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Margee wrote [[You will find in under the site of www.power-


** Excellent! Thank you.


[[i have finally come to the decision that I am going to go back to

running ]]

** Good for you!


[[i love to run,]]

** As do I. Meditation & running are virtually the same to me. The

sense of peace, expansion & connectedness I get from meditation is

similar to that when I run.


[[.. I have to somehow incorporate the two now and I guess that is my

new challenge.]]

** My only other suggestion would be: hold the poses for longer. I

will deliberately stay in a pose for upwards of 3 minutes. While

there, breathing & mindfulness are my primary focus.


[[i went for a run yesterday with my 11 year old ]]

** This sounds heavenly. Children are a joy who should be treasured.

Spending time with your son, doing what he enjoys, sharing what you

enjoy .. this is pure bliss.


[[if you don't finish, so what!]]

** My sentiments exactly. My goal is to go, enjoy & finish! :D


[[This has been a very rough year for everyone, everywhere and with

the anniversary of September 11th ]]

** A Sivananda Ashram recently opened in TN, but 3-hours from were I

live in GA. I intend to be there for the weekend. I envision a time

of renewal.


Om Asato Ma Sat Gamaya

Tamaso Ma Jyotir Gamaya

Mrityor Maamritam Gamaya.


"Om - Lead me from the unreal to the Real.

>From darkness into Light.

>From mortality to Immortality."


Om Shanti ...


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