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RE: ashtanga yoga ** yo-shak...

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I appreciate your honest opinions. I too, have many of the attributes that

you describe for yourself (are you an Aries by any chance?) I have only

been doing Ashtanga for 18 months now and claim to know nothing and willing

to learn all I can. I am very, very, very, fortunate to have an outstanding

teacher who's mentor is Guruji himself. He teaches me everything I need to

know and pushes me only as far as I can go. Always encouraging and never,

ever discouraging. He pushes me to go to all the workshops that i can from

the greats who have taught him and I fully agree with your sentiment about

learning from your teacher's teacher.

I, too, agree that alot of people do pretend that they are "someone other

then who they are," and i have met many of them along the way. I truly

enjoy and have become friends with the ones that love Ashtanga and "quietly"

"walk the walk." They are my inspirations.

Have a great day.



> funkybadlady [sMTP:no_reply]

> Thursday, July 18, 2002 4:24 AM

> ashtanga yoga

> ashtanga yoga Re: ** yo-shak...


> well... you really ought not to encourage me. FBL has been a

> little on a tear lately and possibly may have crossed the line she

> treads ever so carefully upon...


> I do not understand what moves people (yogini shakti you are

> not the only one but you definitely qualify...) to give endless

> advise about a subject matter they cannot even discuss without

> "quoting scripture" and refuse to answer basic questions about

> their credentials for giving ashtanga advise.


> If you were given permission to teach by Guruji in 1985 (17 years

> ago) and but you no longer do ashtanga yourself or teach the

> correct method - which you simply cannot do if you don't go to

> Mysore regularly and study with your own teacher, then your

> advise should be taken with a grain of salt or at least with this

> information in mind - just be straight with us.


> What also makes me confused is this idea some people have

> that to be a yogi, you have to adopt some kind of code of

> behaviour commonly referred to by the pretentious phoney-

> baloneys as "YOGIC" (and gets wielded as a weapon when

> someone says something they don't like "You are not being

> YOGIC") and adopt some kind of "imported from

> India"appearance and an "Imported from India" name and start

> pretending that life doesn't affect you because you have choosen

> to be above us all and you have read the Hatha Yoga Pradipika

> and maybe the yoga sutra of Patanjali... Yoga doesn't make you

> GOD, it makes you a person, and there are all kinds of people

> who do yoga.


> For example, someone like myself, (kind of trashy, outspoken,

> opinionated, obnoxious, filthy-dirty minded, rude and fearless)

> happens to be a disciplined yoga student with one hell of a

> dedicated practice. So why all this phoney crap? All this "I have

> arrived and I am here to impart my wisdom upon you" crap. I am

> not impressed at all and I feel like protecting all the beginners

> from this kind of crap as well.


> Here are some principals to a successful yoga experience:


> 1. NEVER give a yoga teacher money to teach you if you can give

> their teacher money to teach you instead.


> 2. Never trust a "yoga teacher" who doesn't have a yoga teacher

> of their own "A teacher without a teacher takes lessons from a

> fool" It is a spiritual practice. Honesty is a primary principal.

> There is no place for EGO or FALSE HUMILITY. (ps - for those

> who are curious, false humility is well represented in yogini

> shakti's recent post where she tells us all how she has adopted

> an attitude of... blah blah blah.)


> 3. Never trust a teacher who answers questions with quotes

> from the yoga sutras or any mysterious source that they cannot

> or will not reveal. Especially if it makes you feel dumb.


> 4. This one is hard, but be really, really careful before you trust a

> Westerner who has changed their name to something "Indian/

> Sanskrit" sounding. Ask them why they changed their name.

> Giving up one's name is a very very serious matter in Hindu

> culture and in the Vedic Tradition and is not something that you

> do for yourself. Thats just gross, OK? Unless of course the

> person has a mental illness of some kind, in which case it's

> pathetic.


> 5. If they seem phoney to you, they ARE! Don't give them your

> money.


> Bye and thank you for not deleting my posts.





> ashtangayoga, "tinazym" <tinazym@h...> wrote:

> > Thank you, FBL.

> >

> > For expressing a lot of what I've been feeling about certain

> > sanctimonious newbies who have inundated the board

> recently.

> > I am with you all the way.

> >

> > Now, if only aforementioned yoginis would just ease off and

> fade

> > back into the blessed obscurity from which they've come.....

> >

> > TZ




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