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ashtanga yoga teaching children

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I've been teaching yoga to children for several years

including children with ADD and other behavioral

disorders. I'm in the process of completing my book:

"Ashtanga for All Ages" which provides a gradual

introduction to Ashtanga to kids as young as six years

old. Bottom line: It's never too early to start

educating little ones about the 8-limbs and the

importance of the mind/ movement connection.

Some suggestions:

-no matter the age of the child, always begin with

pranayama -the importance of breath and how it can

help us control our reactions to unanticipated events

and improve our physical agility

-Introduce asansas more quickly than one would for an

adult -children have a very short attention span and

will welcome the challenge of difficult postures

(particularly inversions) more readily than adults

(this will keep them interested)

-Create a game (not a competition) for the child by

measuring the length (# of breaths) he/she can hold an


-Be sure to provide practical examples of how yoga can

help the child cope with success, loss, happiness,

jealousy, etc.


If you'd like a copy of my book, I'll drop you an

e-mail once it is published. It will be available via

Amazon and Borders.



--- erm9466nycap <erm9466 wrote:

> Looking for suggestions on how to begin teaching

> children yogic

> philosophy & the 8 limbed path?




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Namaste Maureen,

Thank You. I am an elementary teacher of special needs children for 14 years

and a soon to be graduate from Marsha Wenig's YogaKids. I am interested in yoga

for all ages and my heart of course is with my little ones who do have extra

challenges. The ability to teach children is a gift and learning to bring them

yoga is a joy. I appreciate the opportunity to share ideas and experience.

Your book will be a wonderful resource.

Love & Light

Peace & Joy



Maureen Bolton

ashtanga yoga

Sunday, June 01, 2003 12:51 PM

Re: ashtanga yoga teaching children



I've been teaching yoga to children for several years

including children with ADD and other behavioral

disorders. I'm in the process of completing my book:

"Ashtanga for All Ages" which provides a gradual

introduction to Ashtanga to kids as young as six years

old. Bottom line: It's never too early to start

educating little ones about the 8-limbs and the

importance of the mind/ movement connection.

Some suggestions:

-no matter the age of the child, always begin with

pranayama -the importance of breath and how it can

help us control our reactions to unanticipated events

and improve our physical agility

-Introduce asansas more quickly than one would for an

adult -children have a very short attention span and

will welcome the challenge of difficult postures

(particularly inversions) more readily than adults

(this will keep them interested)

-Create a game (not a competition) for the child by

measuring the length (# of breaths) he/she can hold an


-Be sure to provide practical examples of how yoga can

help the child cope with success, loss, happiness,

jealousy, etc.


If you'd like a copy of my book, I'll drop you an

e-mail once it is published. It will be available via

Amazon and Borders.



--- erm9466nycap <erm9466 wrote:

> Looking for suggestions on how to begin teaching

> children yogic

> philosophy & the 8 limbed path?











ashtanga yoga







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However, if you follow the advice of Pattabhi Jois which I would

assume anyone doing Ashtanga Yoga would want to do,

children should only be experimenting with yoga poses until the

age of twelve. Guruji is quite adamant about not teaching asana

discipline to kids younger than that. He says "only

experiementing until at least twelve years old."



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Actually, Pattabhi Jois is teaching ashtanga primary to a young boy of 10

years old, the son of one of his long term students. This boy has asana

practice each afternoon in the shala after school. Maybe what he meant by

"only experiementing before 12" is that he does not pust the children into

postures very deeply.



funkybadlady <no_reply>

ashtanga yoga

ashtanga yoga

Re: ashtanga yoga teaching children

Mon, 02 Jun 2003 01:07:26 -0000




However, if you follow the advice of Pattabhi Jois which I would

assume anyone doing Ashtanga Yoga would want to do,

children should only be experimenting with yoga poses until the

age of twelve. Guruji is quite adamant about not teaching asana

discipline to kids younger than that. He says "only

experiementing until at least twelve years old."





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Why is that?



funkybadlady <no_reply>

ashtanga yoga

ashtanga yoga

Re: ashtanga yoga teaching children

Mon, 02 Jun 2003 01:07:26 -0000


However, if you follow the advice of Pattabhi Jois which I would

assume anyone doing Ashtanga Yoga would want to do,

children should only be experimenting with yoga poses until the

age of twelve. Guruji is quite adamant about not teaching asana

discipline to kids younger than that. He says "only

experiementing until at least twelve years old."





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I would like to second FunkyBadLady's comments. I am pretty alarmed

to hear someone is teaching or wants to teach Ashtanga to 6-year

olds. Ashtanga has a profoundly transformative effect on the the

body as well as the mind, and young bodies, up till the age of 12 or

13, are still in the process of being formed in the first place.

Yoga for kids is great, but Ashtanga is not the appropriate practice

for them at all. At the very least, I hope that when whoever is

teaching inversions to kids, you don't mean headstand, and if you are

including headstand, please hold each and every one of them suspended

by the feet during their headstand, as they shouldn't be bearing

weight on their heads for any length of time until the plates are

fully formed (age 12 or 13).

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No. What he means is "only experimenting before twelve." I

don't know anything about this ten year old boy, but if it is true,

then I am sure that this boy must be ready in some way -

physical maturity and or emotional maturity levels... Otherwise I

am sure Guruji would not do this. However, I know nothing

about this situation so I cannot say. I only know that Guruji

believes that children should only play and experiment and not

begin a regular disciplined practice until they are older. When I

spoke to him, he told me twelve was the age that most kids are

ready to begin a serious practice.


I think it is safe to say that Guruji generally means what he says.





ashtanga yoga, "Linda Munro" <

munro_linda@h...> wrote:

> Actually, Pattabhi Jois is teaching ashtanga primary to a young

boy of 10

> years old, the son of one of his long term students. This boy

has asana

> practice each afternoon in the shala after school. Maybe what

he meant by

> "only experiementing before 12" is that he does not pust the

children into

> postures very deeply.



> funkybadlady <no_reply>

> ashtanga yoga

> ashtanga yoga

> Re: ashtanga yoga teaching children

> Mon, 02 Jun 2003 01:07:26 -0000




> However, if you follow the advice of Pattabhi Jois which I would

> assume anyone doing Ashtanga Yoga would want to do,

> children should only be experimenting with yoga poses until


> age of twelve. Guruji is quite adamant about not teaching


> discipline to kids younger than that. He says "only

> experiementing until at least twelve years old."







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Pamela Hollander in out of Encinatas California. I have seen her web awesome

website and also noticed her teacher training for children's yoga. Another

program is YogaKids with Marsha Wenig (the program I am completing soon)- she

does trainings internationally. You fcould check out the website to see if that

interests you/if any trainings are scheduled in Austrailia. Travel safely



ashtanga yoga

Monday, June 02, 2003 10:36 PM

ashtanga yoga teaching children



Does anybody knows Pamela Hollander?? she has a web page

www.indigoyoga.com and she's specialised in teaching yoga to children

and she has workshops for teachers all over U.S.A...I'd love to do

them but i'm in Australia...

Anyway if somebody knows about her I'd like you to let me know.

Many thanks& Namaste










ashtanga yoga







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