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Padmasambava & yoga

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The historical figure, Padmasambava also called

Guru Rimpoche was the tantric magician that brought

the Dharma and Dzogchen teachings into Tibet.

Dzogchen is also known as the Secret Great Perfection.

Padmasambava was born in the area located on the

Afghanistan-Pakistan frontier where he ruled as king and was known as

Shikhabandh Raja. His early life was as an Indian yogi then

later he became a Buddhist monk and it is said that he

spent 3 months on a cave in Nepal where he actualized

the Immortal Vajra Body. With his consort, Sakya Devi

they practiced the Vishuda deity and Mahamudra

awareness.<br>At this point the historical Padmasambava is

indistinguishable from the essence of Buddha Amitabha. Along with

Khenpo Shantarakshita, the tantric master Guru

Padmasambava from India traveled to India and together

constructed a monastery at Samye. There they trained seven

monks and supervised translation of the sutras and

tantras from Sanskrit to Tibetan. Legend has it that

Padmasambava preformed many mystical activiities in Tibet that

are still manifesting themselves even

today.<br><br>Padmasambava is the link between Indian yogic practices and

Tibetan Buddhism. What I find it interesting is some of

the similarities between Ashtanga yoga practice and

some of the more esoteric Dzogchen practices.

Translations from Tibetan texts by W. Y. Evans-Wentz in his

book, _Tibetan Yoga and Secret Doctrines_ detail

methods of linking breath and movement to raise the heat

in the body.<br>For a great visual reprsentation of

these practices take a look at a book that came out a

couple of years ago, _The Dali Lama’s Secret Temple, by

Ian Baker_. A book of paintings from the top room in

a small temple on an island behind the Potela in

Tibet. These vistionary murals are detailed instructions

in the practice of opening the flow of evergy thru

the subtle channels of the body using Tummo. Tummo is

the cultivation of mystic heat which burns thrugh

conceptual thought and reveals the Clear Light of the

awakened mind.<br>A flowing system of twenty-three

movements linking breath, body and mind are used to open

these pathways of subtle energy.

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