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RE: ashtanga yoga Teaching w/ religion...margee

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I, personally, am interested in hearing and learning about different

religions so I do not take offense to any teaching that my instructor gives

(which is not alot during class). I know that there are alot of classes I

could take, but choose not too. I see so many similarities in the

religions, but, ultimately, I believe in Christ and that will never change.

It has only been the past few years that my belief has become stronger and

part of that is because of what I hear regarding Hinduism and Buddhism.

Yoga is tied to spritualism and it is up to each individual to use what they

learn or not. You know the old saying, "take what you need and leave the

rest." If a person is grounded in their own faith then what you teach will

not change that, it will just educate them to other beliefs.


As far as a great book on Christianity, since it is about the "man" Christ,

I would say, the Bible, the book of John is just wonderful in truly

describing who is was, is and is about. It took me many years to get away

from "religion" and search on my own for who the man, Christ really was.

After doing alot of searching and reading and studying, I just came to

realize how truly wonderful he is.

My yoga practice, for me, is a time when I strengthen my body, clear my mind

and allow the stillness to enter so that his spirit in me can truly work and

I can hear with clarity what it is I need to do with my life. My practice,

my teacher (my friend) and others whom I have come to love, has been such a

gift and a blessing.





> chris schmaltz [sMTP:yogaboi]

> Wednesday, November 13, 2002 12:42 AM

> ashtanga yoga

> ashtanga yoga Teaching w/ religion...margee



> Hi,


> when i teach yoga i try to bring in actual "yoga"

> meaning i talk about the yoga sutras and the gita....i

> work in buddisim cuz thats the religion iam most

> familiar with...


> I was wondering if as a chrsitan your offened if or

> when a teacher does this? I hope i dont offend and i

> talk about the spitural prosess as it applies to an

> asana class....


> Do you know any inspirational christian books that i

> can read to bring to my class and talk about them?


> thanks

> Chris





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I know you addressed this to Margee and not me, a newbie no-one knows,

but I can tell you that the day my yoga teacher started talking

christianity in class would be the day I walked out and never came back.

I go to yoga for something different, a different sensibility, a

different POV, a different sense of spirituality. If I wanted

christianity, I'd go to a church.


That probably sounds really harsh, it sure isn't meant to be - my point

is, yoga is eastern with it's own background that I don't believe should

be adapted but respected for what it is, and I chose yoga because of







chris schmaltz [yogaboi]

November 13, 2002 12:42 AM

ashtanga yoga

ashtanga yoga Teaching w/ religion...margee






when i teach yoga i try to bring in actual "yoga"

meaning i talk about the yoga sutras and the gita....i

work in buddisim cuz thats the religion iam most

familiar with...


I was wondering if as a chrsitan your offened if or

when a teacher does this? I hope i dont offend and i

talk about the spitural prosess as it applies to an

asana class....


Do you know any inspirational christian books that i

can read to bring to my class and talk about them?








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Oh no thanks for your imput! i love reading different

view points






--- Dara <dara.smith wrote:

> I know you addressed this to Margee and not me, a

> newbie no-one knows,

> but I can tell you that the day my yoga teacher

> started talking

> christianity in class would be the day I walked out

> and never came back.

> I go to yoga for something different, a different

> sensibility, a

> different POV, a different sense of spirituality. If

> I wanted

> christianity, I'd go to a church.


> That probably sounds really harsh, it sure isn't

> meant to be - my point

> is, yoga is eastern with it's own background that I

> don't believe should

> be adapted but respected for what it is, and I chose

> yoga because of

> that.


> D




> chris schmaltz [yogaboi]

> November 13, 2002 12:42 AM

> ashtanga yoga

> ashtanga yoga Teaching w/

> religion...margee




> Hi,


> when i teach yoga i try to bring in actual "yoga"

> meaning i talk about the yoga sutras and the

> gita....i

> work in buddisim cuz thats the religion iam most

> familiar with...


> I was wondering if as a chrsitan your offened if or

> when a teacher does this? I hope i dont offend and i

> talk about the spitural prosess as it applies to an

> asana class....


> Do you know any inspirational christian books that i

> can read to bring to my class and talk about them?


> thanks

> Chris





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