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el senor goes ballistic

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Dear Sharon and David:<br><br>I just read your

letter which, you were too self important to post

yourself but had your lackey Amy post.<br><br>How dare you

quote Guruji to support the bullying of your students

and your fiasco that has already had repercussions in

the yoga community and has further damaged your shaky

reputations.<br><br>Guruji also says not to mix methods. He also has the

ability to certify teachers to teach Ashtanga teachers.

Since when have you appointed yourselves as judges who

may deem such teachers unworthy?<br><br>It is for

good reason that your students are questioning your

integrity and loyalty to your supposed guru, Patthabi

Jois.<br><br>You have no integrity. Furthermore you have probably

broken the law. I for one would be more than happy to

finance the retention of a labor lawyer for the

student/teachers at your school that you forced to resign from you

pathetic school. (By the way you have probably done them a

great favor from what I have observed of your

diabolical behavior and total lack of commitment to the yogi

path)<br><br>Further to the loyalty to your supposed guru, where else

are these students supposed to study ashtanga? I saw

you and David practice at Guruji's workshop, it is

not just old age but a lack of practice. Since you

are both so enamored of your own watered down hodge

podge of borrowing from other systems such as Sivananda

and ashtanga, you seem to be able to practice neither

one yourselves. So, since David, a once certified

teacher but now only certifiably insane is in no position

to teach, who is supposed to teach your advanced

students?<br><br>Saying that Christopher "resigned" is like the Chinese

saying that the Tibetan monks recanted their Buddhism.

Your alternative was one of a tyrant and not a choice

at all. Why should students that are practitioners

of Ashtanga declare allegiance to two star struck

freaks like the likes of you rather than to Patthabi

Jois?<br><br>I have seen students of David's bow down and kiss

his filthy feet. I know you have such pretensions as

some sort of divine beings but your actions here have

proven you to be selfish, paranoid, manipulative, evil

and uninterested in ashtanga yoga except insofar at

the latter may further your business

interests.<br><br>"Jivamukti Ashtanga"??!?!? There you go again. Since when

have you branded the blessed practice that has been

delivered through the ages to Krishnamacharya and Patthabi

Jois to those lucky enough to practice

today.<br><br>The incredible insolence of your label is further

evidence of you total self-delusion and arrogance. What

fools you are.<br><br>"...Perhaps, they lacked

confidence and maturity" So you are attributing the exiting

ashtanga teachers reasons for leaving on their lack of

confidence and maturity? Give me a break. They left as many

others have because you are controlling freaks and

megalomaniacs whose egos are totally out of control. You have

lost touch with the meaning of yoga in favor of

sucking up to your celebrity students, photo ops and ego

gratifying workshops.

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