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Extract the name of this Mr. Hedge Fund Manager

from your field operatives and post it here. We'd also

like to know whether he is a scrotum shaving yoga


<br>_<br><br>That was a very entertaining

article indeed. Thanks to

the one who posted it!

tiber33<br><br><a href=http://www.nymag.com/page.cfm?page_id=5394

target=new>http://www.nymag.com/page.cfm?page_id=5394</a><br><br>and the

earlier<br><br><a href=http://www.nymag.com/page.cfm?page_id=2158


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Didn't Buddha, Krishna and Christ come up with

the idea of non-attachment not some 25-year-old girl?

When I read a comment like the one below coming from a

Mr. Hedge Fund asshole, it is arrogance

extraordinaire. It makes me wonder what such a person is getting

out of the yoga practice. It doesn't appear to be any

sense of humility. I do not "get" this type of yogi. It

makes me wonder what this person was like before they

started practicing yoga -- they must have been quite an

egomaniac.<br><br>"Non-attachment is something that some 25-year-old girl made


some girl who spends half her day thinking, Oh, should

I take class with Ginger or Shakti today? Ginger's

teaching at three, but I love Shakti. Oh, what am I going

to do?" said Mr. Hedge Fund, adopting a tinny female

voice. "None of that comes into play in Ashtanga. It is

not about preaching: It is a daily practice, and if

you do the practice, all will come."

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I love this aspect of the practice, that you meet

people whose practice you admire, heck even your

teachers, and then it turns out - *shock* - that they're

not perfect. I think it helps with the pride

problems, that you can't be too pleased with how good your

yoga is, because you know for sure you could be even

better and still not be that 'good' a person. <br><br>I

have a lot of respect for someone who practices

regularly with discipline, but I sure hope it doesn't turn

me into a hedge fund manager (should I ever achieve

it). But it's like you say: what do you think he'd be

like *without* yoga? <br><br>Like everything else in

life, it takes all kinds, and one of the strengths and

indications of the true, deep value of yoga is the way that

it appeals to a whole range of people, giving each

of them something different. <br><br>But how come I

never recognize anyone at my Jivamukti classes? I was

promised Sting! <br><br>Then again I, er, don't know who

Russell Simmons is. Guess I'm not (yet) one of those

'real' New Yorkers Kelly was talking about.<br><br>

Namaste,<br> DAn.

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<"It makes me wonder what such a person is

getting out of the yoga practice. It doesn't appear to be

any sense of humility. I do not "get" this type of

yogi."><br><br>What someone is "getting" out of yoga is none of your

business. Perhaps the reason that you don't "get" this kind

of yogi is because they don't have you in mind when

they do their practice.<br><br><"Non-attachment is

something that some 25-year-old girl made up, some girl who

spends half her day thinking, Oh, should I take class

with Ginger or Shakti today? Ginger's teaching at

three, but I love Shakti. Oh, what am I going to do?"

said Mr. Hedge Fund, adopting a tinny female voice.

"None of that comes into play in Ashtanga. It is not

about preaching: It is a daily practice, and if you do

the practice, all will come."><br><br>Maybe Mr.

Hedge Fund is doing an impression of his 25 year old


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