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el senor goes ballistic Part II

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If you really cared about your students and their

practice you would have encouraged your teachers to study

at Eddies and to perfect their discipline. Instead

you created some sort of childish rivalry between the

schools like some sort of campy dubbed martial arts

movie. <br><br>Your next line is a total

joke:<br><br>"Of course you can have your money back, because this

episode is not about money. As many of you put it so well

it’s about honor, love and respect for each other.

"<br><br>For someone who has no honor, has shown contempt for

your students and total lack of respect for both your

teachers and the guru you profess to be devoted to, this

final line of your letter is the ultimate

hypocrisy.<br><br>Who don't you admit that you don't give a shit about

ashtanga since you seem to believe that your own system is

somehow better? Admit that your firing these poor

teachers and students was an act of hypocrisy, paranoia,

control freakishness and campaign of terror.

<br><br>Finally, please why don't you take down the photos of

Guruji, a man you show no respect for and whose image and

everything he stands for you mock.<br><br>Lest you think

this letter is just some ventilation or a random note

in an obscure message board, rest assured and

consider this but a first draft. I will make your

hypocrisy, bullying, unethical and probably illegal behavior

known throughout the ashtanga and yoga

world.<br><br>Perhaps you would do well to re read one of the books

that you require read in your teacher training program

called the Hatha Yoga Pradipika. In it you will learn

that yoga is an exact science that must be followed

under the careful instruction of a guru. It says that

to deviate, can cause illness or insanity. It

appears that by deviating from the Ashtanga method and

stewing your own brew of westernized yoga your concoction

has diseased not only your bodies but twisted your

minds.<br><br>Sincerely, <br><br>El Senor Pinche Wey, Ole!

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