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ashtanga yoga pregnant yogi

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Just curious: Are you still doing all the postures, or are you leaving out

some asanas? Are you still doing twists? Are you modifying anything?

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I am also 32 weeks pregnant and I am definitely slowing down. Here's how I have

done it. 1st trimester I didn't let myself get too heated up since that can

cause miscarriage and having already suffered one last year didn't want to risk

it. 2nd trimester I did just about everything but deep twists and I spread my

legs apart for deep forward bends, and I did inversions, backbends, pinche

mayurasana, etc, basically most of primary and some of intermediate. I stopped

putting my legs behind my head as intuitively it didn't feel right for my body

and instead concentrated on hip openers. Now that I'm getting quite large out

front I can't get much of a forward fold so my practice is quite mellow at this

point. Also my midwife wanted me to stop inversions so the cord doesn't wrap

around the baby's neck at 8 weeks prior to my due date. And no more laying on

my back so instead of finishing poses I am doing restorative work. Hope that

helps. I personally feel that if a pose was easy for you non pregnant you may

continue it, but if it is a strain, you may not want to do it during pregnancy.


Basically I think just as long as you listen to your body you should be OK.

That is how they have supported me at my studio.


Good luck!



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hi there - i'm not doing every posture and of course

must modify some. also i don't do vinyasas between

every pose, only every other pose.


i don't do full half bound lotus forward bend as my

heel would hit my belly; rather i just do standing

tree pose instead.


sitting forward bends have to be done with my feet

slightly apart. janu c is out as again the heel gets

in the way. marichyasana b is modified; marichyasana c

and d are dropped and substituted with a modified

twist that doesn't crunch the abdomen.


just this week i dropped supta kurmasana ... there's

just no room! the rolling embryo is modified and

upward facing full forward bend is tough but i give it

a shot.


all the finishing asanas must be slighly modified to

accomdate a belly.


u pregnant?


--- asawrt wrote:


> Just curious: Are you still doing all the postures,

> or are you leaving out

> some asanas? Are you still doing twists? Are you

> modifying anything?








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Hey, there!


No, I'm not currently pregnant. But I am a woman who practices Ashtanga

regularly. And I've often wondered how pregnancy, and motherhood, will change my

practice in the future.


I believe other pregnant woman have posted similar questions on this board in

the past. Try doing a search in the archives. Also, as you may already know,

there's an Ashtanga discussion group on the EZBoard site. (Go to ezboard.com,

they type in the word "yoga" to get a list of all the yoga-related discussion

groups there. The Ashtanga site will be listed. Then just click it.) I know

pregnancy-related questions have come up there, too.


Finally, there's another discussion group called Moving Into Stillness, which

can also be found on the EZBoard site. Most of the folks there practice

styles of Hatha yoga other than Ashtanga. But very many of the posters there are

certified yoga teachers, and mothers, who might be able to give you some good



Hope this helps. Good luck to you and your growing family!

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