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ashtanga yoga Foot Cramping

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Quoting "obrocta <danobrocta" <danobrocta:

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> <tt>

> I experience foot cramping in various poses, at various times<BR>

> throughout the primary series...Does anyone have any suggestions or<BR>

> theories? <BR>

> <BR>

> <BR>

> </tt>



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> ashtanga yoga<BR>

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eat salt a bit more ,dont worry it will go




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I don't personally know but what I have heard from reliable nutritionists is

that those sensations could indicate the need of certain minerals. When my

clients experience those cramps, after the initial shock of it has passed I have

them go into any pose that requires parallel foot work (prasarita padottanasana

being my favorite). For one client in particular her foot cramping is related to

the tightness in her hip and a preparation of rajakapotasana relieves it every

time. It helps to know what poses are triggering it. Hope that at least points

you in the right direction!

"obrocta <danobrocta" <danobrocta wrote:I

experience foot cramping in various poses, at various times

throughout the primary series...Does anyone have any suggestions or






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I have experienced this as well, and the reason for my

foot cramping is dehydration.

try drinking tons and tons of water before your

practice as well as after and see if it helps.



--- hairdmc614 wrote:

> All is coming!!! have you spoke with your teacher

> about this, maybe you can

> modify the pose until the foot becomes stronger or

> more flexilbe!!!



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]








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Two different people recommended water and salt which reminds me that they go

together. You need salt to retain water. I'm sure that was the mineral I was

thinking of. You may want to check with a nutritionalist and have your circadian

rhythms checked. That will tell you specifically what salts your body is low in.

Mine was low in sodium chloride and one other that I don't remember. I took a

specified amount for a very limited time (like two weeks) and then re-tested.

After that the body has been able to maintain its own balance.

philjone wrote:Quoting "obrocta <danobrocta"


> <html><body>



> <tt>

> I experience foot cramping in various poses, at various times<BR>

> throughout the primary series...Does anyone have any suggestions or<BR>

> theories? <BR>

> <BR>

> <BR>

> </tt>



> <br>

> <tt>

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> ashtanga yoga<BR>

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> <tt><a

> href=""> Terms of Service</a>.</tt>

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> </body></html>



eat salt a bit more ,dont worry it will go




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