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Don't make an asana out of yourself

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Hello all, and namaste!

I just joined this group and am amazed at the discussion . . . I own a small

yoga studio where we teach many styles, including "Ashtanga/Vinyasa Flow Yoga"

which is, what I believe you are all discussing when you say "Ashtanga" yoga . .

(but as folks have said here, "Ashtanga" is really a misnomer, being the name

for the entire eight-limbed path of yoga . . . seven limbs of which have

nothing to do with asana, the primary series, or P. Jois).

I just wanted to remind you all of something . .. It's not really about the

asanas . . . The asanas are a tool to bring you to a higher level . . . .

nothing more. And, in fact, hatha yoga (any yoga involving movement) was

developed with the specific goal of preparing and training the body and the mind

for meditation. I was taught that the goal of yoga was to go inward, allow the

spirit to emerge, and become one's own teacher. The poses you do and the order

you do them in, I believe, is practically irrelevant. As long as your students

are tuning into their breath and slowly opening their minds to a new way of

thinking, they are doing yoga, and you have done your job as a teacher.

I know that yoga has changed dramatically since its creation over 5,000 years

ago . . . would you say that the yoga done by the ancients was not proper or

correct? Of course not. Also, there have been many yogis (Gandhi, for example)

who have never practiced asana.

Do what feels good to you and your students, and you're doing the right thing .

.. . whether it's "pure" or not . . . once you open the door, the light starts to

come pouring in!










"First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do."


--Epictetus, Greek philosopher



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Brianna wrote [[i just wanted to remind you all of something. It's

not really about the asanas. The asanas are a tool to bring you to a

higher level .. nothing more.]]

** There are some here who do not need to be reminded of this.

Hopefully, your gentle note will fall on ears ready to hear.


Penche wrote [[Judging by the website for your school [snip] It looks

like the teachers there should be working on their own practices ..]]

** Yes .. "judging" it is. I too visited Brianna's site. I could

not tell from the photos who was a good teacher or not.


Penche again [[Why throw in the word "ashtanga" when you are really

teaching a vinayas a flow class.]]

** From Brianna's initial post, I would assume this is because they

are teaching the other seven limbs.


Om Shanti ...

Yogini Shakti

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