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yoga_nidra and his/her advice

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Yoga_nidra, in your marvellous step-by-step

guidance "how I become a very good Ashtangi" (3 hour

headstands, american underwear) you have forgotten that this

exceptionally work is only possible if you drink a bottle of

bavarian beer before! Look at Allan, now he is in India

and we get really good reports from his (hi Allen!

how are you? How smells the Indian beer?) - By the

way, my underwear for yoga is also from good old

America, I love it tremendous, but I'm not able to make 3

hours headstand - what I'm doing wrong? Lu

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Hi Lu<br><br>Indian beer is really bad. When I

first got to Mysore I would occasionally have one on

Fridays, but I don't think I've even done that since

Christmas. Indian bread is bad too - that is, Indian

imitations of western bread, real Indian bread is just fine,

especially Auntie's chapatis - but that problem I can do

something about. Alan's Bakery is now up & running on a 2

or 3 days a week basis. Brewing I do not propose to

attempt.<br><br>I am not a "really good ashtangi" as anyone reading

my online diary knows. BUT I WILL BE REAL SOON NOW -

Sharath says supta padangusthasana tomorrow, the end (of

primay series) is in sight!<br><br>(I fail to understand

what yoga_nidra's problem is. Nobody is forcing

him/her to go to Mysore and study with Pattabhi Jois - as

far as I'm aware we're all volunteers here)

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HI Alan Little,<br><br>Can you (or anyone else

who knows) write more about the experience in Mysore?

Is the town crowded, busy, ease of getting around?

Places to stay nearby? Where do you find food you can

eat? And how many people are practicing now? I read

that the lines are long to get in. Also, what do you

mean that you will get to supta pad tomorrow and that

the end is in sight, are you only going step by step

into the series? do you know anything about practicing

there in July? <br><br>sorry for all the q's. I'm just

really curious. It would help me out to know about these


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Since Alan is in Mysore right now and therefore

is not able to readily check his e-mail and all

these postings, i'll take the liberty of trying to

answer some of your questions. I'm sure he can fill you

in better when he gets back on line.<br><br>Alan has

been studying with guruji and Sharath in Mysore since

11-01, maybe it was late 10-01, I forget. At any rate,

he has been kind enough to keep and post a diary of

his time there. Here's the

link:<br><br><a href=http://www.alanlittle.org/yoga/MysoreDiary.html

target=new>http://www.alanlittle.org/yoga/MysoreDiary.html</a><br><br>He has

also posted some seperate messages about his

experiences over on the EZBoard Ashtanga forum. Here's the

link for

that:<br><br><a href=http://pub42.ezboard.com/fyoga84291frm12

target=new>http://pub42.ezboard.com/fyoga84291frm12</a><br><br>There's also

another person who posted a few letters of

sorts on her experiences in Mysore on her yoga studio's

web site. Here's the link to

those:<br><br><a href=http://www.ashtangayogadc.com/newsletter.html

target=new>http://www.ashtangayogadc.com/newsletter.html</a><br><br>As for your

questions, yes, in Mysore, you are

basically advanced through the different series one posture

at a time, as you are able, according to the

evaluation and judgement of the teachers, guruji and

sharath. Prior to going, Alan wasn't able to do Marichy D

(I think that's where he was at). Now he has worked

up to Supta Pad. and maybe more.<br><br>I think he

answers most of the rest of your questions in his diary.

Happy reading.

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