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handstands et al

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with hands shoulderwidth apart and mulabhanda

between the testicles and anus, girls are

s.o.l.<br><br>Ok, here's a practical thought and humbly i offer

.....<br><br>evertime before jumpback, lift consciously like utpluthii

and mentally at least engage all the muscles as

though you'd be doing a flawless jumpback ala richard

freeman. Even act as though you would or swing a little

back like you'd be jumping back without

touching.<br><br>This will not grow testicles however it will engage

the bhandas (and also strengthen the arms as a bonus

if needed) and in a year in headstand you will in

all likelyhood experience an incredible lightness of

being. (relatively compared to now)<br><br>Lifting

before jumpback is hard, tedious, sometimes a

drag...(and yes you are working much harder than those that

are muscular and doing it with ease) but as always

the effort will be richly rewarded. You will have a

rehauled, updated handstand and many other poses will be

coming with greater ease. Because of the bhandas or core


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Synchronicity:<br><br>Thanks, I have just begun

working handstands --AGAIN -- can't seem to keep the

stamina to do daily. I am not sure what you mean by

'jumpback' -- is it the same as a handspring? I Just kind of

kick my legs up and balance against a wall for

support. Is there a better entry into the asana? Thanks

for any advice.

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i think she was using the term jump back to mean

the vinyasa out of the seated posture. the correct

technique is to lift upward with the abd wall muscles while

pressing downward into the hands. then after lifting the

lower body off of the ground, you then swing/press the

body back thru the arms into chataranga

dandasana/plank pose/catavari. the vinyasa out of a seated

posture is often called a jump back and the vinyasa into

a posture is often called a jumpthru

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