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Noticeboard 20 fromPurple Valley Yoga Centre, Goa, India

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compliments of PURPLE VALLEY YOGA CENTRE, ANJUNA, GOA (www.yogagoa.com ) where

Ashtanga yoga enthusiasts and others gather to practise, learn, teach, chat and

relax when in India.



1. We are now back in Goa, busily getting the shala ready for opening on

November 4th for the new season. It’s great to be back in India. The weather is

glorious and the living is easy! There is a huge number of butterflies this

season, dancing in the air, and many tropical birds and flowers. It is very


At the shala, we are building new walls to reduce the impact of the afternoon

breeze, and a new palm leaf roof is being laid as we are still at risk from an

occasional post-monsoon shower. The workers are currently cleaning and painting

with enthusiasm, and with still one week to go everything is on schedule. With

Guruji currently in New York and not starting his classes in Mysore until

December or January, we are hoping for many visitors before Christmas. We are

also expecting a greater number of yoga beginners and Ashtanga newcomers, as

many people who follow other yoga styles seem keen to try Ashtanga in a relaxed

tropical location.


2. We have a mobile telephone number for anyone with enquiries about yoga or

how to find Purple Valley. Call us on (00 91) 98 22 133 977 – if you have

problems getting through please persevere, it is the right number. Unfortunately

voicemail is not available yet. We also have a landline number which is (00 91)

832 269 643. Please remember we are about 4 hours ahead of Europe and 8 or 10

hours ahead of the US.


3. We have a new page on the web site www.yogagoa.com called ‘Student’s

Gallery’ which is designed to hold mug shots, names and email addresses of

alumni students of Purple Valley, to help you keep in touch. So many of our

students come from such distant locations, and make such good friendships before

they return home or continue on their travels, that we thought it would be

useful to provide a way of reminding us and you of what people look like as well

as contact details. So, if you have already been to Purple Valley, please send

us a picture of yourself. No fancy poses necessary – the idea is to be as

identifiable as possible. Please send the image and comments about what you are

doing, and your email address to annie




For yoga accessories, news, information, books and clothing for yogis all round

the world, Purple Valley recommends The Yoga Shop. Go to www.theyogashop.co.uk

for all your yoga needs.



Ayervedic Massage training course in North Goa with masters of the art, Subuddha

and Sangeeta. Starts December 7th until December 17th. Learn the ancient craft

of Ayervedic massage in a relaxed tropical environment. Can be fitted in with

classes at Purple Valley for those who want to learn massage and do yoga. Email

Subuddha Sangeeta for details.



Yoga work/study position at TAYS - We would like to offer a work/study

position at Therapeutic Approach Yoga Studio. We are in need of an

individual with an interest in and an understanding in Yoga, and answering phone

calls, inputting computer data, etc. in exchange for free Yoga classes and/or

pay. Email Ther.A.Yoga Studio.



Yoga business for sale in San Diego, CA USA . Owner retiring into an ashram. Two

studios with a current student base of approximately 200-300 students, grossing

approximately $9,000.00/month. Asking price if through a broker will be

$150,000, negotiable if a broker is not used. For more info look at

www.astangayoga-sandiego.com or email info



As a nicer alternative to rubber sticky mats try John Scott’s specially designed

cotton Shiva Mats, now available in turquoise and pink as well as the original

black. Delivered anywhere in the world – details at www.shivas-mat.com or email




8 weeks teacher training program in Mysore, February-March 2003 with

Yogacharya V.Venkatesha and Hema. Apply in writing before 15th of November

2003 to atmavikasa, stating name, age, sex, nationality, yoga

experience, teaching experience, and your reasons for wanting to take part in

the program.



Indian Books on the Web: Our website contains a selected list of books on

India, by both Indian and Western authors. With sections on philosophy, fiction,

business, cooking etc.. it aims to give the best on each topic - saving time and

energy. We hope the website would be of interest and that it is helpful. We also

appreciate feedback on our website. http://www.geocities.com/saslekh



Thriving Yoga school in Australia seeks experienced, outgoing yet humble Power /

Ashtanga Vinyasa / Flow Yoga teacher willing to relocate to Australia. 1-2 year

sponsorship possible. Send resume to office Warmest regards and

Namaste, Rich at the Ashtanga Yoga Academy info



David Williams - Ashtanga Weekend Workshop at Purple Yoga Hawaii December 6-8,

2002-- A chance to study with one of the acknowledged masters of Ashtanga.

For more details visit www.purpleyoga.com Aloha, Cathy Louise, Purple Yoga




Proper Etiquette at the Yoga Studio and at the Gym All Spirit Fitness

Whether you're at the gym or the Yoga studio, one rude, inconsiderate person can

ruin things for everyone else. Make sure that you aren't the thoughtless,

annoying one - check out our etiquette tips!




Danny Paradise (dreamtiger ) is in Golden Buddha Beach, Thailand

for workshops from Jan 30-Feb 11, 2003 and Feb 24 to March 7, 2003 Danny says,

‘This workshop is on a pristine remote island with no cars. There are 30 private

houses on 11 Km of beach and one excellent restaurant at the retreat centre.

It's a completely serene and amazingly beautiful environment. Golden Buddha

Island is off the southwest coast of Thailand on the Andaman Sea, just south of

the Burmese border.’ Contact Ian Macdonald macdonaldreynell or Orla

Punch at yoga or if you are in the USA, contact Quinn Kearney at




Two week spiritual retreat in June and August, 2003 in Homer, Alaska. Six day

a week Ashtanga Yoga, vegetarian meals, community, meditation. Become mindful

in the most exquisite place imaginable. Email yogalaska



Michael Gannon - Brazil November 2-8: Sao Paolo, Brazil; November 15-17:

Buzios, Brazil. Contact astangimg to register. For Michael's full

workshop schedule, see http://www.yogistuff.com/classes.php.



Lino Miele's USA Tour Book early to secure your space. Nov 8-10: Seattle,

The Ashtanga Yoga School, www.yogaspirals.com Nov 12-17: San Francisco Bay

Area (Mountain View, CA), www.ashtanga.com/html/linoworkshop.html Nov 22-24:

Chicago, Moksha Yoga, Web www.mokshayoga.com, email info

Nov 24-27: Columbus, Ohio, It's Yoga, Web www.itsyogacolumbus.com.

See www.astanga.it/Page8/page8uk.html for full details of Lino's world tour.



I will move to Singapore for 1 year starting January 2003 and am interested in

getting information about Ashtanga Vinyasa classes in Singapore. Can anyone help

me, please? - Best Regards, Marjo marjo.farrell



We run yoga holidays in Northern India for all (luxury) Inclusive packages which

include 5 star deluxe accommodation and daily massages as well. Further info

can be found at www.dolphinacademy.com With warmth, Makhan Singh



A poem from Sri Swami Sivananda entitled I am not afraid of anything


Let the whole world oppose me,

Let all turn out as my enemies,

Let all my friends leave me.

Let me be put in the prison,

Let me be sent on lifelong exile,

Let me be burnt alive,

Let me die of hunger.

Let me be poisoned or crucified,

Let my body be cut into pieces,

Let people come to stab or cut my throat,

Let me remain without anybody to help me.

Let thunderbolt fall upon my head.

Let me be thrown into the sea.

Let me be trampled under the feet of an elephant,

Let me be rolled down from the summit of a mountain.


There is no fear in my heart: none.

I am immortal Soul, Sivoham, Sivoham !

I have powdered Death, and Maya and its effects.


from Swami Sivananda's book 'Onward, Forward, Godward', available for purchase

on line at http://www.sivananda.org/yogastore/



Anyone can rent the YOGAMOVES STUDIO which is available for a Christmas retreat

in SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO,USA. The studio is 1000sq ' with 20' ceilings. light

and warm for the winter. It is available for Dec 23- Jan 1. If interested

contact us at rimamiller Thanks.



Oxford Ashtanga Yoga Ian Macdonald has been coordinating regular monthly

workshops for the Oxford, UK area for many years. See the Oxford Timetable at

www.ashtanga.com/html/oxford.html for a list of workshops featuring John Scott,

Danny Paradise, and other well-regarded teachers. November 8-10: Gingi Lee &

Kristina Karitinos-Ireland.



Nancy Gilgoff - Astanga Yoga Adjustment Clinic in Bristol, Vermont USA

November 10-14: This is the first time Nancy is teaching this type of training

on the mainland. The workshop is open to yoga teachers or practitioners that

know the primary series and have had a daily practice for at least 2 years. Cost

will be $375 for the 5 days. Pre-registration required. Contact Christine for

more information by email choar.



Academy of Yoga, Grand Junction, Colorado is holding an American Sanskrit

Institute Course in Grand Junction, and also a Teacher Training Course. If you

have any inquiries, please contact us at threeyogis, or Academy of Yoga,

Grand Junction, Colorado, 81501, USA. Thank you! Namaste, Nicky Knoff.



Bula from Fiji: I have a retreat centre in Fiji called Stillpoint.....It is a

beautiful space for yoga and we also do bodywork and I aim to provide great food

for all out students and visitors. I make my own tempeh and unyeasted bread and

there are tons of coconuts and other fruits and veggies. It is my sanctuary. I

am here from March through to October doing yoga, Pilates and dance. Until I

moved to Fiji, my practice was in Maui for many years. I have been doing

bodywork for thirty years. My specialty is cranial work but I also do lomilomi,

deeptissue, meridian and polarity therapy. I studied with Dr. Stone in the 70's.

We have ocean and waterfall swimming as well as yacht sailing. Please ask

people to contact me for more info, Bonny Fish. fish



NEWSFLASH – from Yogacharya Taunay Valle (Brazil) taunay

Anatoly Zenchenko (Ukraine) is the new world yoga champion in the World

Yoga Sport Champions Gold Medals Have a look at

http://yogasport.yoganet.org/yogachampions.html for all details. Thank you,

Taunay Valle, President of Latin American Union of Yoga

(http://uly.yoganet.org) and President of Brazilian Yoga Confederation

(http://brasil.yoganet.org/cby.htm) e-mail: taunay



Bring in the New Year 2003 Laughing Lotus Style!- After a wonderfully steamy

summer full of sunset rooftop yoga and riverboat kirtans on the Hudson, we are

ready move to into autumn, with lots of exciting new classes and events. Now

that Labor Day has passed, the New Year is just around the corner, and so is our

New Years 2003 yoga retreat to Puerto Morelos, Mexico with Dana and Jasmine.

Join them for a week-long Celebration of the New Year on the stunning beaches of

the Mexican Caribbean – exactly where the NY Times Travel & Leisure section

recently called the “Riviera Maya”. There’ll be lots of Yoga, great company &

delicious laughter. It may seem like a long time away, but not to the airlines!

Fares to Mexico are already increasing as we move closer towards the holiday

season. Visit our website www.laughinglotus.com for more details! Our other

upcoming events include: Monthly Ayurveda Workshop with Gandharva, “The 9

Causes of disease / Let Yourself Go! Monthly !

Restorative/ Monthly Ayurveda Workshop, “The Yoga of Sound”/ Tamboura Workshop

with Shree Luoise/ Kirtan with Marie-Elixabeth and many more ! Check out

our website for more information, sign-ups and our new FALL class schedule with

lots of new class times and offerings! BLESSINGS, Dana, Jasmine, and the LL




For quiet Yoga workshops and unwinding in India, try the Turtle bay Beach

Resort. For more info please refer to www.turtlebayeco.com or mail

turtlebayindia Thanks, Abraham Chacko.



Yoga at the beautiful Pura Vida Spa, Costa Rica, in February 2003 with Suzanne

Leitner-Wise. Spectacular 12-acre mountain paradise with two yoga classes a

day. Optional adventure tours, spa treatments and plenty of free time for quiet

contemplation, swims in the pool or to nap in a hammock. Contact

Suzanne or look at www.yoga-wise.com



Tim Miller - Palm Springs, California October 31 - November 3: Southwest Yoga

Conference, contact Julie Deife, email info, Web




While you are in Goa for Purple Valley Yoga Centre, you might also like to


Dance of the Elements Workshop at BB Café, Arpora, Goa, Oct 29th - Nov 12th,

2.00pm - 5.00pm Tuesdays and Fridays

Spiritually motivated Tai Chi workshop at BB Cafe Arpora Oct25th - Nov 5th,

including basic self defence for travellers and Details at www.pranaline.com

or email info




Photo Gallery of the Sri K. Pattabhi Jois 2002 World Tour (Los Angeles workshop)

is at www.ashtanga.com/images/LA2002/index.html

Website of David Coulter, the author of the very well-reviewed new book on The

Anatomy of Hatha Yoga

A ‘journal’ for Ashtanga enthusiasts with articles, commentaries and book

reviews. http://www.practiceashtanga.com

A great link for anyone going to Mysore is

http://indigo.ie/~cmouze/yoga_online/Mysore.htm where there are hints & tips

on travel, where to stay and much general useful info on the Mysore scene.

A link to Richard Freeman's site which has the Sanskrit terms of the Chant for

before a practice, the English translation and an mp3 file of the chant that

will help you understand the correct pronunciation of some of the terms.


Very useful-looking guide to online resources for learning sanskrit



Health and Stress in Ayerveda and Yoga – a two day meeting devoted to principles

of Ayerveda and Yoga in London, 9th and 10th November. Free admission.




Greetings! from The Arlington Center, Arlington, MA. USA

Here are a few of the upcoming events at our new center:

November 8 - Living Your Practice: the yoga of daily life

An evening workshop with Darren Main, author of Yoga and the Path of the Urban


November 10 - The Energy Anatomy chakras and energy pathways

A workshop with Darren Main.

November 17 - The Yoga-Sutra Of Patañjali: an experiential overview

A workshop with Chip Hartranft, author of The Yoga-Sutra Of Patañjali: a new

translation with commentary (Shambhala, 2003 Thanks!

Chip Hartranft or www.arlingtoncenter.org



The Yoga Journal Yoga Cruise: In February 2003, Rodney Yee, Shiva Rea, Baron

Baptiste, Lilias Folan and more than a dozen of the world's top yoga teachers

will be on Yoga Journal's Yoga Cruise. Setting sail from February 2-9, to cruise

the Western Caribbean on the beautiful Costa Atlantica on the flagship of

Europe's #1 cruiseline and winner of the eco-friendly "Green Star" award. This

highly-acclaimed floating spa/resort has a state-of-the-art health club and

acres of open deck space to soak in the balmy sea breezes and warm Caribbean

sun. You'll feast on an Italian-inspired menu with special vegetarian and spa


Whether you have been studying yoga for years or you're just beginning, The Yoga

Cruise offers you the opportunity to share an unforgettable experience cruising

with other yoga practitioners on the crystal-clear waters of the Caribbean.

There is an early bird advance booking discount for those who book by November

4th 2002.

To learn more about the instructors, classes, rates, accommodations, and

itinerary, visit us at www.yogacruise.com We hope to see you onboard!




Dear Friends... Andrew Junker and I will be teaching a New Moon Retreat on St.

John, Virgin Islands in February. Andrew and I lived and taught for many years

on St. John and founded the St. John Yoga Center. We maintain a winter

residence there on our sailboat, Gypsy Moon, and offer yoga/sailing charters,

workshops and now this retreat in this beautiful bit of Paradise. One of our

long-time students, Allison Smith of People Moving Forward, is organizing this

retreat. We would like to invite you to join us! A flyer for the retreat

follows below. If you have difficulty receiving it in this format you can click

on the following website link to view the flyer.

http://www.miraclesatwork.com/StJohn1.html If you want more information about

our background, click on the website link: www.stjohnretreats.com and then

click on yoga events. Patricia Schneider



Baptiste Power Yoga News - Bootcamp in Maui

Baptiste Bootcamps: The Soul of Transformation - Transform in the tropics of

Maui with Rolf Gates. This is an opportunity to transform your life over the

course of one week. Our program is a highly dynamic combination of Baptiste

Power Vinyasa Yoga, meditation for truthful living, cleansing diet, hiking,

swimming, and having tons of fun in a beautiful and potent island paradise-Maui.

Led by Rolf Gates, this program is designed for yoga practitioners of

all-levels. All you need is a willingness to open your mind and take a deep

plunge into a transformational week. For one week you will both learn and live

the principles of yoga. You will eat fresh and simple foods, give yourself space

(allowing any emotional debris to dissolve into the warm Maui sun), and settle

the muddy waters of your mind with meditation and deep rest. At the same time,

you will focus on a powerful and deep yoga practice to get strong, aligned and

stress-free. You will stretch your body and your s!

oul. This process has such synergy that the person who returns home from the

journey is never the same as the one who departs. The returning traveller hasnew

insight, new richness of being, and a new physical and spiritual power. John

Steinbeck wrote, "we do not take a trip; a trip takes us." This bootcamp will

take you on a journey into power. Your power.

http://www.baronbaptiste.com/pages/maui.htm Best yogic regards!



Do you know what you are practicing on? Yoga Mad claims to offer what are

probably the only yoga mats available that have been independently tested

against harmful substances for a skin contact product. There are increasingly

large numbers of sticky mats on the market and it is worth asking your supplier

if they can certify what's in them - many cheap softeners, colourants and

stabilizers used in sticky mats can contain nasty stuff like heavy metals. They

say that you will probably agree that these are incompatible with your practice

and the environment. See www.yogamad.com.



AND FINALLY: not a joke this issue, but a story sent by someone who says they

saw it in Spectrum, the journal of the British Wheel of Yoga:

“There was a soul whose time had come to take a human birth and so it went to

the great cavern of the infinite void where there were hundreds of thousands of

other souls, each manifesting as a small blue flame.

After a while the soul stood up and said, ‘My time has come to take human

incarnation, for I have work to do and many lessons to learn. In my life as a

human I shall need family and loving friends to help me, love me and nurture me.

Who will be my friends and family on earth?’

A ripple flickered across the thousands of flames and a few stood forward and

said, ‘We do not know you, but being kind and giving love is a pleasant and easy

task. We shall be your friends and family on earth.’

Then the soul spoke again: ‘On earth I shall need teachers. I will need people

to guide, correct and discipline me. Who will be my teachers?’

Again a ripple went round the assembled flames and a group came forward and

said, ‘We have known you in other lives and have grown to respect and like you.

We will take on the task of being your teachers in life.’

Then the soul spoke for a third time: ‘And on earth, if I am to learn the

greatest lessons of humility, tolerance under provocation and love to those who

hate me, I shall need enemies. I shall need people to hate, abuse and do

violence to me. Who will do this for me? Who will be my enemies?’

There was a long pause in the cavern until, at last, a small group came forward

and said, ‘We are your soul group. We have known and loved you over aeons of

time and your growth and learning are as dear to us as our own. This is the

most delicate and difficult of tasks and if you are to be hurt and abused, it is

better done by loving friends. We will be your enemies on earth.’


THAT’s ALL FOLKS – Thanks to all those who have emailed saying how much they

enjoy this service. This Noticeboard now goes to over 2,800 recipients

throughout the global yoga community. If you have something you would like to

be included in the next Purple Valley Newsletter & Noticeboard (to be sent out

in the middle of November), want to re-establish contact with another yoga

student or have a general query you’d like answered, please send it by email to

annie or via the Purple Valley website now at www.yogagoa.com

There is no charge. OmShanti.





If you no longer wish to receive the Yogagoa Newsletter please click or copy:


http://yogagoa.com/cgi-bin/newsletter/mailmachine.cgi?ashtangayoga (AT) (DOT) c\



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