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Noticeboard 28 from Purple Valley Yoga Centre, Goa

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of PURPLE VALLEY YOGA CENTRE, ANJUNA, GOA (www.yogagoa.com) where Ashtanga yoga

enthusiasts and friends gather to practise, learn, teach, chat and relax.


This issue is dedicated to the innocent victims of the War Against Iraq.

At the end of this Noticeboard there is a list of anti-war web sites and source

of non-official information about what is going on. If you would like to have

an unauthorized version of events, or want to register your views please look at

some of the web sites on offer, listed on the last page of this Noticeboard.



Like everywhere else in the Northern Hemisphere, its Spring here and Spring is

Goa is the same as anywhere in the world – flowers, bird song and warmer days -

but with one big difference : Here it has not rained since October, so

everything is very dry, waiting for the first monsoon rains which come around

May. Despite frequent early morning dew, the earth and air here is parched

after day and after day of sunshine, unlike Europe and North America which has

seen snow, rain and floods for the past 6 months. Yet still the first buds are

appearing on trees and flowers, and the mangoes are ripening on the huge

spreading trees in preparation for the glut of fruit in June. Mangoes are

almost a nuisance because there are so many of them, dropping off trees and

laying on roads and as cheap as chips in the markets.


With just two weeks of the season left, a surprising number of new faces are

turning up for class to get some top quality Ashtanga before we close for this

year’s monsoon. Next year we will have the Retreat Centre open as well, and the

following year we hope to run some monsoon retreats. More about that later in

the summer.


NOTICEBOARD 1 Bruce at The Yoga Shop says, ‘With war ever present in the media

it is helpful to remain mindful of our collective motivations and goals. Thich

Nhat Hanh, a prominent advocate for peace, is coming to the UK, not to

demonstrate against war, but to demonstrate for peace. You can join his Peace

March in Edinburgh on Sunday the 22nd and Monday the 23rd of June. Although the

Peace march is aimed to promote peace in the world, Thich Nhat Hanh teaches us

to be at peace with ourselves first. He says, “From the keys to transforming

anger through meditation to putting kindness into action to heal the wounds

between nations, here is my personal testament to the spiritual and practical

power of nonviolence, with Peacemaking.”Thich Nhat Hanh will be leading a 5-Day

residential retreat in St. Andrews, Fife, Scotland with the nuns and monks from

Plum Village (25-30 June 2003). For more information email

www.theyogashop.co.uk To support and promote Thich Nhat Hanh, The Y!

ogaShop is offering a 50 % Discount on the Thich Nhat Hanh Collection :

Teachings on Love in which Thich explores how to shine the light of awareness

into your intimate relationships. The Buddha taught that authentic love must

possess four basic qualities: loving kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy), and

upeksha (freedom) Peacemaking On Peacemaking, this beloved Zen master

returns to the theme that first brought him to the world's attention: peace, and

how to embody it. Looking deeply into the roots of anger.. Call Me By My True

Names Thich Nhat Hanh in Conversation – Thich Nhat Hanh shares the story of his

childhood in Vietnam – how he first started on his spiritual path – and his

current work on behalf of all beings … Present Moment Buddhism teaches that the

present moment contains the seeds of all things, including liberation from

samsara. Designed to "touch the energy of mindfulness".. Get all 4 titles for a

50 % Discount


NOTICEBOARD 2 Hello everybody! I’m planning to spend my vacation on August or

September in Mallorca. I’d like to practise Ashtanga in there - is it possible?

Does anyone have ideas where to stay with a reasonable price (preferably near

the sea- of course!) All info will be gratefully received! Thank you! -aracel-



NOTICEBOARD 3 Ashtanga Vinyasa Easter retreat in Co. Clare, Ireland with Stefan

Prowaznik and Carol Murphy in Beautiful Buddhist retreat centre. April 18th-27th

with shorter and weekend options available. Self-catering- reasonable prices.

20 mins from Shannon Airport. For details browse, www.anseomrayoga.com or

email Carol Murphy yogacarol


NOTICEBOARD 4 White Scarf For Peace. A spontaneous anti-war protest has

started in Montreal after a popular radio host here announced that Mrs. George

W. Bush had cancelled a meeting with a group of women at the White House because

several of them planned to attend the meeting with a white scarf round their

necks as a silent symbol of their desire for peace. This symbol had power as it

disturbed Mrs. Bush. This story has triggered a grassroots email campaign asking

those committed to peace in the world to wear a white scarf. If everyone who

disagreed with the war were to wear a white scarf around their neck, tie a white

handkerchief to their back-packs, their attaché case, their school bags, white

pennants from car antennas, white flags on balconies and hanging in front of

houses the world over, would this not be a powerful message to send to our

leaders? Sometimes images and symbols are more powerful than words. If you feel

that this idea has any validity, please join th!

e email campaign and pass this on to your network. Don Grayston


NOTICEBOARD 5 REMEMBER...... Think thoughts of PEACE. Think thoughts of

KINDNESS. These are thoughts of POSITIVE ENERGY. You and you and you and you

around the world -- when you think thoughts of PEACE and KINDNESS -- your energy

combines with similar thoughts. Smile at your neighbour. Say hello to a

stranger. Be patient, peaceful, in a traffic jam.

http://www.globalmeditations.com Peace, Love, and Light, Barbara Wolf


NOTICEBOARD 6 Ashtanga Vinyasa Summer retreat in Crete at the Azogires Centre

with Stefan Prowaznik and Carol Murphy. July 1st-8th For details browse

www.anseomrayoga.com or email Carol Murphy yogacarol


NOTICEBOARD 7 Ashtanga yoga retreat in the French Alps with Christophe Mouze.

8th - 13th of June. See http://indigo.ie/~cmouze/holidays/alps.htm for more



NOTICEBOARD 8 Coming Up To Handstand With Both Legs

"I have been practicing Adho Mukha Vrksasana (Handstand) by taking one leg at a

time up against a wall. I would love to learn how to take both legs up together,

using the weightless balance of the hips over the head. Can you teach me?" Try



NOTICEBOARD 9 There are a few places left on the ashtanga week on Clare Island,

Ireland. See www.clare.yogaholidays.net for details.


NOTICEBOARD 10 From John Scott: Hullo Fellow yogis, We hope you all like our

new web site! I hear that a lot of you have entered the prize draw to win a free

workshop with Lucy and me. We wish you the very best of luck and look forward to

welcoming the winner on to our workshop :-) By the way, if you haven't entered

yet it's not too late! Just visit our web site: www.johnscottashtanga.co.uk

MOON DAY SPECIAL! As you know, we also promised to reward our Yogi rs

with special offers from time to time! Well, here goes. To celebrate the next

Full Moon Day we are offering my Ashtanga Yoga Practise DVD at a special price.

If you go to http://www.johnscottashtanga.co.uk/dvd.cfm on Full Moon Day you

will be able to purchase it at a bargain price!:-) Please note the price will

only be lowered for one day and will return to its normal price afterwards. Om

Shanti John & Lucy


NOTICEBOARD 11 Ashtanga Yoga with Robin Catto in Southern Spain, June 15-22

2003 After the success and quick sell-out of last year's trip, places on this

yoga holiday are now filling up, so if you are interested in spending a week in

the sunshine practising yoga, swimming, and enjoying wonderful food and the

glorious countryside of southern Spain, contact Free Spirit Travel email:

info) and book yourself a place. Please visit

www.breatheonline.com/molinodelrey.htm for more information and email me if you

have any questions. robin or info


NOTICEBOARD 12 Yoga teacher looking for studio: I am writing in great hopes

of finding a place to teach for the near months through the end of the summer

outside of the US. Currently, I am teaching an Ashtanga Primary Series and a

Flow Class at a new studio in Malibu, California. I have lived in Los Angeles

for one year as I moved here to develop a children's yoga program and video

which has grown into a series. The project is in negotiations as a larger

production company wants to buy the rights, freeing me and allowing me to move

in a new direction. If there is any interest, I would be happy to forward along

a resume, and to continue an informative dialogue. Further, I am looking to find

the right connection to deepen my practice, studies, and teachings. Thank you

kindly, and I look forward to hearing from your readers. Bobbi Hamilton



NOTICEBOARD 13 David Brocklebank says that Burren Yoga and Meditation Centre is

the most active Yoga centre in Ireland, and would not be surprised if it was

the most active one in Europe. He says, ‘We have workshops nearly every weekend

and over 10 week long courses during the year.’

Kevin Gardiner 10 day Easter Iyengar workshop 17th - 27th April Details at


Bikram weekend workshop May 2nd - 4th with Niamh Jones Report and photos from

her last workshop at http://www.burrenyoga.com/sh518x4533.html

Visit www.burrenyoga.com for more courses or contact Dave Brocklebank at



NOTICEBOARD 14 Save Your Neck Practiced with careful alignment, yoga poses

can help alleviate past neck problems and prevent future ones.



NOTICEBOARD 15 Nancy Gilgoff assisted by Uli Diemer, Georg Woeginger, and

Dalibor Stredonski in PRAGUE, CZ Dates: Aug 31-Sept 4, 2003 Contacts: Nancy at

hyz0 or Uli at norain_norainbows To register: contact

Georg at pragueyoga


NOTICEBOARD 16 Fred's Yoga/Raw Retreat-Costa Rica ….. Namaste Friends, The

time has come to register with Pura Vida if you are going to join us in Costa

Rica. April 19-26th, 2003 Lots of yoga, great Raw food, and NATURE! Blessings

fred fred


NOTICEBOARD 17 Final reminder ! Join us for another fabulous PARTY to

celebrate the Spring Equinox - Shake Your Chakras V - A Celebration of the

Spirit! 8.30pm -12.30am this Friday 21st March 2003 at The Yoga Place,

449-453 Bethnal Green Road, London E2 Special Entertainment at 9pm With Chai

and Choc Brownies, Live Band, DJ and Dancing. Suggested donation £5 on the

door, profits go to charity Open to everyone, spread the word. Bring friends,

family, lovers, fun & abandon info www.yogaplace.co.uk


NOTICEBOARD 18 DRU YOGA TRAINING IN LONDON People say it is like a combination

of yoga with tai chi, chi gung - gentle, flowing, slow, opening, relaxing,

heart-based - the perfect antidote to modern day living. We are starting a

foundation training year in central London on Sunday April 6th, then one Sunday

a month for 8 months. Also day workshops, Dru yoga retreats in Snowdonia and

annual convention July 24th to 27th Llandudno, N. Wales. Contact Helena at

email lifelondon


NOTICEBOARD 19 Deer Run Spring Schedule 2003 with Sarah Powers

4 Week Yoga and Mindfulness Class Tuesdays 9-12 April 15, 22 May 6, 13

Yin / Yang Silent Practice Thursdays 9-12 April 17, 24 May 8, 15

Day long Yoga and Mindfulness Practice Saturdays 9-5 April 19 May 10

4 week course: 1 hour of yin with a talk on the Four Foundations of Mindfulness

each week, 1 1/2 hr Vinyasa practice, 1/2 hr meditation

* Yin/ Yang Silent Practice: 1 hr of Yin, 1 1/2 hrs Vinyasa, 1/2 hr meditation

practicing with Sarah, who will only name the poses -- no formal instruction or

adjustments --no beginners please!


9-2 Meditate, Yin( talk on mindfulness), Vinyasa Yoga, Meditate, 1 hour Lunch

break (bring a bag lunch) 2-5 Meditate (sitting and walking), Yin Yoga,

Pranayama, Meditate. Ty Powers 25 Deer Run Corte Madera, CA 94925 USA

Directions online at www.sarahpowers.com or email ty


NOTICEBOARD 20 Cathy Louise Broda will be leading an Ashtanga Yoga weekend

retreat in Norfolk (www.voewood.com - High Kelling, Holt) from 2 to 5 May hosted

by The Life Centre, London). Space is limited to 20 people. If you are

interested please contact The Life Centre to receive a booking form and reserve

your space. www.thelifecentre.org/events.html or www.purpleyoga.com


NOTICEBOARD 21 Check out a new centre based just north of Rome in beautiful

countryside available for teachers to book for retreats or for individuals to

come on a bed and breakfast or full board basis. Classes also available. Giulia

Landor giulia


NOTICEBOARD 22 The Practice of Surrender Ishvara pranidhana is not about what

your yoga can do for you, but about approaching your practice in the spirit of

offering. http://yogajournal.com/wisdom/776_1.cfm?ctsrc=nlv41


NOTICEBOARD 23 Web Exclusive - Ask An Expert: Cyndi Lee Q: "I want to add

pranayama and meditation to my daily home yoga practice. What is the best

sequence for these activities?"



NOTICEBOARD 24 Web Exclusive - Ask An Expert: Tim Miller Q: "My teacher has

told me that my Ujjayi breathing is too strained. I've tried to ease it, but I

am not sure if I'm doing it right."



NOTICEBOARD 25 The Way of the Name Surrendering to the unknown is less

frightening if you have faith that something will catch you when you

fall—whatever name you call it.



NOTICEBOARD 26 Are You a Sweat-Hog or a Swami? Not sure which style of yoga is

right for your personality and body type? YJ senior editor Todd Jones will

enlighten you with our Web-only quiz.




IRELAND. APRIL 1st 2nd 3rd For more information please e-mail





Workshop Dates: 12 – 19 June 19 – 26 June 26 June – 3 July 3 – 10 July

5 – 12 September 12 – 19 September For more information go to

www.yogapractice.net or e-mail: info


NOTICEBOARD 29 ASHTANGA YOGA WORKSHOPS with Michael Gannon at Centre of

Balance. March 28 - 30, 2003

ART & SCIENCE OF VINYASA for all Levels. In Ashtanga Yoga we can go through the

motions or we can REALLY do the practice. With awareness, with rhythm, with

control, following the breath... with the correct vinyasa. We will start by

exploring the science of the Vinyasa System, where it came from, what it really

means and why its use and understanding is invaluable to our practice. We will

discover how to truly use the breath as the primary guide for each and every one

of our movements throughout the practice. We will break down the primary series

to learn the correct Vinyasa count (breath/movement pattern) for moving into,

through and out of each asana.

MYSORE YOGA for all Levels This class teaches new and experienced yoga

practitioners in the traditional form that Ashtanga is taught in Mysore, India

by our Guru Sri K. Pattabhi Jois. Beginners and advanced practitioners work side

by side, but at their own pace. One-on-one guidance and adjustments are given

based on each student's specific needs, like a private lesson, in a group

setting. If you felt you were not yet ready for Mysore self practice, this is

your opportunity to break through and make it your own practice! Experienced

Mysore practitioners will practice with this group as well.

ASHTANGA PRIMARY SERIES for All Levels. In this led class, we will use what we

learned in the Art & Science of Vinyasa, moving together through the full

primary series to the Sanskrit count of the correct vinyasa. This breath-linking

system helps you generate internal heat, detoxify and align your body.

Participation in the Art & Science of Vinyasa workshop is recommended, but not

required. This is a great experience for all levels!

MAGIC OF THE BANDHAS for all Levels We all want to jump-through and

jump-back. We want to do a handstand. In this workshop we'll learn the power and

simplicity of activating our core. The Magic of Bandhas is the key to picking it

up, taking it back, floating forward and sending ourselves inverted. Although

this is an advanced technique, by synchronizing our breath and bandhas, we can

start to cultivate our core/bandhas to move into this experience of

weightlessness. Breath is the most powerful aspect of Ashtanga yoga. We will

enhance our breath awareness and develop a basic seated pranayama practice. By

incorporating this practice - slowly, slowly you will be able to utilize the

control of breath and bandhas to harness energy (prana) and flow with

synchronicity from asana to asana, taking your practice experience to another


PRANAYAMA, ASANA TECHNIQUES & MEDITATION for all Levels. This guided class

concentrates on the core elements that support our Yoga practice - breath,

movement and mental focus. Moving from the Pranayama practice into a guided

Vinyasa class, taking time to bring awareness of proper technique in the asanas,

we'll get a deeper feel for the breath /movement connection of Ashtanga. This

workshop closes with a meditation and guided relaxation (Yoga Nidra) to help us

tie together and absorb the experiences of the weekend.

MICHAEL GANNON is an advanced Ashtangi authorized by Sri. K. Pattabhi Jois to

teach Ashtanga Yoga and he studies the Vinyasa System extensively with world

renowned Italian Ashtangi, Lino Miele. Michael's understanding and unique

teaching style of the original Vinyasa System (he is the only teacher in the

Americas with Lino's consent) supports the idea that yoga's transformational

powers - physical, mental and spiritual - are available to all, slowly, slowly,

through a daily Ashtanga practice. Michael is also co-owner/director of Yoga

Grove in Miami, Florida.


http://www.centerofbalance.com/html/gannon_reg.htmlkaren (AT) centerofbalance (DOT) com

Studio updates and events centerofbalance-updates



of Balance Centre, Mountain View, California. An opportunity for a friendly,

motivated and detail-oriented person to join our quality staff! We're looking

for a part-time Receptionist / Studio Administrator. Great perks! Visit our web

site at http://www.centerofbalance.com for a full job description.


NOTICEBOARD 31 Yoga, Pilates, meditation retreat with Tom McCook, Maya Tulum,

Mexico, September 13 - 20, 2003. Join us for a week-long getaway to Maya

Tulum, a beautiful beachside retreat near the Mayan ruins of Tulum, Mexico. With

hands-on teaching and encouragement, you will broaden, accelerate and enrich

your daily practice in a supportive group setting. This is a transformative

experience to enhance you health and well-being. Visit our web site to read

more about this great week at http://www.centerofbalance.com/html/retreats.html


NOTICEBOARD 32 Wholeness & Unity: Integrating Your Inner and Outer Life May

16-19, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin



NOTICEBOARD 33 Dear Pure Yogis, Just a reminder that Rod Stryker will be

teaching class this Saturday (March 22) at the LA Yoga Center at 10:00 a.m.

For details email rod For those of you interested in the

upcoming Level I Teacher Training (April 10-20), or the practice intensive in

April (11-19), space is filling up fast, so it's advisable to sign up soon.

Please contact the LA Yoga Center at (310) 234-1200 for registration or more

information on these events. Sincerely, Sherry Karu, Pure Yoga



NOTICEBOARD 34 Dear Friend, info

Sapta Yoga International Teacher Training/intensive course 2003. Now taking

registration for 20th Annual Sapta Yoga International Teacher Training Course

10th November to 8th December … The month long Sapta Yoga International course

is designed for people who would like to become Sapta Yoga International

Teachers or those who would like to intensify their Sapta Yoga practice.

Instruction will be given on Sapta Yoga Asana, Pranayama, Sapta Dhyana, Yoga

Nidra, Sat Kriyas (six cleansing methods and fasting), Sapta Yoga Therapy &

Yogic Massage, Sanskrit Mantras, Bhajan Singing, Yogic vegetarian cooking and

the Yogic way of living. Upon completion of the course, a Sapta Yoga

International Beginner or Intermediate Teaching Certificate will be given to

those who are truly involved and practicing Sapta Yoga sincerely. Knowledge and

skills testing will be done at the end of the course.

Before joining this course, it would be advisable for you to attend a few

Sapta Yoga Workshops with Sushil around the world or in your own country.

For workshop information and schedules, please go to the Sapta Yoga Home Page:

http://www.saptayoga.com and see Sushil's schedule for 2003. You can email at:

info The month long Sapta Yoga Teacher Training program will


place in Pokhara, Nepal, some 140 miles / 220 km northwest of Katmandu. Pokhara

is an unforgettably beautiful place to practice yoga. With the great view of

lake FEWA and the great view of Macchapuchare (Fish Tail) and Annapurna mountain

ranges makes a person to wonder why the yogi's loved this Himalayas to make

their home....Namaste!

Yogacharya Dr.Sushil Bhattacharya, Founder & Director, Sapta Yoga International

& Patanjali Yoga Center, Kathmandu, Nepal. Emails: info or

sushilbhattacharya Sapta Yoga Home Page: http://www.saptayoga.com

Kotalghosha Project Home Page: http://www.kotalghosha.org



NOTICEBOARD 35 Greetings, Our February Zennist is here to meet you and share

his story. We are seeing from the many who have contributed to the Daily Zennist

that this is a site of wide appeal reaching people of varied cultures and

beliefs which gives a richness to the experience of the DailyZen community.

Visit with Joseph here: http://www.dailyzen.com/zenworld.asp With Enthusiasm,

from The Monkess


NOTICEBOARD 36 Dear Friends, We hope this letter finds you well. In Boston, we

are finally feeling warm temperatures and are witnessing signs of spring. We

wanted to bring your attention to an upcoming Personal Revolution Weekend being

led by Baron Baptise at the Omega Institute. Beginning on Thursday evening and

going through Sunday (May 1 - 4), Baron will lead you through an intensive

transformative weekend. Omega Institute is a perfect setting for this early May

weekend and we will have the entire campus to ourselves. It promises to be a

great weekend! To register, contact Omega directly: www.eomega.com We hope to

see you in May! Namaste, The Baron Baptise team.


NOTICEBOARD 37 From info : - Yoga Olympics and World Yoga

Championship 2003 to be held on U.S My Dearest Friends and Yoga Enthusiasts,

This year will commemorate the 100th birthday of my beloved Guru, Yoga Master

Bishnu Charan Ghosh. The younger brother of Paramahansa Yogananda, founder of

the Self-Realization Fellowship, Bishnu Ghosh is widely recognized as one of the

greatest physical culturists of the 20th century. To honor his memory, we will

host the first World Yoga Championship ever in the U.S. at the World Yoga

Exposition at the Los Angeles Convention Center, September 25-28, 2003.

In the United States, yoga has grown tremendously in recent decades. Most people

who practice yoga are first drawn to it as a non-competitive physical exercise

good for relieving stress. Thousands of people have gained tremendous health

benefits from its therapeutic qualities. Even more are finding mental and

spiritual fulfillment in their practice. Yoga, as it has been transmitted to us

from the great sages through generations of master yogis, is an unparalleled

vehicle for transformation and Self-Realization. We have proven our vast

potential for creating fear and destruction in the world, but if we want to

ensure our survival, we must choose instead a path of enlightened living.

What we don't know about in the United States is that yoga Championships have

been held for many years. The purpose of these Championships is to demonstrate

and educate the general public as to the life-renewing properties of yoga. To

further this goal, a Federation of Yoga Associations throughout the world is

laying the groundwork for Yoga to become an Olympic event. When people see the

healthy, strong, flexible bodies, the calmness of mind, and the beauty of spirit

in the competitors, they come to

understand the magnificence of what yoga is and what yoga can do for them.

There have been yoga Championships staged in India by the National Federation of

India and the All-India Yoga Championship since the early 1900s. Yoga

Championships have been hosted in Uruguay, Argentina, Brazil, Italy by the Yoga

Associations in these countries, but never before in the United States. When the

Yoga Championship occurs in the United States, it will draw its widest

international audience. This is a pivotal opportunity for yogis of all

traditions to come together in the spirit of unity and show the national and

international community the power of yoga. At the Yoga Expo, our Championship

will be judged by the venerable Master Judges from the All India Yoga

Championship and the National Federation of India. Preliminary regional

Championships will be held in May/June 2003 and will be judged by American yogis

trained by these Master Judges. We expect this to be a truly international


.. From the bottom of my heart, I invite you to join us in making our regional

Championships and our first World Yoga Championship held on U.S. soil to be a

successful event. Yours truly, BIKRAM CHOUDHURY, Founder, Yoga College of

India. . See http://www.yogaexpo.com/ and http://www.bikramyoga.com/


NOTICEBOARD 38 There's a recent article about the new shala and life in Gokulam




NOTICEBOARD 39 HITA Himalayan Institute Teachers Association Yoga Teacher

Training news available at

http://www.himalayaninstitute.org/newsletter/new2003.htm Also features on: The

Yoga of the Bhagavad Git, Every Woman's Yoga, A Self-Transformation Program


NOTICEBOARD 40 If you go to:


You will find features on:

The Functioning of Meditation by Arun Deva and Kim

When Yoga Does More Harm Than Good: The Distinction Between "Trying" and "Doing"

by Sam Dworkis, MS, LMT

Pilot Yoga Programs for Middle School Kids by Dr. Nanette Tummers

Breathing Exercises to Assist Sleeping Part Two by Venkat and Christine


Cultivating A Metta Mind contributed by Yoga Journal

OM shanti, Megan McCarver megan



NOTICEBOARD 41 We have just a couple of places left on our Himalayan trek (12

July-1 August 2003) from Spiti over the Parang La pass to Tso Morari Lake in


There are three places left on our Heart of India trip (6-23 November 2003)

which includes the Bateshwar Animal Fair and full moon at the Taj Mahal.

And there are several places still available for our Himalayan Kingdoms Road

trip in Kinnaur and Spiti (8-25 September 2003) which includes the Phulaich

Flower Festival. Email us for details on all theses trips at

tripsintoindia or look at www.tripsintoindia.com Trips Into India

with Carol and Martin Noval


NOTICEBOARD 42 Dear Friends, We are pleased to announce the 2003 bootcamp and

teacher training schedule for Baptiste Power Yoga Institute. With the current

challenges we face in the world, there is more and more need to take steps

towards positive change. We firmly believe this starts with yourself. Our

programs offer great opportunity to transform your life-a day at a time, a pose

at a time, a breath at a time. We offer a variety of programs specifically

tailored for your level of practice. Whether a beginner or ready for teacher

training, now is the time to begin your journey. If not now, when? For full

program descriptions of Bootcamps and Personal Revolution Weekends, please visit

our website, www.baronbaptiste.com. We wish you good health, great peace and

look forward to seeing you soon. Namaste, The Baptiste Power Yoga Institute



NOTICEBOARD 43 Namaste. World Yoga President, Sri Yogacharya Dr. Fernando

ESTEVEZ-GRIEGO sends his salutations and gratitude in yoga, wishing you peace,

love and wisdom in Dharma, God's blessings in your life and Buda's daily harmony

into your self-being. Happiness and peace to every single living form, cause

Tao inhabits all. From Yogacharini Eugenia Salas iyfsecretary


NOTICEBOARD 44 Joanne & Darby Workshop Announcement: We are organizing a

workshop in Paris, France for Darby and Joanne (they hosted Guruji in Montreal,

Canada). The dates are May 23rd, 24th, 25th. For information contact Linda or

Nicolas at shantiyogis


NOTICEBOARD 45 Come to Rishikesh the World Capital of Yoga. Look at the web

site: www.yogashramrishikesh.com

RISHIKESH AND THE RIVER GANGA, UTTAR PRADESH Rishikesh represents the gateway

to the Himalayas and is the "Yoga Capital of the World". It abounds in natural

splendour. The spectacle of the Ganga rushing through the Himalayan foothills is


awesome sight. Along its banks, you find a lot of ashrams and many bleary-eyed

sadhus (holy men). Unfortunately the town is also a favorite place for many

hippies from all over the world. In Rishikesh you should visit the Triveni

Ghat, especially interesting during dawn, when people make offerings to the

river and feed the surprisingly large fish. After sunset, priests set floating

lamps on the water in the Ganga Aarti (river worship) ceremony. A walk over the

suspension bridge Lakshman Jhula is also a must - you have a great view to the

banks of the river Ganges and the feeling while walking over the oscillating

bridge is not to be sneezed. On the west bank you'll find the old Lakshman

Temple. Rishikesh, situated in the lap of the Himalayas, has been a place of

pilgrimage for Hindus from time immemorial. Ancient temples set amidst verdant

forests take you back to the time when the Gods walked the earth. A haven for

travellers! Rishikesh, the Tapo Bhumi or the place of me!

ditation for the Gods nestles at the foot of the Himalayas. Flanked by hills on

three sides and by the Ganges on the fourth, it is a place of surpassing natural

beauty. Rishikesh has something to offer all kinds of visitors. Numerous temples

attract the devout Hindus while the banks of the Ganga are strewn with the

habitats of sadhus and yogis. Beautiful Rishikesh with its rich cultural

heritage and history is a yoga tourist's delight. Whether you come here to enjoy

the scenic beauty, the trekking, to practice yoga or as a pilgrim you will go

away satisfied that you have found what you were looking for. Please see

http://www.indiayogi.com/content/holycities/rishikesh.asp from Sujata S

e-mail: yogi


NOTICEBOARD 46 For the yoga adventurer, Brian Cooper is again doing small

(max. 8 people) Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga retreats at his secluded SHANTI GRIHA on

scenic Scoraig peninsula in the Scottish Highlands, 3-10 May, 28 June-5 July,

and 26 July-2 Aug, £395 all inclusive. Also Thai Massage intensives with Brian,

9-16 Aug level I and 16-23 Aug level II. NEW this year is a yogic cookery course

with Michelin-starred chef Hilary Brown, 14-21 June, and a week of Psychological

Astrology taught with NLP methods by Shayna Schulman, 12-19 July, both with

optional yoga sessions in the mornings. The Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training

course with Brian and Nawajyoti in April is full, but there are still a few

places on the 27 Sep-11 Oct course. See. www.shantigriha.com,



NOTICEBOARD 47 : A Department of Peace-- A message from Deepak

Dear Friends, Marianne Williamson, one of my dearest and closest colleagues, is

launching major efforts with Congressman Dennis Kucinich to create a Department

of Peace legislation. I am sharing this letter with you and will appreciate

your involvement in any way you find practical. Love, Deepak





At this critical time in our nation's history, righteous action is the antidote

to despair. Please participate in a powerful citizen lobbying effort to create a

U.S. Department of Peace, sponsored in the House of Representatives by

Congressman Dennis Kucinich. This bill establishes nonviolence as an organizing

principle of American society, cultivating an array of peace-building policies

and procedures. On April 8th, this historic legislation will be introduced for a

second time; whether or not it becomes law is dependent on whether we take the

time to make phone calls, lobby Congresspeople, and in other ways create the

political will to make it happen.

Please join us, either in Washington D.C. for the bill's introduction and our

initial lobbying campaign, or in your local area, as we blanket every

Congressional district with a strong message of support for a Department of


Let us stand as passionately for peace, as some now stand so passionately for


Visit www.renaissancealliance.org to learn more about how to set a meeting

with your representative and to register for the conference.

Please send us an email to peace and let us know you

will be a DOP Activist Leader. There is much to do, to change the direction of

our country. Each of us can make a difference. The time to do it is now.

Visit our website at www.renaissancealliance.org, email us at

peace Please help us spread the word! You can share

this information with everyone you know. If you are a part of an activist

network, please consider sharing this information. To sign-up to receive email

updates on the

campaign, send a blank email to: join-gra-enews

from the Global Renaissance Alliance

www.renaissancealliance.org - peace


NOTICEBOARD 48 The common Sense Guide to Diet and Exercise: Forget the fads -

real health and fitness is based on science, and a good dollop of common sense.

What makes more sense: desperately grasping at the latest diet du jour or making

permanent changes in the way you eat for enduring weight loss? All the

suggestions in our simple guide make sense and you're probably saying, "Yeah,

yeah, I've heard that before." Well, if you heard it before, then isn't it time

you started doing it?



NOTICEBOARD 49 Here at All Spirit Fitness, we were surprised this past week to

see the arrival of an email from Beryl Bender Birch. Bender Birch, as you

probably know, is one of the creators of Power Yoga, and the author of the

best-selling book, Power Yoga. She was commenting on our Q&A, Should a Yoga

newbie begin with Power Yoga? Her added insight actually helped strengthen some

of the points we made! http://allspiritfitness.com/library/features/BBBa.shtml


NOTICEBOARD 50 www.yogamatters.com is offering a 10% discount for all Purple

Valley Noticeboard readers. Yogamatters offer yoga goods for worldwide

delivery including a wide range of cotton mats, prAna clothing and amazing audio

CDs. Visit www.yogamatters.com and enter YOGAGOA in the checkout comments

box for a 10% discount! (This will not show on screen but will be deducted from

your payment.) Great value yoga props, clothes media and gifts



NOTICEBOARD 51 Taste Deeply the Sweetness of God - The immediate experience

of Reality is not meant only for the chosen few. You don’t need to be a saint,

a yogi or a sage to know you’re making advancement toward your goal of knowing

life’s meaning. But The Truth isn’t “out there”. It’s right here…within you.

Come experience the taste of the sweet Absolute. Join us every Tuesday evening

for a special hour of meditation, spiritual teachings, joy and insight. All are

welcome. Dr. Frank Gaetano Morales (fmorales )


NOTICEBOARD 52 ASHTANGA WEEKEND WORKSHOP! Tomas Zoro certified Ashtanga Yoga

teacher from Oviedo, Spain has been practicing yoga for 25 years. His in-depth

study of yoga has led him to various methods of yoga. He has studied with great

teachers including Swami Visnudevananda and Desikacher, A.G. Mohan (Iyengar

style) which brought precision and discipline into his practice. But for him his

true yoga practice began when he met in India, Shri. K. Pattabhi Jois, guru of

the Ashtanga method, www.ashtanga.com . Officially certified by Shri. K.

Pattabhi Jois to teach the method of Ashtanga and has successfully completed the

third series, he now travels throughout the world to share his experience and

owns his own Ashtanga Center in Oviedo, Spain.


NOTICEBOARD 53 Dear Friends, For those of you who don't know us we are Neal's

Yard Agency - The Travel Agent for Inner Journeys. We are one of UK's leading

sources of information on holidays and events - used by the public and the media

for over ten years. We publish the quarterly Holiday & Events Guide listing

holistic holidays, retreats, workshops and events in London, UK and abroad. If

you haven't seen the Guide and would like us to post you one, do let us know

your postal address. Do contact us if you have any questions. Best wishes,

Emily Hynes & Ulrike Speyer info


NOTICEBOARD 54 We would like to remind you of this upcoming event:- TANGO

with a Twist - YOGA in South America on Thursday, March 27, 2003 - Fri, Mar 28

10:15am Email: dcyoga (www.dcyoga.com)


NOTICEBOARD 55 SUMMER WORKSHOP with Anne-Marie: Don't miss the Yoga Intensive

Workshop this summer. 21st - 22nd JUNE 2003 Registrations are now being taken!

For further info please visit: www.yogawithanne-marie.com/news/



SUNPOWER YOGA Starting September 2003


REGISTRATIONS are now being taken: For further info please visit:

www.yogawithanne-marie.com/teacher training/


NOTICEBOARD 57 Want to know where you can find some REAL news on the war, get

uncensored information and let your voice be heard? Try some of these sites:

Adam Nieman's posters Series of anti-war posters available for downloading.


Act Together: Women Against Sanctions on Iraq A group of UK based Iraqi and

non-Iraqi women working against war on Iraq. www.actotgether.org

Active Resistance to the Roots of War A nonviolent direct action affinity group

set up in September 1990. Holds weekly vigils outside the Foreign Office calling

for the end of economic sanctions on Iraq. www.j-n-v.org

Adbusters Canadian-based global network of artists, activists, writers,

pranksters, and students against consumer culture and conflict.


AlterNet: the anti-war movement Online magazine providing alternative journalism

on the anti-war movement. www.alternet.org

Americans Against Bombing Conservative/libertarian coalition opposed to US

bombing in the Middle East and Kosovo. www.againstbombing.org

American Friends Service Committee Multi-faith organisation established by the

Quakers in 1917, backing peace building. www.afsc.org

Anti-war.com Online magazine and research tool providing anti-war news.


Anti-War Web Ring Collection of anti-war sites linked by simple navigation

system. www.artcontext.org/antiwar/index.phb

Awakened Woman Spiritual journal opposing war and celebrating women's power to

change the world. www.awakenedwoman.com

Bandelier Collection of anti-war news, comment and links. www.bandelier.net

Bare Witness Non-affiliated group that holds naked anti-war protests.


Bushwatch Site devoted to keeping tabs on George Bush. www.bushwatch.com

BuzzFlash Collection of anti-war news and views. www.buzzflash.com

Campaign Against the Arms Trade Group working for the reduction and ultimate

abolition of the international arms trade. www.caat.org.uk

Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament A non-violent campaign group working to

eliminate nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction. www.cdnuk.org

Campaign for the Accountability of American Bases Campaign raises public

awareness, scrutiny and accountability of American bases in the UK and opposes

weapons of mass destruction. www.cndyorks.gn.apc.org/caab/

Carnival of Chaos Series of anti-war collages by Michael Dickinson.


Citizens for Legitimate Government A pro-democracy activist group established to

'expose the Bush coup d'etat'. www.legitgov.org

Cities for Peace Coalition of local elected officials and citizens in US cities

encouraging people to email city councils and pass a resolution against the war.


Campaign for Peace and Democracy Campaign urging people to sign a statement

opposing war on Iraq. www.cpgweb.org

Code pink for peace Group of women organising vigils for peace and calling for a

campaign of civil disobedience if war begins in Iraq. www.codepink4peace.org

Common Dreams Nonprofit organisation providing 'breaking news and views for the

progressive community'. www.commondreams.org

Counterpunch Alternative biweekly alternative newsletter. Www.counterpunch.org

Cut It Up Site that encourages Labour party members to protest against war on

Iraq. www.cutitup.co.uk

Disobedience Diverse open network of people taking action to stop war on Iraq


Eclipse International journal of analysis and comment with an anti-war focus.


Education for Peace in Iraq Organisation dedicated to improving humanitarian

conditions in Iraq and defending the human rights of the Iraqi people.


Everyone Counts Mass letter writing campaign against war.


Fight the Octopus Alternative political newswire. www.fighttheoctopus.com

Food Not Bombs Volunteer organization dedicated to nonviolence.


Gloucestershire Weapons Inspectors Newly formed group trying to eliminate

weapons of mass destruction from Gloucestershire. www.gwi.org.uk

Greenpeace - Say No War Again

Environmental pressure group's anti-war website. http://nowar.greenpeace.org

Groupe pour une Suisse Sans Armée The Movement for the Abolition of the Swiss

Army wants to abolish the Swiss army, and replace national service with a

voluntary, peaceable alternative. Also opposes war on Iraq. Www.gssa.ch

Human shield mission to Iraq Convoy of peace campaigners travelling to Baghdad

to act as a human shield. Www.humanshields.org

Innate Irish Network for Nonviolent Action Training and Education, an umbrella

group supporting people exploring nonviolent approaches to conflict issues.


International Citizens' Weapons Inspectorate Campaign group that demands the

right to inspect RAF bases. www.icwi.org

International Answer (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism) Coalition group

calling for worldwide rallies against war and racism.


Iraq Body Count Project attempting to establish an independent and comprehensive

public database of civilian deaths in Iraq resulting directly from military

actions by the USA and its allies in 2003. www.iraqbodycount.net

Irish Anti-War Movement Anti-war movement supported by Ireland's Green and

Socialist parties; also opposes US army presence in Shannon.


JustPeace campaign New Zealand Green party anti-war campaign. www.greens.org.nz

Keinkrieg Swiss site (in German) organising anti-war demonstrations and with

links to other European anti-war sites. www.keinkreig.ch

Labour Against the War Labour party and trade union campaign for an end to

western military action in response to the events of 11th September 2001.


Listen for Peace A grassroots organisation that practices and supports

compassionate listening and speech to deepen understanding and bring peace.


Media Workers Against the War Non-political organisation run by volunteers

working in all types of media. Daily updated source for anti-war news, views and

updates on the international peace movement. www.mwaw.org

Medical Action for Global Security A charitable organisation of health

professionals concerned with the health impacts of violent conflict, poverty and

environmental degradation. www.medact.org

MoveOn A nationwide network of more than 600,000 online activists working to

support US citizens in finding their political voice. www.moveon.org

Muslim Association of Britain Institution that attempts to spread the teachings

and culture of Islam within British society. Supports all global anti-war

movements. www.mabonline.net

Network for Peace Organisation-based network set up to continue the work of the

National Peace Council, one of the oldest peace organisations in the UK.


Nobel Laureates on Iraq Site opposing a preventive war against Iraq without

broad international support. www.nobellaureatetsoniraq.org

No to War Against Iraq German campaign urging people to send one Euro to a

special bank account as a vote against a war in Iraq.


Not in Our Name Group of artists and activists inspiring protest and resistance

to the US government's course in the wake of September 11. www.notinourname.net

No War with Iraq Australian site urging people to protest against war with Iraq

by emailing the prime minister John Howard. http://sites.ourbrisbane.com/nowar/

No War on Iraq Liaison Group of representatives inside and outside parliament

promoting discussions about the political and diplomatic alternatives to the

present crisis, and fostering coordinated action against war.


One Voice for Peace Australian coalition asking people to sign an anti-war

statement. www.onevoiceforpeace.org

Our World Our Say Campaign to put pressure on the British government by sending

a message to Tony Blair oppposing war on Iraq. www.ourworldoursay.org

Operation Desert Rescue Non-affiliated group, set up more than 25 years ago to

look at the effects of war on children around the world.


Oxfam Conflict Campaign

Charity urging people to email Tony Blair with their views www.oxfam.org.uk

Patriots for Peace Grassroots campaign arguing that you can be a patriot and

stand for peace. www.patriotsforpeace.org

Peace.Protest.Net Global calendar of pro-peace and anti-racism protests,

meetings, benefits and conferences. www.pax.protest.net

PeaceNews International anti-militarist magazine. www.peacenews.info

Peace Not War Site providing streaming audio of a selection of anti-war songs.


Peace Plan Group Group dedicated to searching for an apolitical, non-military

resolution to the 'war on terrorism'. www.peaceplangroup.assets.org.uk

Peace Pledge Union Independent organisation, established in 1934, working

towards creating a just world free from war. www.ppu.org.uk

Ploughshares Fund Group providing resources to stop the weapons of war, from

nuclear arms to landmines. www.ploughshares.org

Reclaim the Bases A weekend of protest, direct action and civil disobedience at

military bases throughout the UK on April 5 and 6. www.reclaimthebases.org.uk

Resistance Australian anti-war campaign www.resistance.org.au

Rhythms of Resistance Activist samba band involved in anti-war protests.


Rooting Out Evil Canadian site that wants to send an international team to the

US to inspect a site suspected of housing weapons of mass destruction.


September 11th families for peaceful tomorrows An advocacy organisation founded

by family members of September 11 victims, seeking effective non-violent

responses to terrorism. www.peacefultommorows.org

SOAS Stop the War Independent group formed as a response to post-September 11

international political developments, based at the School of Oriental and

African Studies in London. www.soasstopwar.org

Stop the War Coalition Developed following September 11 under three slogans:

stop the war, no to a racist backlash, and defend civil liberties.


Stop War Initiative Polish group opposing war on Iraq and planning protests on

the day of any attack. www.stopwojnie.w.pl

StopUSA Belgian anti-war website. www.stopusa.be

The Fire This Time Audio project providing a record of the fate of Iraq; also

features music from Orbital, Aphex Twin and others. www.firethistime.org

TrueMajority.com Grassroots education and advocacy project founded by Ben Cohen,

co-founder of Ben and Jerry's. www.truemajority.com

United for Justice and Peace

National campaign that brings together a broad range of organisations throughout

the US to help coordinate protest against war on Iraq. www.unitedforpeace.org

Voices in the Wilderness UK Organisation concerned with the humanitarian crises

in Iraq; breaks the economic sanctions by hand-delivering medical supplies to

children's hospitals. www.viwuk.freeserve.co.uk

Veterans for Common Sense Group of war veterans who argue they must play a key

role in the public debate over national security issues.


Veterans for Peace

A nonprofit organisation dedicated to the abolition of war founded by ex-service

members in 1985. www.veeransforpeace.org

VoteNoWar.org A non-political, educational campaign against war and racism and

in support of grassroots democracy, including teach-ins, conferences, local and

regional events. www.votenowar.org

Vote to Impeach Site calling for people to vote electronically to 'impeach'

George Bush. www.votetoimpeach.org

Waging Peace Website of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation. www.wagingpeace.org

Wake the World Site providing copyright free anti-war posters.


War Resisters International Movement sent up in 1921 to promote nonviolent

action against the causes of war. www.wri-irg.org

Webocracy Media think tank. www.webocracy.com

Who Dies for Bush Lies? Created by the Committee to Unsell the War to put the

case against war on Iraq. www.whodies.com

Win Without War A coalition of national organisations advocating alternatives to

pre-emptive war in Iraq. www.winwithoutwarus.org

War on Want Group asking people to sign up to a campaign saying that 'the only

war worth fighting is the war on poverty'. www.waronpoverty.org

Women in black International peace network that holds silent vigils to protest

war and human rights abuses. Www.womeninblack.net

Women's International League for Peace Women campaigning for peace since the

early 1900's. www.ukwilpf.gn.apc.org

100 poets against the war 'Instant anthology' chapbook series for peace.



THAT’S ALL FOLKs for another issue of the Purple Valley Newsletter. This email

publication now goes to over 3,500 recipients around the world, and everyone is

welcome to use it. Entries for the next issue (probably due out in mid April,

so please don’t send info on any events before, say, the 15th April) should be

sent to annie or through www.yogagoa.com Entries may be cut at the

Editors discretion. There is no charge. Om Shanti.





If you no longer wish to receive the Yogagoa Newsletter please click or copy:


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