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Here's a translation of a "Sanskrit Chant" from

the Jivamukti


Brahma<br>Guru Vishnu<br>Guru Devo

Maheshwara<br>Guru Sak Shat<br>Param Brahma<br>Tash Mayi Shri

Guruvay Namaha<br>Tash Mayi Shri Guruvay Namaha

<br><br>Our creation is that Guru,<br>The duration of our

lives is that Guru,<br>Our trials and the death of the

body is that Guru, <br>There is a Guru that is near

by,<br>And a Guru that is beyond the beyond. <br>I offer all

of my efforts to the Guru...

<br>=================================================<br><br>Chock full of lies.

Wonder what else they say to

mislead the public. Hmmm.<br><br>I've also witnessed many

Yoga centers use the word 'chant' as a secular word.

Truth is, they are pushing religious prayer and dharma

[aka Dogma]. Not that there is anything wrong with it

when done openly, but their sneaky attempts at

proselytization contradict the very truth they try to propagate.

<br><br>Deceipt at it's highest form.

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>Chock full of lies.

<br>>Deceipt....<br><br>I am familiar with that mantra and take it to mean

the total opposite of what you seem to attribute to

it’s meaning. Also it is a very old mantra that

extends far beyond Jivamukiti or anyone else’s

appropriation.<br><br>This mantra is a meditation on where one finds their

guru, or teacher. and what we learn from that teacher.

The subtext of this mantra points out that your

teachers are everywhere you look rather than in just one

person.<br><br><br><br>Guru Brahma<br>-what we learn from being

born<br><br>Guru Vishnu<br>-what we learn as we live our

lives<br><br>Guru Devo Maheshwara<br>-what we learn from sickness

and death<br><br>Guru Sak Shat<br>-what we learn from

those around us<br><br>Param Brahma<br>-what we learn

from the realization that there is infinite knowlege

and we cannot begin to grasp it all.<br><br>Tash Mayi

Shri Guruvay Namaha<br>-a dedication of efforts to all

of the teachers listed above.<br><br><br><br>All in

all, it seems to be rather anti-dogma.

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""You are either misled, misleading, naive,

misinformed or plain untruthful. ""<br><br>tiber? kinda

f@@@'g doubt it. he's consistently been one of the more

even keeled, informed and helpful people who post

here. <br><br>maybe it would be helpful for you to post

your version of the "truthful" interpretation of this


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first of all jivamukti is not using that chant in

a "sneaky" manner. they're pretty open about their

dogmatism. if you don't like what they are preaching you can

walk out. secondly how many of you forget that

jivamukti sparked your interest in yoga in the first place.

granted they aren't perfect and i'm not really happy with

the latest events but when you look at the

contribution they've made to yoga in the west it is kind of

amazing. i'm sure eddie stern is a great teacher but i bet

half his students started at jivamukti. they'd never

have made it to eddie's door without jivamukti. who

cares if traffic only goes in one direction. at least

it is going. someone has got to start the car and

jivamukti has done that for many. they also get so much

criticism for starting their own style. how many other

studios haven't. why aren't people dogging OM Yoga. it's

a nice studio but it is basically altered ashtanga.

why this obsession with jivamukti. and why so much

hatred. there's a lot of things westerners just don't

know about the yoga system which is vast and jivamukti

does educate their students. they do get you thinking

about yoga beyond asana and its physical aspects. and

who cares if the jivamukti style dies with sharon and

david? what about anusara yoga, om yoga, power yoga,

etc. etc.? something will linger from all of these

actually. the last one with all the toys doesn't

necessarily win.

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Yes it is true that many have been introduced to

yoga through Jivamukti. However everything Jivamukti

does is sneaky. The reason why this message board is

critical of them is they always said they were an Ashtanga

school. Even when Pattabhi Jois first came to NY and

taught a workshop there, both Sharon and David told him

it was an Ashtanga school. That is the reason for

the criticism. OM yoga is what it is. If you think it

has some Ashtanga influence, it probably does, and it

also has other influences like Iyengar and many more.

<br>Now as far as the alleged "spiritual teachings" at

Jivamukti. The teaching there is how not to be a human being

and not be spiritual. All the talk, talk, talk, is

never followed by either Sharon or David. This everyone

knows from their actions. The teachers there are nice

people but how confusing to them and to the students

when those two clowns talk about topics of divine

happiness when they constantly cause pain. <br>Do yourself

a favor,clk0893, and look beyond the purple walls,

the statues, and Sharon and David's Indian dress up

and look at the activities. Spirituality is not

spoken, it is lived.

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