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Can anyone help me with this pose? My teacher thinks I should be

doing it, even though I think I could quite happily live without it -

my problem is that I'm actually afraid to go upside down. I'm happy

enough in shoulderstand but the thought of headstand terrifies me and

always has.

I have used a teacher, a wall, a corner, books, partners, I've

followed the technique for entering the pose to the letter, but my

body just doesn't want to go up . I said before I could live without

it - meaning I could quite happily leave my fears where they are -

but at the same time I'm sure that being in headstand feels really

god and I'd quite like that feeling too. It's a psychological block,

I suppose - or maybe poor balance - I don't know. I don't know

whether persistence would be pride/ambition (which I don't want), or

striving to improve (which I think is probably OK) or trying to

please other people who think I ought to be able to do it by now

(which sounds bad news).


I'd welcome any comments on this, whether they be in the form of

practical advice, simple reassurance or even just records of the

experiences of other yogi/nis.

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It took me two years to 'get' sirasana, and for those two years, I

attempted it every time I did a practice. *practice practice and

all is coming* - it's true!

Up against the wall, a little further away from the wall each time,

crashing down, fear, anger, frustration, Yes, I've been there.

What made the difference for me was something I read - Two bits of

advice that made it happen:

First, balance on the fontanella, not the crown of your head.

Balance on a point about 2 inches back from the forehead.

Two: focus on a point about 12 inches away from your eyes, on the

mat. This affects the angle of the neck.

Other than that, I think it is just a matter of persevering,

sticking at it, and never, never give up.

Just give up the fear - let it go - What's the worst thing that can


Good luck, and let us know when you do your first one!

Love, Annie

ashtanga yoga, lachica_fi <no_reply>


> Can anyone help me with this pose? My teacher thinks I should be

> doing it, even though I think I could quite happily live without

it -

> my problem is that I'm actually afraid to go upside down. I'm


> enough in shoulderstand but the thought of headstand terrifies me


> always has.

> I have used a teacher, a wall, a corner, books, partners, I've

> followed the technique for entering the pose to the letter, but


> body just doesn't want to go up . I said before I could live


> it - meaning I could quite happily leave my fears where they are -

> but at the same time I'm sure that being in headstand feels really

> god and I'd quite like that feeling too. It's a psychological


> I suppose - or maybe poor balance - I don't know. I don't know

> whether persistence would be pride/ambition (which I don't want),


> striving to improve (which I think is probably OK) or trying to

> please other people who think I ought to be able to do it by now

> (which sounds bad news).


> I'd welcome any comments on this, whether they be in the form of

> practical advice, simple reassurance or even just records of the

> experiences of other yogi/nis.

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