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Peace between Brothers

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Beloved Brother,


Brother in India, in Pakistan, beloved Brothers in Kashmir and all

over the rest of the world.


I really don't know if you call yourself a Hindi, Moslem, Christ,

Jew, Buddhist or anything else. I don't care about that. What I want

you to know, is:

You are part of God, as everybody else is part of God. No Matter

which religion, thoughts, believes, gender, nationality, morality,

sins, lies or any other faults.

Everybody is part of it, and in everybody there is a living part of

God. In every living being, no matter if it is human, an animal or a

plant. If you kill animals and

plants for the reason of living, of surviving, of eating, it is

o.k. – it is meant to be so, just now, just on this planet.


If you kill each other for reasons like hate, being an enemy,

whatever the reason may be, remember, you kill a part of god. If you

are ruining this planet, you are

ruining the one planet, which was meant to be and become paradise.

There is no other paradise then earth. God will forgive you anyway,

but can you forgive yourself? Killing your beloved brother?


Brother, know well, in everybody of us is the same "I". In silence,

there is no difference between this living "I". So you are only

going to kill another instance of

yourself. If there is no silence, there are plenty of thoughts, and

this thoughts can be contradictory in each of you, it can be

contradictory even in yourself – did you

have the same thoughts and truths 10 years ago? So why killing just

for some believes?


If you kill your brother cause he killed someone you loved

yesterday, his son will comeback tomorrow killing you. And you son

will go on, and this will only stop if

there is someone in the future who says "STOP! IT IS ENOUGH – I

FORGIVE YOU !!!". Why not start NOW? Why not YOU being this one,

which starts to

forgive and forget ? Maybe cause of this, tomorrow your son will sit

with your enemies son eating cookies and have a good laugh, how

stupid you where.

Did you totally misunderstand religion?


Did you totally misunderstand the great teachings which came from

Mohammed, Krishna, Jesus, Moses, Buddha and all the others?

Maybe you follow one special Prophet, Messenger, Founder, Wise-One.

But all of them told the same. There is no difference in their

speaking, it happened just in

different cultures and different times for different kind of people

and their minds and ability to understand. But all of them talked

about the same God. The same

Existence, the same Universe, the same humans, the same

Spirituality, the same LOVE, the same heaven, the same paradise, the

same GOD!

All of them could see, there is ONLY ONE GOD and there IS ONLY GOD

and nothing exists outside of him. This God owns consciousness –

even YOUR

consciousness – owns thoughts – all thoughts – even YOUR thoughts,

owns all the bodies, even YOUR body, owns the he whole universe,


He is the creator and the creation. He existed before there was a

big-bang (in HIM) and he will go on existing even if this universe,

which is just (a part of) HIM

will eventually go to end.


Beloved Brother in India, did you never realize, that Mohammed is

just another incarnation of Vishnu, like Krishna, was before, like

Buddha was before, like even

Jesus was before? Don't you know that Islamic people are just the

same, believing in THE SAME GOD you believe? There is no God but

Brahma, and if you

call him Brahma or Allah, what's the difference? He does not care

about names, nor does he have a name. Didn't you know, that "Allah"

in the original language

just means: "God" ? So, how can there be a difference? And Islamic

people are just like you - very much devoted to God, which is also

YOUR God! They are



Beloved Brother in Pakistan, in every Islamic country. Didn't you

ever realize, that Allah, which is the one God, is the only God?

There is no other God then

Allah, even others may call him Brahma, Shiva or Vishnu. Allah does

not care about names. He forgives. Nothing exists outside of Allah.

Even your brother is part

of Allah. Didn't you know, that all the Prophets spoke about the

same God? Not only Mohammed, but Jesus, Krishna, Buddha, Moses too?

They all found

Allah, and they spoke about Allah. All this teaching came in times,

where people believed there are many Gods. And the message of all

the prophets was the

same: There is only one God. Why don't you believe in your own

religion? There is only one God – no matter which name you give him!

And this God is A GOD

OF LOVE !!! And this God is full of power, he is almighty. He would

NEVER allow to exist ANYONE outside of him. He would never allow

anyone to exist, if

there would not be, even deep inside one remaining silent part,

which is JUST LOVE !!! Didn't you ever realize, that already the

whole world is Islamic – in the

essence of it ?? So: Stop killing your brother, hug them instead.

Deep inside of them is the same love for god, the same devotion and

the same little child which is

full of fear. Hug this child, forgive them, and you will be forgiven.


Beloved Brother in the United States. Beloved Brother in the White

House! It is beautiful how far you developed. You reached a kind of

freedom and

independence, never anyone reached before. But, did you oversee,

that now people are depended on YOU? There are still many brothers

which live in a different

culture, different time with different values of life. Your values

of life are honestly good, but they are not the only possible values

of life. This world is not created to

be all the same in every corner. It is so beautiful to have

different people, different nations, religions, cultures, believes.

In this times you are almost responsible for

what happens in EVERY part of the world. You wanted this role, now

be a wise man. Whatever you do and whatever you say outside of the

United States, do

and say it in the consciousness of a human being, of a wise member

of the whole world, of another part of god who is speaking to his

brother. Outside of the

United States nobody cares about the United States. And this has to

be so. They have the same right to care about their country, their

believes, their culture, then

you have. There is nothing wrong in that. If you want to rule the

world, do it as a King Salomon, not as a Caesar. Otherwise your rule

could be over even



Beloved Brother in Israel. Your wounds are still deep. And still you

see enemies all around you. This makes you alert, but also, out of

this alertness many

misunderstand happens. Maybe sometimes you will overhear if there is

a voice of love, because you still think the whole world (around

you) hates you? Did you

forget, that you came home to the world of your brothers? They

stayed there while you where away. They too are the sons of Abraham.

Isn't it time to make

peace? You are a country of 6 Million people, while they grew to

almost one milliard – and they gave you home, rest, country. Still,

after 2000 years. Which other

culture can talk about such a great gift? Why not feel as a guest

first? Why not say "Thank you" to them? Isn't it time TO REALLY COME


Beloved Buddhist Brother and all others: May we pray in silence for

peace in the world and may ALL beings be happy. May we forgive other

beings for their

faults, as God is forgiving us for our faults. For in the Absolute

there are no faults and God is all that is.



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