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Beginner and Padmasana...

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I´m currently starting on Ashtanga yoga, and I want to start doing

it by myself, and my Ashtanga Manual. I know this is not the most

recommended thing to do, but I´ll ive it a try.


I´m having trouble doing the padmasana, it hurts on the knees. I

can´t even get near that position. Is there an easier alternate



Also, I know some of you have some hip opening exercises, which I

think I could give them some use.


Any help is appreciated!




My e-mail is miguel_tereno

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Hi Miguel,


First of all, If your knees hurt, Back Off!!! Your knees are

easily injured. You won't get into Padmasana faster by tearing a

ligament! If you take it slow and easy you will get there much

faster than if you try to rush things. You are right to want to

open you hips first. The hip is a much stronger joint, much less

likely to be injured. Still, be careful here too. Especially as

you are practicing alone. Also, if your hips are tight, that puts

the stress on the weaker knee joint.

Here is a link to Yoga Journal's asana index.

http://www.yogajournal.com/poses/488_1.cfm They have lots of

information about many different asanas, many of which are in the

Standing Series and Primary Series. You will notice that three of

the preparatory poses listed there are in the Primary Series so you

are already doing the work you need to get into Padmasana. Pay a

little more attention to the opening of the hips in these and other

poses to increase the effect. I find that when I do Virabhadrasana

A and B, especially B, with attention to opening the hips that I get

a really nice stretch. Attention and focus is very important.

Without attention we tend to cheat and the stretch doesn't reach the

areas where we are tight.

Finally, as you are doing all or part of your practice alone, I

want to encourage you to really get to know your Ashtanga book

inside and out. Jois says, 99% practice 1% theory. And he is

right. However, that 1% is important and if you are practicing

without supervision you are responsible for knowing the theory.




ashtanga yoga, "n3wskin <miguel_tereno@n...>"

<miguel_tereno@n...> wrote:

> Hi!


> I´m currently starting on Ashtanga yoga, and I want to start doing

> it by myself, and my Ashtanga Manual. I know this is not the most

> recommended thing to do, but I´ll ive it a try.


> I´m having trouble doing the padmasana, it hurts on the knees. I

> can´t even get near that position. Is there an easier alternate

> position?


> Also, I know some of you have some hip opening exercises, which I

> think I could give them some use.


> Any help is appreciated!


> Thanx


> My e-mail is miguel_tereno@n...

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Miguel wrote [[.. padmasana, it hurts on the knees. [snip] Is there

an easier alternate position?]]

** All joints - from small digits to huge balls - are points of

injury. Proceed cautiously. Otherwise, an all too often, or unknown

counterpose to Padmasan is 'sitting warrior'.


When the knees & hips are turned inwards in padmasan, the alternate,

opposing movement must be addressed for affirmative healing &

recuperation. This countermove is 'sitting warrior; which rotates

the knee & hips in the opposite direction. Hence, Pose ..



Sitting warrior is sitting with the legs to the sides of the thighs,

toes pointed backwards, tailbone on the earth.


Om Shanti ...


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If you have all ready damaged your knees a bit, I would not rotate the

knees to any direction. Back off from the padmasana until your hips

are loose enough for you to go to the padmasana without pain. Sit

cross legged when you are supposed to do padmasana etc.


I have damaged my knee with too eager padmasana, and it sucks like

vacuum cleaner.



ashtanga yoga, "Shakti Lalita

<Yogini_Shakti>" <Yogini_Shakti> wrote:

> Miguel wrote [[.. padmasana, it hurts on the knees. [snip] Is there

> an easier alternate position?]]

> ** All joints - from small digits to huge balls - are points of

> injury. Proceed cautiously. Otherwise, an all too often, or unknown

> counterpose to Padmasan is 'sitting warrior'.


> When the knees & hips are turned inwards in padmasan, the alternate,

> opposing movement must be addressed for affirmative healing &

> recuperation. This countermove is 'sitting warrior; which rotates

> the knee & hips in the opposite direction. Hence, Pose ..

> Counterpose.


> Sitting warrior is sitting with the legs to the sides of the thighs,

> toes pointed backwards, tailbone on the earth.


> Om Shanti ...

> Shakti

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Thank you for the reply. Isn´t this the pose you are talking about?




I tried this one and it also hurts my knees, when I sit down.






ashtanga yoga, "Shakti Lalita

<Yogini_Shakti>" <Yogini_Shakti> wrote:

> Miguel wrote [[.. padmasana, it hurts on the knees. [snip] Is


> an easier alternate position?]]

> ** All joints - from small digits to huge balls - are points of

> injury. Proceed cautiously. Otherwise, an all too often, or


> counterpose to Padmasan is 'sitting warrior'.


> When the knees & hips are turned inwards in padmasan, the


> opposing movement must be addressed for affirmative healing &

> recuperation. This countermove is 'sitting warrior; which rotates

> the knee & hips in the opposite direction. Hence, Pose ..

> Counterpose.


> Sitting warrior is sitting with the legs to the sides of the


> toes pointed backwards, tailbone on the earth.


> Om Shanti ...

> Shakti

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