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Karma yoga is the yoga of selfless action.


Karma, the good action, should be performed by yoga, the evenness of



Karma yoga is the performance of the duty without attachment, lust,

anger, greed, infatuation, pride, prejudice, selfishness.


Karma yoga is an action free from egoism, desire, name, fame,



Karma yoga helps to attain the BLISS.


Karma yoga leads to self-purification.


Karma yoga is an act of offering.


- offering worship and prayer, serving the needy, parents and

elders, performing sacrifice without injuring or hurting other



- practicing the CHARITY.


- executing duties of social importance.


Due to various problems and reasons, you may not be in a position to

perform KARMA YOGA in a very strict sense. FPYK is providing you to

be a part of Karma Yoga program and do your might in a suitable way

according to your convenience. At present, FPYK has confined all the

activities of Karma Yoga to India.

One of the fields where you can do your Karma yoga through FPYK is -







This is a one time activity where you will be involving to help the

needy and do your karma yoga. You can select any field such as

education, health, sports, fine arts, or any such other humane

activity approved by the concerned governments and sponsor. You

assign FPYK to execute the work.


Events occur due to our toughts and work. In the process, we

consciously or unconsciously, hurt others, deprive them and make

them to suffer. This act will later make us to feel for and repent.

We can do something and become free from this feeling by serving the

needy to our best capacity. SHOFAR OF MOSES is calling you to join

this Karma yoga immediately. Assign FPYK what you desire to do.


If you have a friend or a known person attending the FPYK classes,

you can ask him to monitor your charity and service.


Please convey this information to your friends and others.


Yours in yoga







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