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Noticeboard 26 from Purple Valley Yoga Centre, Goa

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of PURPLE VALLEY YOGA CENTRE, ANJUNA, GOA (www.yogagoa.com) where Ashtanga yoga

enthusiasts and friends gather to practise, learn, teach, chat and relax.


NEWSLETTER from Purple Valley

1. A Frequently Asked Question is: When is the best time to visit Purple

Valley? And the answer is, November until mid-December, and then from

mid-January until we close at the beginning of April. From May to September it

is monsoon season here in Goa, and it gets too hot to practice Ashtanga from mid

April unless you practice at night. Even then it’s really hot, as the weather

builds for the monsoon like a huge storm. Right now, its perfect from dawn

until about mid-day, and then again from about 4pm and into the evening. The

climate is perfect too over the Christmas and New Year period but classes get

fairly busy then.


2. The programme of Workshops for the 2003/04 season at the new Purple Valley

Retreat continues to fill out. We already have a couple of big names coming and

several other slots earmarked for some very interesting teachers. Email our

Programmes Director, Denise Martin-Harker, at denise, to be sent

the Programme by email when it is finalized. (Those who have already emailed

are on the list – it will be ready to go by the end of March, and you will be

able to book then for the next season.)


3. We have to tell you about the Dawn Chorus that accompanies our early morning

Mysore-style class which starts daily at 7am: The chorus starts at about

7.15, and anyone who is familiar with the European or North American Dawn Chorus

will recognize the enthusiasm, resonance and pure delight of the bird song, but

all the noises are so different and fascinating from those of Europe and the US.

It is hard to distinguish any songs that are familiar or identify the birds, but

the cacophony is full of extraordinary trills, whistles, calls and harmonies.

It is sometimes difficult to keep focused on your practice, the noise is so

remarkable. It lasts until about 8am then gradually lessens, although new birds

take up the call through the day. There is never a moment when the bird song

here is not impressive.


4. The new Students Gallery page on the web site is finally working, thanks to

Beth Wade. If you are or have ever been a student at Purple Valley, please send

Annie at annie your digital picture and a few words about what you

are doing, and we’ll be pleased to add you to the Gallery.



The Yoga Shop –www.theyogashop.co.uk - is the place for some great deals on

mats, videos and many other yoga accessories, plus a listing of teachers and

yoga places. The Yoga Shop is also running workshops and teacher training:

Teacher Training by David Swenson Dec 1-7 2003 (+ Workshop); Teacher Training

by Shiva Rea Aug 25-28 2003 (+ workshop); David Williams Workshop 25th-28th June

2003 More info at www.theyogashop.co.uk



Yoga Vermont in Burlington, Vermont is growing and hiring. Fantastic quality of

life - Not much money.

Find out more about us by visiting our web site at: http://www.yogavermont.com

For details or to schedule an interview, please contact us via e-mail.

Please send resumes pasted into an e-mail as text to: jobs



Yvette Gabrielle says: "We must be the change we wish to see in the world" -

Ghandi -



Danny Paradise is teaching in Singapore at Shambhala Yoga Centre March 14-17

Contact Daniel Dittmar at:


Bali, Indonesia, March 28-30 Contact Daniel McGuire at: dan

Vancouver, May 9, 10 11 Contact Mike Dennison: mdennison

Calgary, May 14 to 19 Contact Rockne White: rockne.cal


Chicago, June 6-8, Priya Yoga contact Jodi Blumstein at: priyayoga

and Quinn Kearney's school in Chicago June 9 and 10 Umbria, Italy, June 14-28

with Raphael Da Bora

Check: www.yogaitaly.com contact: Daniel Spibey at: daniel

Dublin Ireland July 5-13 approximately. Contact Orla Punch at: yoga

Oxford, England, July 19-27 Contact Ian Macdonald at: macdonaldreynell

London, England August 2-3 at Triyoga. Contact Jonathan at: info

Wiltshire, England-August 29-Sept 1 Contact: Ollie and Daniel at:


Bath, England, Sept 3 Contact: Kim Rockne Myer at:

kim, Cornwall, Sept 5-7 Contact Elizabeth Connelly at

the Yoga Farm: yogafarm

Ibiza, Spain, Sept 14-26 Contact Sarah Robbie at: info


London Sept 27/28, Yoga4Peace Benefit Classes for the Norbulingka Institute of

the Dalai Lama and the Red Cross Contact Asterix: intergalactic_x

Vienna/Prague/Berlin Oct 3-12 Contact Georg at: wo_ging_er

Capetown, South Africa, Oct 17-31 Contact Chris Loker at: chris

Thank you very much... Danny



Shiva Rea shiva says, Namaste! Please join us in Chicago,

Hawaii and Venice for chanting, and teacher trainings... This is an open

invitation for activation, restoration, sanctification through the power of yoga

and movement. Many blessings Om Shanti www.yogadventures.com

Vinyasa Flow Teacher Training with Shiva March 31st – April 7th at Sacred

Movement in Venice, Ca

Rejuvenation Retreat with Teacher Training Intensive with Shiva (w/ kids camp,

too!) July 11 – 18th at Kalani Oceanside Retreat Centre on the Big Island in


Ayurvedic Approach to Yoga Retreat with Dharmanidhi Sarasvati June 2003 (dates

and location TBA)

(for more information log onto www.tantriccollege.org



Christophe Mouze says: More information on the Iraq human shield action can be

found on the website of the Universal Kinship Society (www.uksociety.org) .

Other organisations promoting peace and speaking against the war on Iraq

include: Move on Peace, (www.peace.moveon.org) promoting action for Justice,

not war, in the aftermath of September 11th. Rooting out evil,

(www.rootingoutevil.org) an association of peace-loving citizens of the world

challenging states run by military fanatics who produce weapons of mass

destruction and threaten to use them. Peace action, (www.peace-action.org )

promoting practical alternatives for a more peaceful world Also see American

cities for peace (www.ips-dc.org/citiesforpeace/) By supporting these

organisations, financially or otherwise, we are actively taking steps against

the war and working toward a better, more peaceful world for ourselves and our

children. Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti



IF I DO YOGA, AM I A VEGETARIAN? The increased popularity of yoga in America has


caught in a dietary dilemma. http://www.yogajournal.com/views/280_1.cfm



Can yoga help me eat well? http://www.yogajournal.com/practice/697_1.cfm



For a feature on AYURVEDIC HEALING FOODS These healing foods enliven your body,

stimulate its repair, and rejuvenate. http://www.yogajournal.com/food/3_1.cfm



THE DOSHA-BALANCING DIET The Ayurvedic approach to eating allows us to make


food choices, avoid cravings, and satisfy our hunger.




TALKING SHOP WITH ROBERT SVOBODA The Ayurvedic physician discusses the path

that led him from Oklahoma to Africa to India, where he became the first

Westerner to earn a degree in Ayurveda. http://yogajournal.com/views/332_1.cfm



Ashtanga in gloriously beautiful Ireland: 18th - 21st April and 21st - 26th

April Easter Ashtanga retreats on Clare Island, Ireland with Christophe and

Ciara. An opportunity to deepen your yoga practice (Primary Series) over Easter

in a dramatic island setting off the west coast of Ireland Contact

christophe or see www.retreats.yoga-ireland.com for more




Ashtanga in the French Alps (Meribel) with Christophe Mouze, 8th - 13th of

June. Extra activities include hiking, rock climbing, paragliding, etc. Contact

christophe or seewww.yogaholidays.net for more details.



Because yoga practice increases our awareness of the body's subtle energy, many

yogis feel a strong physical connection between what we eat and how we feel.

Though you may crave something heavy and creamy, you may begin to notice that

your system feels sluggish afterward. Or, after eating one of your favorite

spicy meals, you may end up with a painful feeling of fire in the belly.

As I began to pay more attention to my body's response to food, I realized that

just one morning cup of coffee gave a me a jolt of energy that then left me

feeling anxious and exhausted for the rest of the day. In Ayurvedic terms,

coffee leaves me vata-deranged! Andrea Ferretti www.yogajournal.com



Whose Life Is It Anyway?

A practical workshop using comedy and improvisation for personal transformation.

Use the alchemy of humour to overcome fears, trust your intuition, deepen

creativity and heighten your sense of purpose, all within a supportive community




Men's Summer Gathering

31 May - 7 Jun Findhorn foundation

A gathering for men of all ages to create community and share journeys, skills

and dreams. A week of music, adventures, ritual and brotherhood and a look at

the wider issues of our sometimes violent and always beautiful world. Visit




Paul Walker <paul is offering a 10% discount for all Purple

Valley newsletter readers! Yogamatters offer yoga goods for worldwide delivery

including a wide range of cotton mats, prAna clothing and amazing audio cds.

Visit www.yogamatters.com and enter YOGAGOA in the checkout comments box for a

10% discount! (This will not show on screen but will be deducted from your

payment.) Great value yoga props, clothes media and gifts www.yogamatters.com



Ashtanga yoga retreat in Mani Pelopponese, Southern Greece with Kristina

Karitinos Ireland, June /September 2003. Kristina Karitinos Ireland is an

experienced teacher of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga. Originally from Greece, she has

studied since 1991. For several years she taught in Crete with her teacher Derek

Ireland whom she assisted on Teachers Training Courses in Goa. She was also

trained by Pattabhi Jois in Mysore



Kripalu road trip being organised by Manchester Yoga Center - March 21-23rd

Join Manchester Yoga Center's staff for our 1st official road trip to the

Kripalu Center in Lenox, MA, Friday, March 21 - Sunday, March 23rd 2003!!

Surrounded by the beautiful Berkshire mountains, you'll enjoy Kripalu's grounds

and trails, sauna and whirlpool, morning and evening yoga classes including

Gentle, Moderate, Vigorous and Hot DansKinetics, midday workshops and evening

programs and concerts. Participate in as many or as few of the activities as you

wish. Please contact manchesteryoga or




The Daily Zennist is here to meet you and share her inspiring story of

discovery. Come meet Joanna, who is an example of someone who has carried her

vital interest far in life: http://www.dailyzen.com/zenworld.asp Warmly, The




Aum Everyone, DCYOGA Tango with a Twist: YOGA and Tango in Argentina in March.

Even though international trips are not too popular right know, I want to let

everyone know about a really fun workshop we are planning for after teachers

graduation and before the Cherry Blossom 10 Mile run - A special intimate

personalized trip designed for you to explore the most exciting local Milongas

(dance places), learn from the best most respected and dedicated teachers, see

captivating performances , hear the most exquisite music being played and tour

the most interesting parts of this vibrant, alive capitol of the Argentine Tango

– a town that dances much of the day and all of the night! If you are

interested email dcyoga ...Also, we are working on the details of a

Standing Wave workshop in California in June and a Yoga Hike on the Applachian

Trail from Cosby, Tennessee to Hot Springs, North Carolina in July. Take care

of your Blessed Selves Narayan, at DCYOGA - Was!

hington, DC www.dcyoga.com dcyoga



Beryl Bender Birch - Leader In Power Yoga April 25-27, 2003

Doug Swenson May 16-May 18, 2003 Ashtanga, Hard & Soft Yoga & More


Bhagavan Das Summer 2003

Nancy Gilgoff Ashtanga Master, and Spiritual Meditation healer, October 17-19,


Thanks, Namaste.. Judi & Brian www.yoga-cafe.com Newton Ma USA



To see the Moon days, go to www.ashtanga.com/html/moondays/html



Huggermugger.co.uk, the online shop for Yoga mats, blocks, belts, Yoga clothes,

bolsters books etc, is having a huge February sale. All items are reduced

significantly whilst stock lasts. Go to www.huggermugger.co.uk for more details.

Nick Loening nick



Manju Jois Workshop and Teacher Training March 14, 15, 16 Weekend Workshop,

includes the Ashtanga Primary Series, Ashtanga Pranayama and Vedic chanting,

philosophy and history of Ashtanga

March 17-21 Teacher Training. Manju will train students how to teach Ashtanga

in the ancient style of Yoga, which is a combination of the asanas, pranayamas

and the meditation chants.

at YogaYoga Austin, Texas USA sharon or moonyoga



Downward Dog Yoga Centre in Toronto, Canada presents an Ashtanga yoga retreat in

Maya Tulum, Mexico with Ron Reid and Diane Bruni from March 29 to April 5,

2003. Emphasis is on relieving the winter blahs with plenty of fun and

relaxation. Two yoga classes will be offered each day, vegetarian meals and

ocean front rooms will make this an ideal time away. contact us for more

details: info http://www.downwarddog.com


Theresa Whitely Downward Dog Yoga Centre



Mr. Suddha Weixler (suddha) Director of the N.U. Yoga Center,

Chicago is leading the 11th Yoga Vaccation at Tulum, Mexico, March 1 - 8, 2003,




Join us for a week of yoga and meditation in Italy July 12 -19, 2004, lead by

Suddha Weixler, Director of the N.U. Yoga Center, Chicago, www.yogamind.com



Please feel free to join the International Yoga Federation list called the

iyfyoga group, a free, easy-to-use email group service. As a

member of this group, you may send messages to the entire group using just one

email address: iyfyoga. To start sending messages to members of

this group, simply send email to iyfyoga


I am happy to announce that Lino Miele will visit Vienna and our Yogacenter

"Ganesha" for a weekend-workshop in April (25-26-27). For further information

please visit: http://ashtanga.at

Thank you Om Shanti BoRiS!



For a photo gallery of Sharath’s yoga demonstration in New York courtesy of Tina

Mymarakis, go to www.ashtanga.com/images/sharathny2002/index.htm



To view Ashtanga.com Email News on the web go to



Michael Gannon - Mexico City, Mexico February 21-23: Contact Ana Desvignes at

andes11. This 3-day workshop includes homemade vegetarian meals.


Lucy Martorella - Bellingham, Washington USA February 28 - March 2: Weekend

Workshop at The Yoga Room, Bellingham, WA email theyogaroom,



Oxford Ashtanga Yoga Ian Macdonald has been coordinating regular monthly

workshops for the Oxford, UK area for many years. See the Oxford Timetable at

www.ashtanga.com/html/oxford.html for a list of workshops featuring John Scott,

Danny Paradise, and other well-regarded teachers. Ian also sells Ashtanga Yoga

products in Europe, including the new John Scott DVD, and has a list of Ashtanga

teachers in the UK.


Going to Mysore? Accommodations Near New Ashtanga Yoga Research Institute.

Joseph Dunham has arranged with the Gokulam Woodlands Hotel (on K.R.S. road,

next to the Gokulam Theatre) for a special rate for Ashtanga Yoga students. It

is a very modest hotel but with a vegetarian restaurant and near to the new

shala. You must make reservations by telephone prior to arrival and ask for Mr.

Ravi or Mr. Arun and tell them Mr. Joseph has referred them. Telephone # (91)

821 51286 or 516418. The normal rate for an "ordinary" room is 200 Rupee/Night -

special 150 Rupee/Night; "deluxe" (with TV) 300 R/Night - special 200 R/Night;

Super deluxe 450 R/Night - special 350 R/Night.


Delia Quigley, director of StillPoint Schoolhouse in North western New Jersey

and certified Dynamic yoga teacher available to teach workshops and retreats on

Dynamic Yoga as taught by Godfrey Devereux, the Form, the Method, and the

Practice. Check www.deliaquigley.com, also www.dynamicyoga.com. For more info:




Update from Center of Balance: We have a lot of exciting events coming up! As

always, you can visit our web site for more information at




YOGA FOR A BETTER BACK with Christa Rypins March 8, 2003.

Take steps toward a Deeper Practice - Do you find that you are blocked from

going deeper in certain postures by back pain and/or fear of injury? Combining

Kripalu Yoga, Pilates and Somatic movement, you'll learn: how you are blocked,

how to adapt yoga postures to your body's needs, and specific exercises to do at

home to increase your core strength and flexibility, freeing you to go deeper

into your practice. Suitable for people of all levels of yoga experience.

Christa Rypins has devoted her life to physical activity and movement, including

a 15-year career as a professional ice skater, juggler, and rhythmic gymnast.

She teaches a combination of yoga, somatic movement, Pilates and Zen awareness.

Christa is a Certified Kripalu Yoga Instructor and has completed the Pilates

teacher training through Center of Balance and the PhysicalMind Institute. She

has produced movement videos, including ,Yoga for Meditators, Yoga for a Better

Back, and Yummy Yoga, and is the creator of !

her own line of yoga clothing, Openings.




Ashtanga yoga workshops with Michael Gannon March 28 - 30, 2003 Art & science

of Vinyasa , Mysore-style classes / Ashtanga primary series / Magic of the

bandhas / Pranayama, asana techniques & meditation. Special weekend packages




Yoga, Pilates, Meditation retreat with Tom Mccoo at Maya Tulum, Mexico September

13 - 20, 2003

REGISTER BY APRIL1st! $100 OFF! Join us for a week-long getaway to Maya Tulum,

a beautiful beachside retreat near the Mayan ruins of Tulum, Mexico. With

hands-on teaching and encouragement, you will broaden, accelerate and enrich

your daily practice in a supportive group setting. This is a transformative

experience to enhance you health and well-being.




>From Center of Balance: Remember, ‘When one door of happiness closes, another

opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one

which has been opened for us.’ Helen Keller



Cathy Louise Broda from Purple Yoga Hawaii will be leading a week of

Mysore-style self-practice 27 April – 2 May. For further information please

contact: The Life Centre, 15 Edge Street London W8 7PN www.thelifecentre.org



Ashtanga Yoga Bank Holiday Weekend Retreat in Norfolk. Cathy Louise Broda from

Purple Yoga Hawaii will be leading an Ashtanga Yoga weekend retreat in Norfolk

(www.voewood.com) from 2-5 May. Cathy Louise has been teaching yoga for 12

years and is authorised to teach Ashtanga Yoga by Sri K Pattabhi Jois. Before

she moved to Honolulu, she led self-practice classes at Ashtanga Yoga London and

taught at Triyoga. Since moving to Honolulu she has opened up her own studio

where she continues to teach Mysore-style self-practice. For further

information please contact: www.thelifecentre.org



CHANT for PEACE Friday 2/21 7:30pm at Miami Yogashala" says fred .

Let us chant and meditate for PEACE together as a community. Fred will be

there, Paul will be there. Add YOUR voice! The POWER is in the numbers! We

are all powerful beings and when we come together under a single intention we

pulse a ripple through the universe that will affect change. We can contribute

by calling to the Universe, to Nature, to God, for PEACE. There are many

reasons peace is preferable to war. > Peace is important. We hope to see you!

Namaste fred and paul



Unless you've suffered a recent sprain or other ankle injury, you probably don't

pay a lot of attention to your ankles. Well, guess what? You should, unless you

want to end up like that little old lady in the commercial a few years back. You

remember her, the one crying, "I've fallen and I can't get up!" Ankle strength

is powerful fall prevention, so start working on it now.




The Sacred Art of Manifestation on Saturday 31st May in London's East End with

Siridatta. This workshop is

based on the teachings of Kundalini Yoga, Universal Kabbalah and Sacred Sound.

On the day there will be

live musicians, devotional singing, Kundalini Yoga and meditation and

Kabbalistic tools to empower and

transform. Beginners welcome. To reserve a place please email Siridatta at




Kundalini Yoga Retreats in Spain and France with Siridatta from the UK. Dates in

June, July and September 2003. Please email for a brochure -




Top Notch Gym, Waterloo, South London, is hosting an Ashtanga Workshop with

Kristina Karitinos Ireland on April 1,2, and 3. For more information please

e-mail info



Tai Chi course at BB Café. Martial Arts Master Martin Poetz a 4th Dan Black

Belt who has studied the martial arts in both Europe and Japan will be

conducting Tai Chi Classes for Beginners and Advanced students at the Between

Breaths - BB for short - Centre in Arpora Goa. www.pranaline.com



Featured pose: Supta baddha konasana: A classic restorative posture, Reclining

Bound Angle Pose

can be modified to meet any level of resistance in the hips and groins.




The Multifaith Crew of the Columbia - Seven Heroes, Seven Faiths:

One astronaut left his minister a note saying "Jesus means everything to me."

Another brought kosher food aboard the space shuttle. A third asked for a Hindu

song to be played during the flight. Explore the Columbia crew's remarkable

religious diversity--and post a prayer for the brave astronauts who lost their

lives. More... go to www.beliefnet.com/nlrd.asp?to=st&sid=12076&bid=51518



Megan at Yoga Everywhere megan says please go to the link

below for February's Living Practice 2003 eNewsletter. This month's topics

include ...

1. An Excerpt from Man's Search For Meaning by Victor E. Frankl

2. The Benefits and Risks of Trying Hard by Sam Dworski

3. Breathing and Natural Ways to Fall Asleep - Part One by Venkat and Christine


4. Yogi Tips - One, From Evolved Beings to Householders by Nandhi

5. Featured Pose: Savasana (Corpse Pose) contributed by Yoga Journal

6. Music Review by Megan McCarver

7. A Note from YogaEverywhere

8. Yoga Classified

9. Past Issues of the Living Practice

Use this link: http://www.yogaeverywhere.com/eNews/february2003.htm

OM shanti, Megan McCarver www.yogaeverywhere.com



For the yoga adventurer, Brian Cooper is again doing small (max. 8 people)

Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga retreats at his secluded SHANTI GRIHA on scenic Scoraig

peninsula in the Scottish Highlands, 3-10 May, 28 June-5 July, and 26 July-2

Aug. Also Thai Massage intensives, 9-16 Aug level I and 16-23 Aug level II. NEW

this year is a yogic Cooking course with Michelin-starred chef Hilary Brown,

14-21 June, and a week of Psychological Astrology taught with NLP methods by

Shayna Schulman, 12-19 July, both with optional yoga sessions in the mornings.

The Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training course with Brian and Nawajyoti in April is

full, but there are still a few places on the 27 Sep-11 Oct course. See

www.shantigriha.com, shantigriha



Bryan Kest’s Workshops and Retreats are currently limited to the U.S. The next

two workshops are in Costa Mesa and Corona, California. He’ll be in the south in

March (in Atlanta), then the midwest in June (in Chicago) t en back to the south

(in North Carolina, Tennessee and Florida). People are already reserving spaces

for Bryan’s annual Maui retreat, which will be November 15-21 this year. For

details go to www.poweryoga.com



The Spring 2003 Neal’s Yard Holiday Guide is available from


Neals Yard – The Travel Agent for Inner Journeys.



Next Evolution in Healing The training offered by The School of Energy Healing

works on all levels of the human energy field, combining in-depth body-centred

psychological healing with profound spiritual awakening. Healing in this way is

very deep acting and addresses the causes of our life condition. Syllabus

highlights of the three year, part-time diploma course include energetic

anatomy, ESP, psychic surgery, entity release, channelling, past life

regression, relationship healing, inner child, healing with sound & colour,

chakra balancing, naturopathy, Chi Kung, meditation, body psychology, personal

process and more.

Principal Marc Blausten is a graduate of The Barbara Brennan School of Healing,

USA (author of Hands of Light and Light Emerging). There is a taster event on

'Relationship Cords' on Tuesday 6 May at Neal's Yard. There are also

introductory workshops on 30 May/1 June in the Cotswolds and on 20/21 Sept in

London. The School is a member of the Complementary Medical Association. Contact




Sat 5 April Big Mind Workshop Genpo Roshi

Big Mind is a technique combining Zen and Western therapy, allowing us to access

wisdom & compassion in our lives, shifting our perspective from self-centredness

to 'Big Mind' awareness. Roshi is a Zen master with 30 years experience.




Sun 25 May Mind Body Spirit Festival in London SW1

>From 25 May to 1 June at the Royal Horticultural Halls, the 27th festival,

presenting alternatives for personal development and spiritual well-being from

around the world. Workshop presenters include Dr Doreen Virtue, Diana Cooper,

Chris James, Donna Eden. Free meditation room by the British Johrei Society.

Daily concerts include Julie Felix, Bliss, Chris Jagger. Also on stage: yoga,

shiatsu, tai chi, capoeiora. Late night Thursday with Yoga Rave. Over 100

exhibitors inc ayurveda, feminenza, healing, astrology & aura photography. Visit




Fri 6 June Body, Heart & Soul with Alan Lowen Sexual loving, intimate

relating and the essence of Tantra. Workshop in Somerset 6 - 12 June. Learn to

enjoy and honour your man- or woman-hood, step by step reclaiming the intrinsic

innocence and beauty of your sexual nature on a journey of healing, celebration

and awakening. www.artofbeing.com



Restorative Yoga Holidays in Turkey: It is more a holiday for healing and

restoration with a yoga class available each day and if people have special

skills (massage, reflexology, music, Reiki, etc) they are encouraged to share

with the other members of the group. Included in the price: accommodation, 50%

of the meals, all internal transport, entrance fees to all places of interest

(ancient ruins, volcanic spas, Turkish bath/Hammam), a flotation therapy session

in the open air volcanic pool at Pamukkale, 3x day-long boat trips on the

Aegean, yoga classes and a few other small surprises. Shanti Shanti Shanti.

Mr. Kym Suttle KymSuttle http://www.kymsuttle.co.uk



Dear yoga friends, For listing of upcoming yoga events in Ireland for March,

email Christophe Mouze

at Yoga Ireland http://www.yoga-ireland.com

1st - 2nd March Ashtanga workshop in Belfast with Neil KeleherContact


1st - 2nd March Intensive Dynamic Yoga workshop with Godfrey Devereux, Dublin

jenniferk 7th - 9th March Bikram yoga at the Burren Yoga and

Meditation Centre, Kinvara, Co

Galway. Contact Dave burrenyoga

8th-9th March Non residentail Vinyasa yoga workshop in Galway with Neil

Keleher. The

advanced classes are full, but there are places left for the beginners /

intermediate workshop, 2 lunch time classes, See

http://indigo.ie/~cmouze/NeilKGalway.htm Contact Christophe,


8th March Ashtanga general workshop with Colm Walsh and Tony Purcell. See

www.yogadublin.com/workshops for details Contact aboutyoga

14th-16th March Satyananda yoga with Dave Brocklebank at the Burren Yoga and

Meditation Centre, Kinvara, Co Galway. Gentle yoga, suitable for beginners.

Contact Dave burrenyoga

21st - 23rd March Detox weekend at the Burren Yoga and Meditation Centre,

Kinvara, Co

Galway. Contact Dave 091.637680 burrenyoga

28th-30th March Non residential workshop in Sligo with Margaret Austin, Senior

Iyengar teacher from England. Not suitable for beginners. Contact Helen

Gillan 071 46171 helengillan



Shandor Remete will be giving a non residential shadow yoga workshop in Dublin

from 27th May - 1st June. This is a rare opportunity to work with one of the

World's most respected yoga teachers, so book early! More details from

www.shadowyoga.com or Grainne grainne.gilleece



At a recent public meeting, His Holiness the 16th Dalai Lama was asked whether

there was ever any excuse or justification for violence. He thought for some

minutes, rather like a chess player contemplating his next move, and then

answered, ‘No. Never.’


THAT’S ALL FOLKs for another issue of the Purple Valley Newsletter. This email

publication now goes to over 3,370 recipients around the world, and everyone is

welcome to use it. Entries for the next issue (probably due out at the

beginning of March) should be sent to annie or through

www.yogagoa.com and may be cut at the Editors discretion. There is no charge.

Om Shanti.




If you no longer wish to receive the Yogagoa Newsletter please click or copy:


http://yogagoa.com/cgi-bin/newsletter/mailmachine.cgi?ashtangayoga (AT) (DOT) c\



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