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Mumbo Jumbo Exercise?

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Yoganidra,<br><br>Anyone who can make so inane a

statement such as:<br>(Yoga is)"just exercise anyway, dress

it up as with with with (sic) mumbojumbo. " after as

many years of study with a certified teacher and

Guruji himself (as you claim) is either lying about

their credentials, speaking ironically, or has a

braincase full of cement. <br><br>As for your questions

about my own practice; I feel no inclination whatsoever

to justify myself (an actual human being) to an

anonymous on-line persona. If you are curious about my

practice you can find me and judge for yourself. In the

medium of an on-line forum I assume I will be judged on

the basis of my knowledge and presentation thereof,

which is as it should be. The fictional creation

“YogaNidra” will also be judged on that basis. If you can’t

take the tapas, get out of the shalla.<br><br>I am

perfectly within my rights to criticize a statement as

patently dumb as "Yoga is just exercise". That statement

is an insult to anyone with a cursory awareness of

yoga, and reduces the life’s work of Guruji to that of

a phys-ed teacher. I am quite astonished that

anyone could practice Ashtanga for any amount of time

and not experience a major transformation on a

physical, spiritual and intellectual level. But you have

not experienced any of these things, apparently. Why

you keep it up I have no idea.<br><br>For those who

posit that Yoga is "exercise" I would ask this: Do you

know anyone who has said that Yoga has changed their

life? I do. I know many, many people who make that

claim.<br><br>Now how many people claim that The Stairmaster/Abs

Buster/Nautilus machine/aerobics etc... has had a similar

profound effect? <br><br>Please defend your position that

Yoga is mumbo-jumbo exercise. It is a rather

provocative statement, given the context of this list. There

are some here, you will be shocked to discover, who

consider all this mumbo-jumbo to be an integral part of a

spiritual practice. <br><br>Cheers,<br>DMCG

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