Guest guest Posted September 29, 1999 Report Share Posted September 29, 1999 Continuation of the commentary by shrii naadapriyan: ==================================================== O Divine mother, one of your favorite hymns shrI lalitAtrishatI praises you as karuNamR^itasAgara, ekaishvaryapradAyini, iipsitaartha pradaayinii, ishvaratvavidayinii, ishitvaadyaShTasiddhidaa, sadgatiidaayinii (*1), and celebrates your all bestowing glory. You being an ocean of compassion, bestow the status of emperorship in this world, higher status in other worlds, all auspicious boons, and ultimately the most desired liberation. The names from trishatii adores and worship your glory of fulfilling the wishes of devotees. You shine like a chintaamani ratnam for your devotees and take care of their needs. shrI adi shankara who wrote a magnificient commentary to your trishatI, sings your greatness as through the verse in miinAkshI stotram(*2) as the one who bestows all aishvaryam-s, being the embodiment of it. shabdabrahmamayI charAcharamayI jyotirmayI vA"nmayI nityAnandamayI nira~njanamayI tattvaMmayI chinmayI | tattvAtitamayI pAratparamayI mAyAmayI shrImayI sarvaishvaryamayI sadAshivamayI mAM pAhi mInAmbike || 8|| You who are seat in the midst of ocean of compassion in the chintaamaNi gR^iham in the seat of shrii chakraa, was indeed the jewel which filled the heart of shrI shankara who worshipped you through this miinaakShi stotram. It is the same glory, shrI shyAma shAstri sings as sEvinche vArikellanu chintaamaNiyai unnaara!, O ambaa, shri shankara highlights this wonderful aspect of yours through the 3rd verse(*3) of saundaryalaharii, in which he states, the sand that touched your feet (paadathooLi), is like the light which dispels the darkness of avidya, gives the fount of wisdom even to the worst dull-headed, and all the wealth the the poorest of the poor and it is like the teeth of shrI varAha which lifted the earth out of misery. avidyaanaaM antastimiramihiradviipanagarii jaDaanaaM caitanya\-stabaka\-makaranda\-srutijharii | daridraaNaaM cintaamaNiguNanikaa janmajaladhau nimagnaanaaM daMShTraa muraripu\-varaahasya bhavatii || 3 || When the sand that sanctified thy feet is all bestowing, how can one describe thy greatness. You being the mother of the universe, is the only succour to all those who are in need. [next post verse 1, baala nive gatiyanii ...] ====== Notes ====== *1 meanings of the names quoted also see 9. karuNAmr^ita sAgarA SHE who is an ocean of nectar like compassion AUM karuNAmR^itasAgarAyai namaH 34. ekaishvaryapradAyinI SHE who bestows the unique aishvaryam (that is moksham) to HER devotees. AUM ekaishvaryapradAyinyai namaH 35. ekAtapatrasAMrAjyapradA SHE who bestows supreme over lordship to HER devotees. AUM ekAtapatrasAMrAjyapradAyai namH 43. IpsitArthapradAyinI SHE who gives the desired objects. AUM IpsitArthapradAyinyai namaH 45. IshvaratvavidAyinI SHE who confers the attitude of oneness with Ishvara. AUM IshvaratvavidAyinyai namaH 47. IshitvAdyaShTasiddhidA SHE who confers the eight great powers. AUM IshitvAdyaShTasiddhidAyai namaH 229. sadgatidaayinii SHE who bestows liberation to HER devotees. AUM sadgatidaayinyai namaH *2 Whole text of miinaakShi stotram is in *3 This verse in prayogam is the continuation of verse 2. There is a brilliant commentary on saundaryalaharii by thethiyur subrahmaNya shaastrigaL in tamil. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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