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Back Popping

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Just curious. My wife thinks this might not be so

good. Give me your input. If my back is tight or

aching, I can do a forward bend or another move and and

realine it. It pops a few times. Feels great to me but I

can do this several times a day. When I extend my

spine it seems to "fix" any issues I have. Is it heathy

to be able to do this when I do my yoga? I feel

great but my back pops when i begin my yoga. Like i

said, it feels like it is just realining it. What do

you think. I am still new at this.

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north,<br><br>I am no expert but I would say that

realignment of the spine is a good thing. Mine pops sometimes

during twists as well. I think as long as you aren't

forcing it to pop and just letting your body take care of

itself you are ok.<br><br>stick

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I think its good! Lots of times there will be

popping, cracking, and even ripping and tearing (adhesions

breaking loose) as things reallign. Probably ideally as

you get all straightened out and muscles and fascia

adjust to proper allignment, there will be less popping,

but you may also find that pops always happen from

now on. I always thought it was interesting when I

was going to Ashtanga classes that in certain

postures, you could always hear some pops and cracks across

the room. I remember reading the Don Juan books long

ago and Carlos told about Don Juan doing some back

stretches which would always result in loud pops and

cracks. Finally got around to watching the Madonna movie,

Next Best Thing. Not that great of a movie but not as

bad as I had heard (I like Madonna). She is a yoga

teacher in the film. There is only one brief yoga scene

and she gives an adjustment (I think in downward dog)

and the guy's back gives a very loud cracking sound.

He says "Is that good?" She says, "Yes, its very

good." You can read tons of books on yoga and all kinds

of physical disciplines and for some reason this

subject doesn't ever seem to be mentioned. I have had

people tell me that cracking is bad, but I'm not sure

they knew what they were talking about. Some people

are not crooked enough to have much radical

straightening out to do. And it may be possible to straighten

out a really crooked body without any cracking, but

it would probably be a VERY long and slow process.

It may be better not to just go looking for cracks

(it may be a bad habit to crack your knuckles for

instance - but I'm not sure), but when they happen, its

probably a good thing. It seems obvious that if the

musculoskeletal system is misalligned and has been that way long

enough for things to "stick together", then there will

be some noises as things break loose when we work

towards reallignment. Of course there can be bad noises

too, but this would usually be accompanied by pain. I

don't think its good to be too aggressive and forceful

with yoga. Proper allignment is always important and

will guide you in the right direction. As you are

finding out, with yoga you can be your own chiropractor.

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Thank you all very much for your replys. I in no

way force anything. This "popping" just happens when

I sit at the computer at work for to long or do my

nightly yoga. Its like my back just says "ahh

yeah...thats it" and straightens out.<br><br>Thanks<br>Brian

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FIrst couple of years I used to crack my back

each time I got into Marichasana D, now the "pop"

happens earlier in practice - the upward dog after

Utkatasana. Always. Feels great. Saves on chiropractor


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Just wanted to say that it's perfectly normal for

this to happen several times a day. "Popping" occurs

as a result of a buildup of a "gas" in the joint. It

takes about 30 minutes for it to buildup. It doesn't

keep building up or anything until it blows up, it

just builds up and then slowly leaks out (or you can

pop it and release the pressure). That's all that

popping is. My chiropractor and my orthopaedic surgeon

alike say that popping is not bad for you at all.

That's just something parent's say whan they don't like

the noise it makes. :o) an old wives


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