who are barely students

pay big dough to become teachers in order to recieve

a certificate that isn't worth the paper its

printed on. They next spend US$90 to apply to Yoga

Alliance, plus a yearly US$40 renewal fee, to be listed on

a site that is a meaningless scam. There are

thousands of people listed on this site (cha-ching). Seems

like these wannabe teachers have scads of dough to

just fork over to any con-artist with enough moxy to

advertise their crimes.<br>If a prospective employer or

student wants to know why you're not listed on Yoga

Alliance, tell 'em its because you won't be strongarmed

into paying vig to mobsters. Tell 'em you're not a

mook!<br>always m.p.

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For those interested in a decent rebuttal to the

Yoga Alliance. go

to:<br><br><a href=http://www.whitelotus.org/library2/articles/standards.html


>Yoga alliance is an odious organization though for

some reason the twits at Yoga Journal seem to think

Ms. Rama is wonderful. (I guess it pays to advertise

in Yoga Journal.) It is conceivable Y.A. could get

quite powerful, particularily if HMO's start to

recognize the indisputable benefits Yoga has for people

with heart disease. (Read Dr. Ornish's book) and begin

to pay for people to practice Yoga. HMO's would be

just the kind of suckers who would buy into Y.A.'s

facade of legitimacy, pay their tithe, and steer

thousands of wheezing Americans to their annointed

teachers.<br><br>Krisna says a warrior prays for a righteous battle, and

it don't get much more righteous than putting the

wiseguys of the Yoga Alliance out of business. Perhaps the

angry yogis on this list could direct their venom at a

deserving (and large) target like Ms.

Rama.<br><br>Cheers,<br>DMcG<br><br>Miss Pinky Wrote:<br>"Yoga Alliance is the


crime family of yoga. Missy's biggest regret is that

she didn't<br> think of it first, because then she'd

be sitting on a big stack of cash rather than its

creator<br> Fatcat Rama "Don Corleone" Birch of La Jolla...."

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