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ashtanga yoga Setting up for cleansing your system

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Discovering Ayerveda has been one of the most stunning, corner-

turning moments of my life: it ranks alongside discovering ashtanga.

When I was in India last year I went to an Ayervedic hospital where

they diagnosed my constitution (vata with kapha) and having that

knowledge and understanding has improved my life management HUGELY.

I now know which foods suit me and which don't, how to plan exercise

into my day, and, oh loads more. It really is a most amazing

system - it all makes so much SENSE.

As well as the Frawley I would recommend THE AYERVEDIC COOKBOOK by

Morningstar (ISBN 0-914955-06-3) (not so much a cookbook as a food

guide, with a brilliant Appendix which lists appropriate foods for

each) constitution and also Dr Robert Svoboda's 'Prakruti - Your

Ayervedic Constitution'. Both are essential bibles, along with the



You will learn that there are three constitutions and we all have a

bit of each - it is a question of proportions and percentages. No-

one is an exect balance of all three, and most people, like me, have

one dominant and one lesser. Also, your age affects things, with

children being more one thing and changing through your life. Also

the seasons can bring a different emphasis. The object is to reduce

excesses of your primary and secondary constitution - all explained

very well in the Cookbook. It's not just about food - excercise,

types of exercise and when in the day you exercise are all affected

by your constitution. What amazed me was how it just confirmed

things that I had already discovered the hard way, by trial and



Oh, and apples do not suit me - which is one reason I flared at the

blind recommendation earlier in this discussion that people should

try only eating apples for 2/3 days!






ashtangayoga, drdaryl <no_reply> wrote:

> If you are really into this (though I don't advocate it) then the


> written resource (I have gone through Vasant Lad, David Frawley,

> Kaviratna P. Sharma, etc. and they are all not good, thick but not

> good) would be "An Easy Guide to Ayurveda", lifestyle routines,


> selection, determining the basic mind-body constitution, and

> procedures and practices to restore and maintain inner balance. The

> appendix has information on the use of gemstones and mantras


> to ancient traditions. This book written by Roy Eugene Davis


> disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda and former presiding minister of

> Self-Realization Fellowship Phoenix Temple) is only $4.95.


> Cheers!



> ashtangayoga, ricardo131 <no_reply> wrote:

> > ashtangayoga, "palakkad_pdeep" <palakkad_pdeep>

> > wrote:

> > > Some internet links which may answer ur questions

> > >

> > >

> > > http://www.indianfoodsco.com/Ayurveda/Doshas.htm

> > /terms/>.

> >

> > Hi Palakkad,

> > I think that just about anyone can glean some great


> > from the science of Ayurveda. Even someone like myself who does


> > consume any milk (or other dairy products), seeds, nuts, oils,


> > butter, can find healthful ideas here and there. For instance I


> > my choices of grains , fruits , herbs and spices based on the


> > that I am a Pitta type. I am looking forward to learning about

> > aromatherapy for my body type. Its interesting stuff !!

> > Peace,

> > Ricardo

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