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ashtanga yoga [Ashtanga Yog] Teachers, Yoga Alliance?

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There should be a way to express differences of opinion without

being so confrontational. It's a little depressing to see this kind

of thing on a yoga board -- although I am all too aware that we are

all only human.




ashtanga yoga, mangaladasa <no_reply>


> -Blessings to you too dear, but I did not put a question out

there. I

> was writing in reponse to rochik666 asking for peoples opinion on


> Yoga Alliance---Which I gave.


> In ashtanga yoga, Rock Chick

> > > <rokchik666>

> > > wrote:


> > > > I would like to get everyone's thoughts on the

> > > Yoga

> > > > Alliance.



> As far as you go.

> I simply quoted directly from your post and and rebutted some of


> statements, which in my opinion are crap and I stand by that. It


> hypocritical to slam SKPJ (and you did) on this board and then

> feature him on your site. It is is directly misleading and you are

> misrepresenting yourself by doing so. Please keep your


> and most ridiculous fake yogic attitude to yourself.





> -- In ashtanga yoga, debra bobier > You put a


> out there and someone took the time

> > to answer. But it sounds as though you weren't truly

> > looking for anothers opinion. Just an argument or

> > another way to vent what appears to be a lot of pent

> > up hostility.

> >

> > Yes, Yoga Alliance is a registry. I inadvertenly used

> > the wrong word. Some of us aren't perfect. While I

> > don't agree with all their practices and procedures

> > many Companies will not hire you unless you are

> > registered with them, which makes them very relevant.

> >

> > I don't believe I ever said anything about my personal

> > feelings in regards to PJ or Swenson. As a matter of

> > fact, I had hoped to train with PJ while I was in

> > India but it didn't work out. My practice has

> > benefited the most by seeking out this diversity of

> > teachers and experiences.

> >

> > My website, YogaBound is a labor of love and a

> > reflection of my beliefs. Swenson and PJ are

> > individuals I have respect and admiration for, as I do

> > others. This is why they are prominent on my site.

> >

> > To clear up your misperceptions, I don't believe I

> > ever said I teach Ashtanga. Or what I don't know. I

> > believe I said that I teach Dynamic and Power Yoga and

> > use the Primary series, as well as other aspects of

> > Ashtanga as a guidelined

> >

> > No, 7 weeks in Mysore doesn't make anyone an expert.

> > And I don't believe I professed to be one. But like

> > many, I can certainly walk into a room and pick up a

> > vibe. Not only was there a vibe in Mysore, PJ was a

> > hot topic of conversation.

> >

> > Of course you can always say that people are jealous,

> > etc., however, there was a common theme I heard over

> > and over from the local people and some Westerners as

> > well apparent. No matter who you are this will always

> > be the case to some extent. It is obvious you like PJ

> > very much. As I do. As do many people. But I don't

> > look through rose colored glasses. It's a fact that we

> > all have our strengths and weaknesses.

> >

> > Yes, I had hear from Westerners that he has discounted

> > rates for the locals. To bad the locals don't know

> > about this. I found people were either hot or cold

> > about PJ. The people who were hot were westerners. But

> > who cares really. Everyone must search out their own

> > teachers, guru, etc.

> >

> > You seem to have a strong opinion on these issues and

> > don't seem to really want to hear what others have to

> > say unless they support and validate your own point of

> > view. So what was your motivation behind asking for

> > others points of view?

> >

> > This all makes perfect sense to me. However, we all

> > see what we want to see. Believe what we want to

> > believe. As long as you see things from a negative,

> > angry and hostile perspective, there is nothing I can

> > do or say that will change your take on the world. I

> > send you wishes that your own Yoga practice will help

> > you find some Joy in this world.

> >

> > Blessings to You!

> >

> > Namaste'

> >

> > Deb

> >

> >

> > --- mangaladasa <no_reply> wrote:

> > > "I was in Mysore 7 weeks this year. PJ puts 100%

> > > emphasis on asana."

> > >

> > > By the way Ms. Bobier if you dislike SKPJ so much

> > > why do you quote

> > > him on your website www.yogabound.com? Being in

> > > Mysore for 7 weeks

> > > hardly qualifies you as an expert on his methods or

> > > his emphasis. You

> > > also quote Swami Vishnudevananda but are you aware

> > > that the Yoga

> > > Alliance does not recognize the Sivananda

> > > Certification either? From

> > > what organization did you obtain your certification.

> > > According to

> > > your logic David Swenson who you have posted a

> > > picture of posing with

> > > you and your husband should not be able to teach

> > > either since he is

> > > not registered with the Yoga Alliance. Start making

> > > sense!

> > >

> > > ashtanga yoga, debra bobier

> > > <debbobier>

> > > wrote:

> > > > I am sure we would all rather be doing or teaching

> > > > yoga than thinking about these things, but the

> > > fact is

> > > > that like massage, yoga will eventually be

> > > regulated.

> > > >

> > > > Only those with certifications from supposedly

> > > > qualified organizations will be able to teach,

> > > > irregardless of what we, or PJ thinks. There's

> > > > discussion that it may also be covered by

> > > insurance at

> > > > some point and we know what that means.

> > > >

> > > > In many instances this is a lot of bunk. As with

> > > every

> > > > profession, there are people teaching yoga that

> > > are

> > > > qualified but are terrible teachers. There are

> > > people

> > > > with lesser qualifications that are excellent.

> > > Just

> > > > because you can do a headstand doesn't mean you

> > > are

> > > > qualified to teach. And if your students have neck

> > > > injuries this shouldn't be taught period.

> > > >

> > > > I have been trained in both Iyengar and Ashtanga

> > > yoga

> > > > styles. I have over 500 hours of training both in

> > > the

> > > > physical and metaphysical aspects of yoga. As well

> > > as

> > > > Anatomy and Physiology. I have years of teaching

> > > > experience. And my learning is ongoing. I am

> > > > registered with the necessary Yoga organization,

> > > not

> > > > because they make me a better teacher, but because

> > > I

> > > > know I need to be in order to teach yoga in this

> > > ever

> > > > changing, regulated world.

> > > >

> > > > One of my employers won't hire anyone not

> > > certified by

> > > > Yoga Alliance. They even told me they don't know

> > > if

> > > > they are the best, but they need some type of

> > > > standards to go by. Since they are a health

> > > > organization and could be sued, they have to cover

> > > > their you know whats.

> > > >

> > > > Ashtanga is my personal favorite yoga style. I

> > > simply

> > > > love moving quietly and peacefully from one asana

> > > to

> > > > another without stopping. I follow the primary

> > > series

> > > > sequence, illiminating those that are beyond my

> > > > abilities like lotus. I have knee injuries that

> > > will

> > > > prevent me from ever being able to do this. But

> > > I'll

> > > > teach it. Irregardless of whether I can do

> > > everything,

> > > > and do it perfectly, my yoga practice brings me

> > > such

> > > > joy that I want to share the benefits with

> > > everyone.

> > > >

> > > > Yet with all my experience, based on PJ's

> > > > requirements, I am not qualified to teach Ashtanga

> > > > Yoga even though my training has been excellent

> > > and

> > > > extensive, from people blessed by PJ, or Yogi's

> > > that

> > > > have trained with T. Krishnamacharyam the

> > > grandfather

> > > > of modern yoga, the person PJ and Iyengar and

> > > > Desikachar learned from.

> > > >

> > > > Whether I like or agree with this makes no

> > > difference.

> > > > It is what it is. I teach Power or Dynamic Yoga

> > > and

> > > > use the Ashtanga sequence as a guideline. I teach

> > > > integrative yoga. I teach gentle, restorative

> > > yoga. As

> > > > well as relaxation and meditation. It doesn't

> > > matter

> > > > to me what name is attached to it by someone else.

> > >

> > > >

> > > > My classes are modified based on the skills,

> > > abilities

> > > > and fitness levels of my students. There has to be

> > > a

> > > > sensitivity to their needs, safety and a fun and

> > > > challenging learning environment. I think the most

> > > > important thing to give someone is a wonderful

> > > yoga

> > > > experience that includes the many aspects of yoga

> > > from

> > > > Pranayama to asana to relaxation and nurturing to

> > > yoga

> > > > philosophies. A teacher is simply a guide enabling

> > > > people to discover themselves through the gift of

> > > > yoga.

> > > >

> > > > I was in Mysore 7 weeks this year. PJ puts 100%

> > > > emphasis on asana. In order to teach Ashtanga

> > > yoga,

> > > > you have to have the primary series under your

> > > belt.

> > > > If you can't do everything in the primary series,

> > > you

> > > > aren't allowed to move up. But he isn't alone. All

> > > the

> > > > teachers I worked with emphasized the physical

> > > aspect

> > > > of the practice with the exception of one. Once I

> > > > understood the philosophy behind this, it made

> > > sense,

> > > > but I don't agree with the all or nothing angle.

> > > >

> > > > PJ is expensive. After this tour in America he is

> > > > raising his prices to $850 per month. Maybe not a

> > > lot

> > > > to you or I who live in America, but when I was in

> > > > India, this is out of reach for all but the

> > > richest of

> > > > these people. The most other highly qualified

> > > teachers

> > > > charge is $100.00 a month. Which in itself raises

> > > > questions like "Should yoga only be taught by

> > > those

> > > > with money and no physical limitations at all?

> > > >

> > > > For what it's worth this is my two and a half

> > > cents.

> > > > Thanks to for the opportunity to share our

> > > thoughts.

> > > > And I agree with this person, no need to jump down

> > > my

> > > > throat if you don't agree. We're all entitled to

> > > our

> > > > opinions. However, in the true spirit of yoga,

> > > can't

> > > > we attempt to do it with love and compassion?

> > > >

> > > > Have a blissful Holiday.

> > > >

> > > > Namaste'

> > > >

> > > > Deb Bobier

> > > > www.yogabound.com

> > > >

> > > > --- mangaladasa <no_reply>

> > > wrote:

> > > > > Hi RC,

> > > > > Regarding the Yoga Alliance, They do not list

> > > any

> > > > > sort of

> > > > > certification other then those organizations who

> > > > > have applied to have

> > > > > their training or school listed by that

> > > registry. In

> > > > > other words they

> > > > > do not accept even the certificate which Sri K.

> > > > > Pattabhi Jois issues

> > > > > because he has not registered with them! This is

> > > > > true of the B.K.S.

> > > > > Iyengar certication as well. They were acepting

> > > what

> > > > > they

> > > > > call "grandfathering in" for a while where

> > > people

> > >

> > === message truncated ===

> >

> >

> >

> >

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