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Since 1980 I have had an exercise routine which I

established and kept for 4 years without ever settin foot in

an excersice class. I became vere vere bored with

counting from 1-30, 50 times in 1 hr. I needed more! ...

and was given a book on yoga! So, yoga found me.

After 3 months of practice I realized that I was

performing something through Divine intervention and that I

was no longer exercising. I had become in love with a

discipline that required much more than fitness from me. And

I lovingly surrendered.<br><br>For years I did not

know what kind of practice I did. Then I found out

that what I had learned what is called Bikram Yoga. In

my journey I have learned a little of Iyengar and

Ananda Yoga. All self taught.<br><br>I have looked for a

teacher but in all truthfulness I take responsibility for

not manifesting it for myself. I trust I will meet my

teacher when I am ready.<br><br>Because of very stormy

times in my life my practice of the asanas stopped 3

years ago. I knew that I was living MY YOGA regardless

of the practice of the asanas and trusted that my

physical practice would return and so it has.<br><br>I

share the above with you to convey my serious

dedication to my discipline. It is with same seriousness

that I express my strong attraction to study ashtanga

yoga. And with respect to each and everyone of you who

choose to read this, I ask for some help<br><br>The

members of this forum have introduced a tremendous

fountain of resources in their postings as of late. Thank

you ALL.<br><br>This is my humble question: Given the

above story what is the ONE thing that you would

recommend to me. I am in an isolated rural area and I have

depended on my ability to guide myself in my discipline of

living and practicing yoga. Trips to a tacher at this

time is not an option for me so please consider that,

please.<br><br>I am now into my second month of practicing the

physical aspect of yoga (still following the bikram method

and looking for change, just like when I had to

change the counting from 1-30). Since there has been a

discussion on age lately I will tell you that at 45

everything seem so be coming back to working order in due

course. You do have to work though physical and emotional

pain but this is a requirement of the discipline. They

joy is the communion with the Divine.<br><br>Your ONE

suggestion will be tremendously appreciated. Love and Light.


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Probably the best thing to do is make a little

trip and attend a class (or two, or more). The

suggestion to start teaching is interesting too. That's

always a way to really start learning something. It can

be good to find someone to practice with and this

can be a way to be a teacher on a small level. The

next best thing would be to get a good video (or two,

or more). And you can't have too many books. But if

you can afford a bunch of books or videos then you

could probably afford a little trip to the nearest yoga

class (maybe Ashtanga, maybe not). My favorite Ashtanga

video is Sarah Powers teaching primary series, which is

available from the Sewell Archives:

<a href=http://www.ashtanga1.com/

target=new>http://www.ashtanga1.com/</a><br>Videos are magic.

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