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grief and a broken heart

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Dear friends: I have taught myself yoga and have

developed my daily practice. Taught myself in 1984. Because

I live in a remote rural area I do not have access

to teachers and have had to rely on my own abilities

to be my teacher and my student. At this particular

time I am feeling tremendous grief and have a broken

heart. Important to point out that this is not because

of a romantic liason.<br><br>I wonder if any of you

could offer words of wisdom about practicing when we

are dealing with grief. Yoga is a tremendous source

of joy and love but right now I am feeling at a bit

of a loss and need your help.<br><br>Sincerely. Love

and Light. Doberlady1

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I recommend supported poses... eg: lying with

your chest open across a stash of blankets or bolster

and arms out to side....so the front body oooopppens.

Child's pose can also be comforting.<br>Also, if you

haven't already, establishing a daily pranayama practice

will help- focus on smooth steady breathing. Also try

visualisation techniques such as 'seeing' the darkness turn

into light as you breathe in and out.<br>I hope this

helps.<br>Many Blessings to you

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Welcome to the yogaclub. I'm sorry to hear that

you're suffering.<br><br>It's interesting that you

should post on this subject. A couple of weeks ago I was

so upset, down, depressed about something going on

in my life that I had to cut my practice short. I'd

never done this before, but things were just too much

for me.<br><br>In a day or so I was back again, and

I'm sure you will be too. Change is the one constant,

and so this too shall pass!<br><br>I've also found it

true that grief taught me a great deal about myself

that I probably wouldn't have learned ordinarily. In

the midst of grief, it's hard to see these

lessons.<br><br>The best remedy to grief I've found so far is Metta,

Lovingkindness mediation, or if you like, prayer for others.

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I found that i didn't practice the regular daily

practice - getting through a day took all my strength. I

had to embrace the relief of not practicing rather

than the guilt of what others would say about my lack

of commitment. My own disappointment of not

practicing was a burden in and of itself. No-one can know

your sorrow or pain or what it will take for you to

get through it. Know that you are being transformed

from the inside.

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