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** yo-shak...

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well... you really ought not to encourage me. FBL has been a

little on a tear lately and possibly may have crossed the line she

treads ever so carefully upon...


I do not understand what moves people (yogini shakti you are

not the only one but you definitely qualify...) to give endless

advise about a subject matter they cannot even discuss without

"quoting scripture" and refuse to answer basic questions about

their credentials for giving ashtanga advise.


If you were given permission to teach by Guruji in 1985 (17 years

ago) and but you no longer do ashtanga yourself or teach the

correct method - which you simply cannot do if you don't go to

Mysore regularly and study with your own teacher, then your

advise should be taken with a grain of salt or at least with this

information in mind - just be straight with us.


What also makes me confused is this idea some people have

that to be a yogi, you have to adopt some kind of code of

behaviour commonly referred to by the pretentious phoney-

baloneys as "YOGIC" (and gets wielded as a weapon when

someone says something they don't like "You are not being

YOGIC") and adopt some kind of "imported from

India"appearance and an "Imported from India" name and start

pretending that life doesn't affect you because you have choosen

to be above us all and you have read the Hatha Yoga Pradipika

and maybe the yoga sutra of Patanjali... Yoga doesn't make you

GOD, it makes you a person, and there are all kinds of people

who do yoga.


For example, someone like myself, (kind of trashy, outspoken,

opinionated, obnoxious, filthy-dirty minded, rude and fearless)

happens to be a disciplined yoga student with one hell of a

dedicated practice. So why all this phoney crap? All this "I have

arrived and I am here to impart my wisdom upon you" crap. I am

not impressed at all and I feel like protecting all the beginners

from this kind of crap as well.


Here are some principals to a successful yoga experience:


1. NEVER give a yoga teacher money to teach you if you can give

their teacher money to teach you instead.


2. Never trust a "yoga teacher" who doesn't have a yoga teacher

of their own "A teacher without a teacher takes lessons from a

fool" It is a spiritual practice. Honesty is a primary principal.

There is no place for EGO or FALSE HUMILITY. (ps - for those

who are curious, false humility is well represented in yogini

shakti's recent post where she tells us all how she has adopted

an attitude of... blah blah blah.)


3. Never trust a teacher who answers questions with quotes

from the yoga sutras or any mysterious source that they cannot

or will not reveal. Especially if it makes you feel dumb.


4. This one is hard, but be really, really careful before you trust a

Westerner who has changed their name to something "Indian/

Sanskrit" sounding. Ask them why they changed their name.

Giving up one's name is a very very serious matter in Hindu

culture and in the Vedic Tradition and is not something that you

do for yourself. Thats just gross, OK? Unless of course the

person has a mental illness of some kind, in which case it's



5. If they seem phoney to you, they ARE! Don't give them your



Bye and thank you for not deleting my posts.





ashtangayoga, "tinazym" <tinazym@h...> wrote:

> Thank you, FBL.


> For expressing a lot of what I've been feeling about certain

> sanctimonious newbies who have inundated the board


> I am with you all the way.


> Now, if only aforementioned yoginis would just ease off and


> back into the blessed obscurity from which they've come.....


> TZ

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