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RE: ashtanga yoga Just when you thought...

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<<Come on guys! Surely there's stuff to share, among those of us

who still check in, hoping for something educational or funny or

provocative. Something, in any case! Here's my two bits:>>




I just joined this group a couple of months back, and have to say that it

has been quite sparse on information (I'd join in more but as a beginner my

insights are few). So I couldn't agree more -- people may htink their

opinions and insights are boring and typical, but I (and probably many more)

do not. Through this group I accessed a couple of Mysore diaries (especially

Alan Little's) and also the EZBoard group and found so much help there,

especially regarding the aches and pains in my joints which can be quite

worrying to a beginner.


I have taken to keeping a journal about my practice, and will (when time

permits) get around ot posting it on my website (which is in a sad state of

neglect, and has no yoga content at present) -- not because I htink my own

practice is fascinating, but because I forget my own flashes of insight as I

practice from one day to the next, and have found that other people's

insights can also boost my own practice. A few simple words can make all the



I live in Scotland, and have to travel 3 hrs round trip from Kilmarnock to

Edinburgh to get to Ashtanga classes, so it's a once-a-week thing for me

(plus almost daily self-practice). I'm just buliding up my practice daily,

and have reached the Marichyasana stage, which keeps me entertained with my

tight hips, back and knees :-)


I'm also thrilled to be going ot a Richard Freeman weekend seminar at the

Yoga Centre, Edinburgh, in July. I used Richard's video to guide me through

practice after learnign the standing postures, and am really looking forward

to meeting the man in person and learning from him. Anyoen else from

Scotland on this list?


On the Om t-shirt question, I personally didn't find it offensive. It was a

small and subtle advert for a product which some group users might wish to

buy, and given the low level of posting on this group couldn't exactly be

condemned for taking up bandwidth. I wouldn't like ot see any group I'm on

being bombarded by adverts, but don't mind being kept informed about

relevant products if doen in a subtle fashion (and especially if doen by

group contributors to support their yoga-based lifestyles). MHO only, feel

free to disagree.


I would be interested in hearing from anyone who had (and hopefully has

worked through) knee problems (or any other severe joint problems). My own

knees are kind of tricky (one has had 2 cartilage ops, several years ago)and

I am just trying to sort out the fine line between 'opening' and injury. And

before I get the usual response, I know htere are some threads in the

archives, I've read them. But new members join all the itme and might have

something valuable to add.


This group is what we make it.


Keep safe,



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>From what I've seen of your postings thus far, you seem to have

a lot of insight and goodstuff to share with the group.


It's really inspiring for me to hear about people who do not live in

places where ashtanga is quite readily available to those who

seek it out (I'm blessed to live in New York City) adhere to the



I'm afraid I have nothing to share about joint pain- except a

reminder to practice ahimsa (non-violence) to yourself, explore

your limits and limitations and respect them. All part of the

learning process...


As for your knees: be VERY careful with them. Better for the

journey to last a long time than to be forced ashore early in the

practice. Translation: when it comes to knees, no such thing as

openings- ANY pain is bad pain and should be treated as such.

If you want a lifetime practice, best to allow things to unfold on

their own.


As for Freeman's visit to Edinburgh, you're in for such a treat!!

(I'm very curious though: his Yoga Workshop web site does not

list any international travel- how did you find out about the

workshop?!?). Freeman is incredible, and nothing I can say can

prepare you for his wit, depth and insight.


Best, Tina.

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<<As for your knees: be VERY careful with them. Better for the

journey to last a long time than to be forced ashore early in the

practice. Translation: when it comes to knees, no such thing as

openings- ANY pain is bad pain and should be treated as such.

If you want a lifetime practice, best to allow things to unfold on

their own.>>


I think I know what they mean as far as the difference between openings and

injury goes, I just have difficulty when it comes to my judgement. There's

actually no pain in my left knee (which is the one that hasn't had the

cartilage op) but a strange feeling and a big click when I am in Janu

Shirshasana B. It's unpleasant but never painful.


<<As for Freeman's visit to Edinburgh, you're in for such a treat!!

(I'm very curious though: his Yoga Workshop web site does not

list any international travel- how did you find out about the

workshop?!?). Freeman is incredible, and nothing I can say can

prepare you for his wit, depth and insight. >>


It was advertised on the Yoga Centre, Edinburgh, website at






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