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I am going to list the asanas in thier sanskrit names and offer a

general english description. Please consult a book when working from

home to be sure you are safely executing postures. Always be aware

that as a form of physical activity, there are risks associated with

the practice of yoga. Work your miminum edge, and always follow your



Please modify all postures to your level. The integrity is to

maintain length in the spine, and breathe. Take your hands to your

shins or ankles where feet or big toes are offered. There is a

difference between pain and sensation.


Do postures that are one side oriented on both sides. Traditionally

right is done first. Vinayasas are optional. You can step up your

practice by taking vinyasas between sides as is traditionally

practiced. Hold postures 5-8 breaths, paying atention to what your

body is telling you. Breath should remain smooth and equally metered.


Work to employee Ujjayai breathing throughout the practice. Ity

involves a slight constriction in the back of the throat. Inhale and

exhale through the nose. There is an audible sound, like Darth

Vadar. Try saying "haaaa", pallat is lifted, mouth open. Then

whisper "haaa", close your mouth in the middle of your "haaa", that

should be the breath. If your throat gets sore, your working to

hard, don't worry, it will come. You can start by simply breathing

through the nose. Always work to keep inhalations and exhalations

equal. All movement of breath is in the chest, the abdominals are

engaed with the bandhas


Bandhas: Mulabandha is a slight contration or uplifting of the pelvid

floor. For women it is the muscle above the cervix and for men it is

the perineum. At forst there is a fross contraction, work to feel a

slight lift, adding support and lightness to the abdomonals.

Uddhyana Bandha is in the motion of bringing the navel in and up

toward the spine. Jalandara bandha is a gentle dropping on the chin,

with the chest lifts to meet it. This one is used less, try

practicing it in Dandasana.


Depending on the intensity of your practice start with either 3 or 5

A and B Sun Salutations to warm up the body.


1. Padangusthasana - standing forward bend, peace fingers take big

toes. Drishti: nose


2. Padahastasana - standing forward bend, hands flat under feet, toes

to wrists, palm touching sole of foot. Drishti: nose


3. Utthita Trikonasana - exdended triangle drishti: thumb of top hand


4. Parivritta Trikonasa - revolved triagle drishti: thumb


5. Utthita Parsvakonasana - extended side angle (hand to floor next

to foot, or elbow to knee to modify) drishti: palm of top hand


6. Parvritta Pasvakonasana - revolved side angle posture (modify by

stacking hands in namaste, bring r or l elbow to outside of opposite

knee) drishti: sky


7. Prasarita Padottanasa A - wide stance standing forward bend, palms

flat on mat drishti: nose


8. Prasarita Padottanasana B - same as A, hands on hips shoulder

blades together like you are holding a beach ball with the elbows

Drishti: nose


9. Prasarita Padottanasa C- same, fingers interlaced, bring hands up

over head and eventually down to the floor Drishti: nose


10. Prasarita Padottansana D - same, take big toes with peace

fingers, elbows move away from one another dridhti: nose


11. Parsvottansa - hands in reverse namaste (behinf back) or taking

opposite elbows Drishti: toes


12.Vrksasana - tree




13. Uttansana - legs bent, arms overhead




14. Virabhadrasana A - Warrior A, arms over head Drishti: thumbs


15. Virabhadrasana B - Warrior B arms in "T", drishti: middle finger

of front hand




16. Dandasana - seated, legs extended and active, feet flexed, palms

flat to support upright spine. (Good for bandha work) Drishti: nose


17. Paschimottanasa A - seated forward bend Drishti: nose


18. Paschimottanasa B - deeper forward bend, work toward taking hands

around feet, tumbs at base of big toes...or work A again. Drishti:



19. Purvottansana - legs straight, toes down, hips lifted. Palms

flat fingers face forward, drop head back slightly Drishti: 3rd eye




20. Ardha Baddha Padma Paschimottansana - Half bound lotus seated

forward bend... extended foot flexed. (mind your extended foot in

all seated postures...it is active) Drishti: nose




21. Triang Mukhaikapda Paschimottanasa - "hurdlers stretch", bend

legs top of foot is flat on the mat, knees in toward each other

drishti: toes




22. Janu Sirsasana A - "seated tree" drishti:toes




23. Janu Sirsasana B - sitting on heel, heel on perineum

(mulabandha!) Drishti: toes




24. Marichyasana A - one leg bent, seated forward bend. As a

beginner simplty take a forward bend, work to bind later (with a

teacher) Drishti: toes




25. Marichyasana C - one leg bent, spinal twist. Originate the twist

from the base of the spine, working one vertebrae at a time. Finish

the twist with your gaze, taking it around back. Beginners place

same side palm flat on the mat behind your hip to maintain upright

posture, take opposite elbow to the knee to create the twist. Do not

collapse the lower back. Work to bind later Drishti: far to side




26. Navasana - boat Work the bandhas here, do not collapse in the

lower back, balance on the sit bones. Cross ankles, knees in toward

chest, palms flat next to hips. Pick your self up, repeat a few

times. Drishti: toes




27. Baddha Konasana A - "butterfly" stay seated upright, the lowering

of the knees originates in the opening of the hips and groin Drishti:

nose B: extend forward, leading with heart, chin toward floor




28. Upavistha Konasana A - seated wide angle (working toward hands

arounf feet, thumbs to bases of the big toes)Drishti: 3rd eye


29. Upavistha Konasana B - wide angle, balancing on sit bones (same

hands as A) drishti: 3rd eye




30. Supta Konasana A - reclined wide angle posture, peace fingers

take big toes Drishti:nose (don't look to the side, it will stress

the neck...persons with neck injuries please eliminate this posture)


31. Supta Konasana B - rock up, balance on sit bones from A(1 breath)


32. Supta Konasana C - then roll forward GENTLY setting heels on the

floor from B(also 1 breath)




(33 - 35 right side 1st then repeat for the left)


33. Supta Padangusthasana A - reclined big toe posture. Extended

legs hip stays grounded Drishti: toes


34. Supta Padagusthasa B - leg opens far to the side (I like straps

in this posture until hamstring is flexible enough to allow the peace

fingers to take the big toe with leg straight) Drishti: far over

opposite shoulder


35. Supta Padangusthasana C - both hand to foot, chin to shin, 1

breath Drishti: toes


36. Modified bridge - heels intoward sit bones, FEET PARALLEL. Palms

flat, lift hips. Interlace fingers under hips, walk up onto the

shoulders. Drishti: 3rd eye


37. Urdhva Danurasana - full back bend, please work with a teacher

before attempting this on your own. Feet are PARALLEL, knees in

toward each other, gaze is between hands.


38. Paschimottansa A, B or C - take your deepest forward bend,

release the low back. Counters back bending. Stay longer if it

suits you. Drishti: nose


39. Yoga Mudra: cross legged, or lotus/half lotus, straight posture

take opposite elbows, interlace fingers behind you, or work to bind.

Fold forward, leading with the chest. If fingers are interlaced,

work to bring the hand up toward the ceiling and then down to the

floor in front of you Drishti: 3rd eye


40. Padmasa - lotus or comfortable crossed legs, wrists to knees,

erect posture. Do pranayama of your choice. Drishti: nose 15-25



41. Uttpluthi: uprooting two ways: 1. take lotus, palms flat next to

hips, use upper body to lift , balance like a scale (some even call

this tolasana or the scale); 2. cross ankles, take knees into chest,

palms flat next to hips, lift up. You can use toes for additional

support. Either way, take 15-25 rapid, strong exhalations (still

through) the nose. Drishti: nose




42. savasana - corpse relaxation pose 10-20 minutes. Release breath

control, relax bandhas, surrender to gravity, don't follow your

thoughts, enjoy stillness in the mind.




Written by

Tonya R. Makowski

Certified Yoga Instructor





Reproductions are allowed when you use any or all of this, please

credit the author. (09/02)

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