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durgA sUktam.h

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I received a query about available translations of durgA

sUktam.h, if you know references to such a work please

inform. Better still if it is available on the internet.


Thank you for your help. I will pass on the information to

my friend who is in need of this.


AUM shrImAtre namaH



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Herewith attaching the text of durgA sUktam.

I have a postscript version (for ready printing in

sanskrit) if anyone is interested. I shall be uploading

the file soon in Sanskrit Document Site (jaguar).


Narayanaswami (swami)


On Wed, 18 Aug 1999, Ravi wrote:

> namaste


> I received a query about available translations of durgA

> sUktam.h, if you know references to such a work please

> inform. Better still if it is available on the internet.


> Thank you for your help. I will pass on the information to

> my friend who is in need of this.


> AUM shrImAtre namaH


> Ravi




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atha durgA sUktam.h


jAtavedase sunavAma somamarAtIyato nidahAti vedaH |

sa naH parshhadati durgANi vishvA nAveva sindhuM duritAtyagniH || 1||


tAmagnivarNAM tapasA jvalantIM vairochanIM karmaphaleshhu jushhTAm.h |

durgAM devi\m+ sharaNamahaM prapadye sutarasi tarase namaH || 2||


agne tvaM paarayA navyo asmaanthsvastibhiriti durgANi vishvA |

pUshcha pR^ithvI bahulAna urvI bhavA tokAya tanayAya shaMyoH || 3||


vishvAni no durgahA jAtavedassindhu na nAvA duritAtiparshhi |

agne atrivanmanasA gR^iNAno.asmAkaM bodhayitvA tanUnAm.h || 4||


pR^itanAjita\m+ sahamAnamugramagni\m+huvema paramAthsadhasthAt.h |

sa naH parshhadati durgANi vishvA kshAmaddevo atiduritAtyagniH || 5||


pratnoshhikamIDyo adhvareshhu sanAchcha hotA navyashcha sathsi |

svAMchAgne piprayasvAsmabhyaM cha saubhAgyamAyajasva || 6||


gobhirjushhTamayujonishhitktaM tavendra vishhNoranusaMcharema |

nAkasya pR^ishhThamabhisaMvasAno vaishhNavIM loka iha mAdayantAm.h || 7||


|| iti durgA sUktam.h ||

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