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New website-(uttanasana)

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Tigertonio,<br>I enjoyed seeing your site but a

word of advice, you are practicising uttanasana

incorrectly. It is not about getting your head to the knees

(or the thighs , for that matter) it is about keeping

the chest open and the back as straight as possible.

You need to work by taking your stomach towards your

thigh muscles (not your head). This requires more

bandha work . You need to be able to tip the pelvis

more. If you can not do this then stay with a concave

back / straight back and breathe. Taking the head to

the legs before you are ready is too much ego. All it

will do is give you lower back problems . work slowly,

slowly. Study the way David Swenson does the poses in his

book- you will learn lots.<br>Good luck ! keep on


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""you are practicising uttanasana incorrectly. It

is not about getting your head to the knees (or the

thighs , for that matter) it is about keeping the chest

open and the back as straight as

possible.""<br><br>back straight as possible? on a forward bend the back

is being.... flexed, no? not extended. there should

be some curve to the back, otherwise you are doing a

west side stretch.

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arrgh, never fails. hit the send button, then

realize you made a dufus mistake. meant to say that if

there is no curve to the back, if it is extended fully,

then you are doing an west side contraction, not the

desired west side or back stretch. sorry for the

errata.<br><br>you could extend this back extension/flexion question

further by looking at the different drishti's that

different teachers give. i believe in yoga mala, SKPJ

states that the nose goes to the knees when folding

forward in the surya namaskaras. some teachers recommend

looking to the nose with the face against the

knees/shins. one book recommends looking to the toes, which

causes one to extend the neck if the waist is fully


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