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ashtanga yoga HELP - Knee injury - advice please

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Hi Annie,

I might have (had) the same kind of problem for last six months. I hurt my left

knee in garbhapindasana so that the fibular collateral ligament got maybe

strapped too much and infected. The pain spread all the way to the ancle and has

been very difficult to cure.

As yours, my knee got better and worse from day to another and I couldn't make

sense of it. I tried to massage it after every practice with oil, kept it warm

or gave cold showers but nothig seemed to help. In the beginnig, all I could

practice were the standing poses and slowly, after a month or so, I started

getting down to the sitting poses but very carefully. Strangely enough, I could

sometimes do padmasana as well! I avoided to go down in the ardha baddha

padmottanasana for five whole months and had to be very very careful with

tiryangmukhaikapada paschimatasana and janu sirsasanas.

I was quite desperate but then I found a way that started the healing process -

swimmig. Try swimming first carefully or just making propulsive both horisontal

and vertical movements under water. Those helped me remarkably. I also avoided

eating garlic, onion, chilipepper, white sugar and various heat generating food.

My knee is much better now and I have started to do all the asanas properly

again, except the garbhapindasana, which I do without slipping my arms through

my legs. I have also worked a lot with opening my hips in order to avoid any

kind of knee injure in future, because I think that was the real reason for the

whole trouble.


Don't loose your hope. I've suffered various small injuries during my practice.

I can say that nothing has come for free in the famous opening process

(shouldes, wrists, right knee, back ecc.) but everything has passed and been

cured. Particularly, this knee problem made me quite hopeless, but then again, I

just had to be patient and trusting.


Good luck!



Annie Gurton <annie wrote:

Hiya all - Can anyone offer me some advice please?

I damaged my right knee in Ardha Baddha Padmottanhasana about 6

months ago, and the injury seems to improve, get better, and then

get worse, and each time even worse than it was before. Overall,

there is a definite decline in the integrity of the joint.

I think its a ligament.

I can't bend the knee very much, I can't squat, I can't do any of

the seated postures which involve a bent knee which of course means

most of them (although, strangely, I can sometimes do padmasama.)

I've tried resting it, but it doesn't seem to really get better.

I've tried to 'work it through' and ignore it but that definitely

makes it worse.

I've worked out that it likes to be rested, elevated, and strapped

up, and I do all those things, but nothing seems to really repair it.


Can anyone offer any general advice on its management, and specific

advice on how to get it better?

I have a nasty feeling that it is always going to be like this, and

as it obviously seriously restricts my practice, that is a real


Many TIA, Annie




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Hi Annie


Yes that's really a bummer, when you cant do the practice, only good is you get

a chance to practice detachment :o). Anyway, I also had problems, not with my

knee, but my ankle and wrist. Cold water worked very well, warm water was making

it worse. But another thing that really worked well was a lot´s of linseed oil,

which have a high content of omega-3 fatty acids. They really work wheel with

any infection in the body, and many internal damaged are actually some kind of

infected tissue. I put it in yoghurt, on bread in salads or smooties. 1 - 2

tablespoons a day should do it. If you eat fish, you get lots of it from fatty

fish, or you can pop some fish oil capsules. Other sources are canola oil or

walnut oil. With all oils apply the same rules; only buy the cold processed

oils, and keep then cool and dark. And remember that linseed and walnut oil

cannot be heated in any way.




Become well soon




> Annie Gurton <annie wrote:

> Hiya all - Can anyone offer me some advice please?

> I damaged my right knee in Ardha Baddha Padmottanhasana about 6

> months ago, and the injury seems to improve, get better, and then

> get worse, and each time even worse than it was before. Overall,

> there is a definite decline in the integrity of the joint.

> I think its a ligament.

> I can't bend the knee very much, I can't squat, I can't do any of

> the seated postures which involve a bent knee which of course means

> most of them (although, strangely, I can sometimes do padmasama.)

> I've tried resting it, but it doesn't seem to really get better.

> I've tried to 'work it through' and ignore it but that definitely

> makes it worse.

> I've worked out that it likes to be rested, elevated, and strapped

> up, and I do all those things, but nothing seems to really repair it.


> Can anyone offer any general advice on its management, and specific

> advice on how to get it better?

> I have a nasty feeling that it is always going to be like this, and

> as it obviously seriously restricts my practice, that is a real

> bummer!

> Many TIA, Annie




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Thank you, everyone, for posting their knee injury experiences!


I had exactly the same injury, left collateral ligament and maybe

more, putting right arm through in garbhapindasana a week ago. Be

wary of this pose! I've never had any knee injuries or problems, and

wasn't doing anything that was hurting or pushing into the pose at

all, and was in fact having a great practice that day. Suddenly I

heard a sickening but painless ripping!

Do you know when exercise experts say you can tell the difference

between a normal type of stretching and an injury? What a way to find



It didn't hurt or get swollen at all when it happened, but it hurts

now. Judging from everyone's experiences, it's going to take a while

to heal.


I called my brother, a physical therapist, for advice. At first he

jokingly recommended amputation from the hip down, but after

explaining garbhapindasana to him, he changed the recommendation to

amputation from the shoulders up! His real recommendation was to rest

for about a week, ice it, advil, and go to the doctor if it wasn't a

lot better in a few weeks. He also recommended isometrics,

contracting the quads and hamstrings at the same time, which is

exactly what you are doing in a lot of the standing poses. Of course,

my practice will continue, incorporating knees in a much more

sensitive way..


Anu, what do you mean by the ligament getting infected? Do you mean

something that requires antibiotics? How often does this happen? It

sounds bad.


Best wishes, Annie! Thanks for posting this topic.




ashtanga yoga, Anu <ilmatar2002> wrote:

> Hi Annie,

> I might have (had) the same kind of problem for last six months. I

hurt my left knee in garbhapindasana so that the fibular collateral

ligament got maybe strapped too much and infected. The pain spread

all the way to the ancle and has been very difficult to cure.

> As yours, my knee got better and worse from day to another and I

couldn't make sense of it. I tried to massage it after every practice

with oil, kept it warm or gave cold showers but nothig seemed to

help. In the beginnig, all I could practice were the standing poses

and slowly, after a month or so, I started getting down to the

sitting poses but very carefully. Strangely enough, I could sometimes

do padmasana as well! I avoided to go down in the ardha baddha

padmottanasana for five whole months and had to be very very careful

with tiryangmukhaikapada paschimatasana and janu sirsasanas.

> I was quite desperate but then I found a way that started the

healing process - swimmig. Try swimming first carefully or just

making propulsive both horisontal and vertical movements under water.

Those helped me remarkably. I also avoided eating garlic, onion,

chilipepper, white sugar and various heat generating food.

> My knee is much better now and I have started to do all the asanas

properly again, except the garbhapindasana, which I do without

slipping my arms through my legs. I have also worked a lot with

opening my hips in order to avoid any kind of knee injure in future,

because I think that was the real reason for the whole trouble.


> Don't loose your hope. I've suffered various small injuries during

my practice. I can say that nothing has come for free in the famous

opening process (shouldes, wrists, right knee, back ecc.) but

everything has passed and been cured. Particularly, this knee problem

made me quite hopeless, but then again, I just had to be patient and



> Good luck!

> Anu


> Annie Gurton <annie> wrote:

> Hiya all - Can anyone offer me some advice please?

> I damaged my right knee in Ardha Baddha Padmottanhasana about 6

> months ago, and the injury seems to improve, get better, and then

> get worse, and each time even worse than it was before. Overall,

> there is a definite decline in the integrity of the joint.

> I think its a ligament.

> I can't bend the knee very much, I can't squat, I can't do any of

> the seated postures which involve a bent knee which of course means

> most of them (although, strangely, I can sometimes do padmasama.)

> I've tried resting it, but it doesn't seem to really get better.

> I've tried to 'work it through' and ignore it but that definitely

> makes it worse.

> I've worked out that it likes to be rested, elevated, and strapped

> up, and I do all those things, but nothing seems to really repair



> Can anyone offer any general advice on its management, and specific

> advice on how to get it better?

> I have a nasty feeling that it is always going to be like this, and

> as it obviously seriously restricts my practice, that is a real

> bummer!

> Many TIA, Annie




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Hi Annie,


Sorry about your knee(s). It certainly forces you to

make changes in your practice. I was a runner which

destroyed my knees. When the arthritis is especially

bad I can barely bend the knee. The standing poses

have helped strengthen my quads and have helped the

knees a lot. Of course lotus and many other asanas

will elude me but this simply isn't important. I do

the ashtanga primary series most days, modifying the

asanas to my body and where it is that day. I gently

coax myself deeper if I can, while staying attentive,

using the breath and bandhas and practicing

mindfulness at all times. To me these things are as

equally important as the asanas. And I don't feel I

have to be an acrobat to have a fulfilling yoga

practice. I have actually been injured by over zealous

adjusters. I really feel when your body is ready to

open it will, through the breath not through force so

that is the way I approach my practice. Over the years

I have learned to accept my limitations and respect my

body. This has kept my practice fun and interesting

and something I continue to look forward to. It also

has kept me fairly injury free. However, on a more

practical note. I just arrived home from Asia and

after 34 hours of traveling, both of my knees were

very swollen, especially the left one. This isn't

unusual. But they were much larger than normal. It

took two over 2 weeks to get the swelling to come

down. What I did:


1) Iced, iced, iced. No heat for 3 days then I

alternated. I couldn't practice, it hurt to badly so

lying on my back I would gently raise and lower the

legs helping to naturally drain the fluid. And when I

could I moved into gently squats, nothing to deep.


2) I found some cream called EMU. This also had

glucosamine in it. It helped, too. As does glucosamine

in pill form.


3) Advil for inflammation.


4) One baby aspirin per day to keep the blood thin.


I already take Omega 3 oils, c and e which also help.


Not sure if I've offered up anything not covered but

since this something I have to deal with every day

wanted to offer what I could. Hope it helps.


YogaBound.com Deb


--- Eskil Schilling <esseva wrote:

> Hi Annie


> Yes that's really a bummer, when you cant do the

> practice, only good is you get a chance to practice

> detachment :o). Anyway, I also had problems, not

> with my knee, but my ankle and wrist. Cold water

> worked very well, warm water was making it worse.

> But another thing that really worked well was a

> lot´s of linseed oil, which have a high content of

> omega-3 fatty acids. They really work wheel with any

> infection in the body, and many internal damaged are

> actually some kind of infected tissue. I put it in

> yoghurt, on bread in salads or smooties. 1 - 2

> tablespoons a day should do it. If you eat fish, you

> get lots of it from fatty fish, or you can pop some

> fish oil capsules. Other sources are canola oil or

> walnut oil. With all oils apply the same rules; only

> buy the cold processed oils, and keep then cool and

> dark. And remember that linseed and walnut oil

> cannot be heated in any way.




> Become well soon


> Siva


> >

> > Annie Gurton <annie wrote:

> > Hiya all - Can anyone offer me some advice please?


> > I damaged my right knee in Ardha Baddha

> Padmottanhasana about 6

> > months ago, and the injury seems to improve, get

> better, and then

> > get worse, and each time even worse than it was

> before. Overall,

> > there is a definite decline in the integrity of

> the joint.

> > I think its a ligament.

> > I can't bend the knee very much, I can't squat, I

> can't do any of

> > the seated postures which involve a bent knee

> which of course means

> > most of them (although, strangely, I can sometimes

> do padmasama.)

> > I've tried resting it, but it doesn't seem to

> really get better.

> > I've tried to 'work it through' and ignore it but

> that definitely

> > makes it worse.

> > I've worked out that it likes to be rested,

> elevated, and strapped

> > up, and I do all those things, but nothing seems

> to really repair it.

> >

> > Can anyone offer any general advice on its

> management, and specific

> > advice on how to get it better?

> > I have a nasty feeling that it is always going to

> be like this, and

> > as it obviously seriously restricts my practice,

> that is a real

> > bummer!

> > Many TIA, Annie

> >

> >

> >

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Hi Beth!


With infected I mean that the ligament from the knee to the ancle had a flaming

pain for months when it was twisted even a little (the worst possible: janu

sirsasana C), and still has, but not nearly as much as before.

No antibiotics, just taking it easy.




Beth <bbeutel wrote:

Thank you, everyone, for posting their knee injury experiences!


I had exactly the same injury, left collateral ligament and maybe

more, putting right arm through in garbhapindasana a week ago. Be

wary of this pose! I've never had any knee injuries or problems, and

wasn't doing anything that was hurting or pushing into the pose at

all, and was in fact having a great practice that day. Suddenly I

heard a sickening but painless ripping!

Do you know when exercise experts say you can tell the difference

between a normal type of stretching and an injury? What a way to find



It didn't hurt or get swollen at all when it happened, but it hurts

now. Judging from everyone's experiences, it's going to take a while

to heal.


I called my brother, a physical therapist, for advice. At first he

jokingly recommended amputation from the hip down, but after

explaining garbhapindasana to him, he changed the recommendation to

amputation from the shoulders up! His real recommendation was to rest

for about a week, ice it, advil, and go to the doctor if it wasn't a

lot better in a few weeks. He also recommended isometrics,

contracting the quads and hamstrings at the same time, which is

exactly what you are doing in a lot of the standing poses. Of course,

my practice will continue, incorporating knees in a much more

sensitive way..


Anu, what do you mean by the ligament getting infected? Do you mean

something that requires antibiotics? How often does this happen? It

sounds bad.


Best wishes, Annie! Thanks for posting this topic.




ashtanga yoga, Anu <ilmatar2002> wrote:

> Hi Annie,

> I might have (had) the same kind of problem for last six months. I

hurt my left knee in garbhapindasana so that the fibular collateral

ligament got maybe strapped too much and infected. The pain spread

all the way to the ancle and has been very difficult to cure.

> As yours, my knee got better and worse from day to another and I

couldn't make sense of it. I tried to massage it after every practice

with oil, kept it warm or gave cold showers but nothig seemed to

help. In the beginnig, all I could practice were the standing poses

and slowly, after a month or so, I started getting down to the

sitting poses but very carefully. Strangely enough, I could sometimes

do padmasana as well! I avoided to go down in the ardha baddha

padmottanasana for five whole months and had to be very very careful

with tiryangmukhaikapada paschimatasana and janu sirsasanas.

> I was quite desperate but then I found a way that started the

healing process - swimmig. Try swimming first carefully or just

making propulsive both horisontal and vertical movements under water.

Those helped me remarkably. I also avoided eating garlic, onion,

chilipepper, white sugar and various heat generating food.

> My knee is much better now and I have started to do all the asanas

properly again, except the garbhapindasana, which I do without

slipping my arms through my legs. I have also worked a lot with

opening my hips in order to avoid any kind of knee injure in future,

because I think that was the real reason for the whole trouble.


> Don't loose your hope. I've suffered various small injuries during

my practice. I can say that nothing has come for free in the famous

opening process (shouldes, wrists, right knee, back ecc.) but

everything has passed and been cured. Particularly, this knee problem

made me quite hopeless, but then again, I just had to be patient and



> Good luck!

> Anu


> Annie Gurton <annie> wrote:

> Hiya all - Can anyone offer me some advice please?

> I damaged my right knee in Ardha Baddha Padmottanhasana about 6

> months ago, and the injury seems to improve, get better, and then

> get worse, and each time even worse than it was before. Overall,

> there is a definite decline in the integrity of the joint.

> I think its a ligament.

> I can't bend the knee very much, I can't squat, I can't do any of

> the seated postures which involve a bent knee which of course means

> most of them (although, strangely, I can sometimes do padmasama.)

> I've tried resting it, but it doesn't seem to really get better.

> I've tried to 'work it through' and ignore it but that definitely

> makes it worse.

> I've worked out that it likes to be rested, elevated, and strapped

> up, and I do all those things, but nothing seems to really repair



> Can anyone offer any general advice on its management, and specific

> advice on how to get it better?

> I have a nasty feeling that it is always going to be like this, and

> as it obviously seriously restricts my practice, that is a real

> bummer!

> Many TIA, Annie




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