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Tiger,<br>Your website is beautiful. It's nice to

see someone else's practice and to be inspired by the

physical progress you have made. I couldn't help but

notice your thriving plants and the open and light

practice space you have at home. Very nice.<br>Thanks for

sharing them,<br>Namaste.

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nice apartment!<br><br>I like to see what is

happening with other asana practice and yours seems very

strong. Intermediate is fun and you seem to have some

some of the 3rd as well. <br><br>it is a good web site

but my computer must be slow because it took forever

to see all the thumbnails. <br><br>Do you know an

gal named Amy who has studied with guruji and lives

in Chicago. She went as far as living in Mysore for

a long period of time but now has moved back to the

states. If you know her tell her I said hello.<br>thanks,


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"That's the most pretentious webpage I've ever

seen. Get over yourself (and your "inner

spirit")."<br><br><br><br>I am shocked by the distasteful and cruel out

pouring over a web site of asana photos. I am sorry that

for the majority of people that responded there is

only room for perfect asanas. You must have all been

born perfect, came out of the womb in kapotasana or

some other difficult for the rest of us type

pose.<br><br>I would rather see this guys asana page, in any

state of accomplishment, than read any of your

diatribes about ego. At least he has given his real name

and takes a risk in being known and accountable. When

hiding behind an alias and talking trash all I can hear

is noise and smell crap.<br><br> All the critics

should start a "Pinche Wey" club and out do each other

with competition and insult. The rest of us are trying

to do yoga.<br>CASEY PALMER, Portland, Oregon

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