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Modifies Primary Series- THIS IS SO WRONG!!

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Tonya, I'm not sure who you're addressing, and I understand that

you are eager to share the practice and enthusiastic... but how

could you possibly take it upon yourself to transmit the series via

a bulletin board?!?


I am not even going to address a) the plethora of errors, both

grammatical and, b) more painfully, the errors in what you write

("12. Vrksasana", aka tree pose in the Series?!? I think not. That

would be "Ardha Badha Padmottanasana"; following that is

UTKatasana, not utanasana...), finally c) the fact that your

credentials (certified by Larry Schultz's "It's Yoga", which is not

highly reputed in the ashtanga community, to say the least, to

begin with) do not put you in a position to transmit the Practice

with any authority, when many whose practice has been

well-respected and revered are reluctant to do so.


I am writing this post more for all you newbies out there. Get

thee-selves to a teacher, who has been authorized by Guruji

(because ONLY Pattabhi Jois can certify people to transmit the

practice. You can take workshops and teacher trainings with

others till you're blue in the face, but only the man can give you

the blessing to teach. This is not to say you should not teach;

however it IS to say you should remain humble and always look

to learn and study with the best you can find. The practice is a

beautiful thing, but it should be treated- and approached- with

the respect it deserves.


These are my thoughts; sorry for the extravagantly long post. For

the correct method, please check out


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Sorry you got so angry. I posting to give someone who is begining a

place to start, many books offer the full series which is

overwhelming to beginners. If you choose not to read what I

wrote...MODIFIED PRIMARY SERIES, then do not tell me I am not telling

people about the traditional practice. I am fully aware of the

traditional full primary series. Many people can and do start a

legitimate practice from a book and work by modifying. Granted there

were gramatical errors, I was typing to post on a message borad not

wriring a one million dollar novel. If you don't like the Modified

Primary Series, I venture to advise you not to practice nor to teach


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