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Yoga Journal=Yoga Pornography

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You are much better off without that heinous

magazine. The pictures of yoga hotties in compromising

positions only serves to disturb El Senor's meditation

practice. The article usually feature some self-promoting

yoga charlatan who is trying to entice beginners to

his or her overpriced "yoga retreats", "yoga

workshop" or worst "teacher training workshops".<br><br>Do

yourself a favor, read YOGA MALA, the Hatha Yoga

Pradipika, and leave the Yoga Porno in the trash


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"The pictures of yoga hotties in compromising

positions only serves to disturb El Senor's meditation

practice. "<br><br>Sounds like you are enjoying your

subscription!<br>Of course there is no substitute for the study of

appropriate books or scriptures, but there is a place for

magazines too. I'm glad someone is publishing a magazine

full of yoga info. And there's a place for pornography

as well, but I can't see YJ anywhere near that

category.<br><br>Of course its all about spending the time on the

mat, but I like to feed my head. Perhaps maybe too

much. I also read Yoga International. To me yoga is an

interesting subject to read about.

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>>I like to feed my head. Perhaps too

much.<<<br><br>TLS, yes - every time I visit your website, I can't

help but wonder: where the heck do you find the time

to read all these books? Plus a couple of yoga

magazines to boot?<br><br>I personally prefer to focus my

mind on a few chosen books: Yoga Mala, Lino's "Astanga

Yoga", John Scott's book, the Bhagavad Gita and the

Upanisads - those are the texts I want to read regularly.

Sometimes I also take a look at David Swenson's "Practice

Manual", but that's it, essentially.<br><br>I also like to

read a book several times (Bhagavad Gita and Upanisads

preferably once every year). I don't aspire to become a

walking encyclopaedia on yoga - I would better not

clutter my mind with too much information, so that some

hard choices seem inevitable to me.

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