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Look.. under that bridge..its a TROLL!<br><br>I

should have stayed away from this computer, you've got

me all off in things now. I'm thinking - uropathy,

that sounds like a disease - so I looked it up in a

medical dictionary (Stedman's).. "uropathy - any disorder

involving the urinary tract". But a google search finds

other meainngs, (yes, urine drinking). Among the many

hits was this:

<a href=http://users.erols.com/martinlara/

target=new>http://users.erols.com/martinlara/</a><br><br>But is that really the

right name? Shouldn't it be

like urotherapy maybe? So another google search

(really the best web searcher, I think) finds many hits

for urotherapy. A choice one

here:<br><a href=http://paraiso-dela-salud.org/treatment.htm

target=new>http://paraiso-dela-salud.org/treatment.htm</a><br><br>And as long as

we're googlin' let's try

amaroli..<br>and the winner

is..<br><a href=http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Ithaca/9012/amaroli.htm


teresting subject actually, maybe I'll look at some

websites later. So far I haven't been converted. And I

think it might be dangerous to look at those websites -

we could be brainwashed! <br><br>Yes I do have

better things to do, so off I go. First stop, the

kitchen, for a big glass of water and cherry juice!

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ms. lazy, <br><br>urotherapy is indeed very

helpful for yoga. many great yogis owe their advanced

yoga practice to urotherapy, including godfrey

devereux and senor pinche wey. it is better to drink the

urine of another more advanced yogi which contains more

yogic nutrients. i would be happy to give you some of

my own, just email me with your info and we'll hook

up. <br><br>yours,<br>m<br><br>p.s. i'll supply the

rubber sheets.

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This is one of the stupidest ideas I've ever

heard. Only a fool would drink their own pee. Why not

eat your own poo too? I'm sure it has great holistic

healing powers and will help with your yoga


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In Bali, where I live much of the year, the

traditional method of diagnosing diabetes was to taste the

urine. Traditional healers have told me that sweet

tasting urine indicates diabetes, hence the Indonesian

term for the disease "kencing manis" or "Urine sweet"

(Sweet pee?).<br><br>If you are afraid to taste your

pee, you piss on the ground and hang out and wait to

see if ants congregate!<br><br>Personally, I suspect

that gurus ask their students to drink urine in order

to test:<br>A) a student's devotion to the

Guru<br>B) if the student has any common sense<br><br>DMcG

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Personally, I suspect that gurus ask their

students to drink urine in order to test:<br>A) a

student's devotion to the Guru<br>B) if the student has any

common sense<br><br>---<br><br>There are also gurus who

ask their naive devotees to taste other things, but i

think for other reasons than tests of devotion.

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I loved the research TSLADE, I've also watched a

poorly produced video URINE: GOOD HEALTH. One presented

claimed Shiva's Kumba was none other than his own

specimen. The Video is so bad it rivals some Sewell

archives for laughs.<br> <br>My friend who introduced me

to this revered...ancient technique looks strapping

(no jaundiced appearance either). Personally, I was a

bit concerned the first few goes as it is a bit of an

aphrodesiac. I started with another friend and he concurs that

he's felt "something" very different.<br><br>If anyone

were worried about uric acid, there isn't nearly the

amount that is contained in a piece of meat.

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