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rolfing ./. hellerwork ./. zentherap

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"Hello, somebody outside who can tell something

about the differences between rolfing, hellerwork and


out:<br><a href=http://www.rolf.org target=new>http://www.rolf.org</a><br><a

href=http://www.rolfguild.org target=new>http://www.rolfguild.org</a><br><a

href=http://www.hellerwork.com target=new>http://www.hellerwork.com</a><br><a


target=new>http://www.zentherapy.org</a><br><br>And some books:<br>Rolfing by

Ida Rolf<br>Bodywise by

Joseph Heller<br>Bodytherapy by William S.

Leigh<br><br>Rolfing is the original "deep tissue massage", aiming to

reallign the body by manually stretching tense fascia.

They cover the whole body in a series of 10 one-hour

sessions. It can be painful. Hellerwork was developed by

Joseph Heller, one of the first Rolfers, who thought

that Rolfing should not have to hurt. They cover the

whole body in a series of 11 one-hour sessions.

Zentherapy was developed by William "Dub" Leigh after

studying with Ida Rolf, Moshe Feldenkrias, and zen master

Tanouye Tenshin Rotaishi. Supposedly Zentherapy

integrates principles of "ki" with bodywork, whatever that

means. His book (above) covers his studies with Rolf,

Feldenkrias, and Roshi. I'm not totally sure what actually

happens in a Zentherapy session.<br><br>Many serious

yogis are also into bodywork therapy. (For instance,

Tias Little

<a href=http://www.yogasource-santafe.com/staff/index.htm

target=new>http://www.yogasource-santafe.com/staff/index.htm</a> )Some would

consider it important, others may

consider it totally unnecessary. I am of the opinion that

theoretically you can accomplish anything by yourself with

asana practice that could be accomplished by someone

else working on you. But in some cases, it may be 10

or 100 times faster to have some deep tension

removed by some serious bodywork. It could give someone a

huge boost down the path of asana practice. It can

also be worth reading and studying the above books

even if you never get any bodywork just to learn more

about tension in the human body. If you want to get

some bodywork, it probably doesn't matter what kind as

much as how good the therapist is.

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