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ratnam-2 of shrii miinakshii navaratnamaalaa stotram.h

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ratnam.h - 2



gauriiM veda kadamba kaanana sukhiiM shaastradaviikekiniiM

vedaantaakhila dharma hema nalinii ha.nsiiM shivaaM shaambhaviim.h |

omkaaraambuja niilamatta madhupaaM mantraamra shaakaabhikaaM

miinakShiiM madhureshvariiM sukhadharaaM shrii paaNDyabaalaaM bhaje || 2||


gauriiM = guha + ari

One who dispels darkness


veda kadamba kaanana sukhiiM =

kadamba = collection

kaanana = forest

sukhiim = one who revels/thrives

One who revels/thrives in the forest, which is the collection of vedas


shaastradaviikekiniiM =

aviikekiniiM = one who walks(vyahyaLi)

One who walks/present in the shaastraas


vedaantaakhila dharma hema nalini hamsiiM =

vendaantaakhila = vedaanta(vedic method of self-realization) +



dharma hema nalini = golden water of dharma(righteous way)

hamsiiM = Swan

O you're the swan of golden water of dharma filled with vedaanta


shivaaM = O consort of shiva

O consort of shiva


shaambhaviiM = one who is present in shambhu(Lord Shiva)

As ardha naarishwara, Shiva is supposed to have her as integral part

of his body


omkaaraambuja niilamatta madhuphaaM =


omkaarambuja = the lotus of Omkaara

ambuja = ambuh jaataha( one who is born in water, lotus)

niilamatta = dark and full of pride


madhupaaM = Honey bee


O Honey bee, that is dark and full of pride, of the lotus of Omkaara


mantraamra shaakaabhikaaM


mantraamra = the mangoes of mantra


shaakabhikaaM = adorned with branches full of


O tree that is adorned with branches full of mangoes that are mantraas


miinakshiiM = One who possesses eyes like fish


madhureshvariiM = O Ruler of madhura(Madurai)


sukhadharaaM = One who bears happiness


shrii paaNDyabaalaaM = Child of paaNDya


bhaje = I worship you.



O gaurii, the golden colored one, you dispel the inner darkness of

ignorance, you revel in the forest of veda-s, you who are present in

and who shows the path to shastras, you who sport as a supreme swan in

the golden water of dharma described/filled by vedanta, you who are

the embodiment of auspiciousness, O consort of shambu (Lord shiva),

you drink the nectar of bliss from the lotus of OMkaara and revel like

a dark bee drinking honey from flowers, you are adorned with mantra-s

like a tree adorned with mangoes in all its branches, O miinaakShii,

the ruler of madhuraapuri, the one who bears the joy of bliss, the

child of paaNDya, I worship thee.




Translated by shrImati Saraswathy

Original text of the stotram provided by shrImati Kalyani

Author of the text unknown, as shrImati Kalyani typed it in from

her memory.


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