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Thanks for all your bits of advice, my teacher's here now and has some

experience with hernias so I'll stick with that for a few months and if it get's

worse I'll have surgery.<br>Best,<br>Nick.

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Well, I checked out hernias, its one of those

illnesses you hear about connected with your goolies, that

I know nothing about, which worried me. I found a

good site that explained all about it and said that

surgery is the only thing that heals it, and the Mesh

method is best. It said with the Mesh you could be back

exercising the next day.

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Hi Nick, I know it is a little late responding

but I have had mild hernias. If it's in the lower

groins you might be interested to know that Upavishta

Konasana has been known to help with mild hernias. Baddha

Konasana and Supta Baddha Konasana are known to prevent

since they soften the groins and makes them supple,

Salamba Sarvangasana TREATS hernia. And we're talking a

longer supported shoulder stand. The new Iyengar book

has about eight referenced to hernias.<br><br> A

qualified Iyengar therapeutics teacher may be worth seeking

out to give you a separate routine to mend. Certified

Iyengar teachers are given specific routines for ailments

like hernias that they do not give publication to so

that they can instruct it individually.<br> <br> I

have been able to avoid serious surgury (non hernia

related) do to the Iyengar communities help.<br><br>My

hernias had to do with how I was holding my bandhas. Know

that the groins can be soft while holding mula and

uddiyana bandhas. Currently I'm experimenting with Godfrey

Devereaux's bandha explanations from his book Hatha Yoga. Not

authorized by guruji but a refined verbal exlanation.

<br>Best of luck. <br>GL

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