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rest after exercises - to get the balance

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I would like also to add that it is very important to learn to rest after the

exercises, which makes the energy to be spread better in the body. As I felt

during my practice - it's better to find a balance than to stick on regularity

fanatically. Let me explain: there are days when the mind or body is not awake

enough, or not ready somehow, so if I do the exercises which gave me great

pleasure last week, I can be somehow overdone this time, and it will make a

disbalance in the body and mind. Whenever I have this feeling of not being ready

for the exercises - I just go and walk in the park, or sit and meditate, and

rest. I think this is important to note especially for those who are new in

Yoga, because otherwise they can have contradictory feelings about Yoga in

general. Once I had disbalance after Pranayama exercises, which arose becouse of

a sudden noice during one of the deep breathing exercises, and I know how

difficult is that, how weird can be the mental and physical feeling of

that disbalance.


Asanas are much 'softer and secure' in this meaning, but still - you need to

rest after Asanas as well, at least 5-10 minutes (after meditation, laying down

on a strong ground)


This is what I learned so far, maybe others had some different experience?


P.S. I wish Yoga would become more popular than it is now....

One of the secrets of Ashtanga is the positive athmosphere it makes. That's the

Magic of Yoga.




charlie foo <keungyogi wrote:




I totally agree with your feedback on the benefits of Ashtanga. I think the

ashtanga community is not bigger than it is now, largely because the Ashtanga

practice takes a great deal of commitment. I know, as much as I like doing "the

yoga", there are many days I would need to drag myself to the mat.


Vahagn Vardumyan <vvardumyan wrote:




I am not new to Ashtanga Yoga, but I am new to this forum, I mean - I was only

reading some messages, as it is very interesting to see how people discuss about

their practice, share their experience etc... I want to add my feeling of

Ashtanga too. I think, and I feel that Ashtanga makes the body more balanced in

both energetic and physical ways. This means that the energy which circulates in

the inner channels of body, not only the visible, but also invisible kind of

energy, starts to flow 'the right way', and as much we practice Ashtanga, as

harmoneos the body becomes, and day by day, month by month we kinda 'enter' the

magic of Yoga. The change of energy flow - this is the main power of Ashtanga as

I feel, this is what makes our body to be changed very quicly sometimes, and

especially if we do pranayama we can maximise the changes very very much. I

don't know if it's possible to describe all that I feel when I practice

Ashtanga, but everyone who does it has I think the same kind of

feeling of harmony, safety, relaxation......and peace!

I am sometimes trying to understand why there are so few people on the world who

know about this magic? Why doesn't this Ashtanga world become bigger? I feel

like I am enjoying this magic alone, and it makes me sad. So, I decided to send

a peace of positive approach to this network, maybe this will help those who are

still daubting about the magic they entered.


Peace and Love!



Beach Diva wrote:



With respect to your question on weight training, my experience is that Ashtanga

is a beautiful compliment. Prior to my introduction to Ashtanga, my focus was on

hiking, lifting weights and cardio. Ashtanga really makes a difference on your

overall strength, spiritually and physically. Commit to the practice, and to

yourself, and results will follow.





beachsunchic wrote:



i'm new to ashtanga yoga. i've been doing yoga for awhile, but read

up on ashtanga and decided to purchase a few videos. first off... as

crazy as this sounds, how is the word "ashtanga" pronounced? also...

i have gained about 15 extra lbs that i am trying to get rid of. i

know that to focus on ashtanga, i should stop all other work outs

(weight lifting, running, etc). will i still achieve weight loss and

muscle tone without doing accessive cardio and weights? i know that

i should change my diet according to the proper yoga diet... but i

think that such drastic changes will take awhile. please help in any

information you can give me. weight loss is not the main purpose in

doing ashtanga yoga -- i am working towards a deeper understanding

of spirituality and myself, while balancing my mind, body, and

spirit -- but i also wanted to know if there was any weight loss

benefits that go along with it, or if i should look elsewhere to

help with the extra lbs.


thanks for any information











ashtanga yoga



















ashtanga yoga






Vahagn Vardumyan


Project Director of


Youth Progressive Action Center







































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ashtanga yoga





Vahagn Vardumyan


Project Director of


Youth Progressive Action Center


















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