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ratnam - 5 of shrii miinaakshii navaratnamaalaa stotram.h

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gauriiM ku.nkumapa.nkalepitalasat.h vakShojakumbhojvalaaM

kasturii tilakaalikaaM malayajaalepollasat.h kandharaam.h |

raakaa chandra samaana chaaru vadanaaM lolamba nilaalakaM

miinakShiiM madhureshvariiM sukhadharaaM shrii paaNDyabaalaaM bhaje ||6||



gauriiM = guha + ari

One who dispels darkness


ku.nkumapa.nkalepitalasat.h = kunkuma + pa.nka + lepita + vilasat


kunkuma = kumkuma (or ku.nkuma flower)


pa.nka = fallen down (or petals)


lepita = smeared


(vi)lasat = beautified with


vakShojakumbhojvalaaM vaKShoja + kumbha + ujvalaaM


vakShoja = breasts


kumbha = (like) pots


ujvalaaM = one who radiates light(or glows)


kasturii tilakaalikaaM = The tilakam she wears on forehead smells

with the kasturii(A variety of fragrance)


malayajalepollasat.h = malaya + jala + lepa + ullasat.h


malaya = cold(or from the mountains of Malaya)


jala = water


lepa = paste(fragrant)


ullasat.h = she revels in joy by that


kandhara = wearing


she revels in joy by wearing the cold(soothing) water and

fragrant pastes


raaka = full bloom


chandra = moon


samaana = equal to


chaaru = beautiful


vadanaaM = face


One who possesses a beautiful face equal to full bloom moon


lolamba = indulges herself in


nilaalakaaM = blue color


Because HER color is blue



miinakshiiM = One who possesses eyes like fish


madhureshvariiM = O Ruler of madhura(Madurai)


sukhadharaaM = One who bears happiness


shrii paaNDyabaalaaM = Child of paaNDya


bhaje = I worship you.


Meaning : One who dispels darkness, One whose pot-like breasts are

radiating light with the kunkuma falling (or the ku.nkuma flower petals

falling) on them, One who revels in joy by wearing fragrant pastes(like

chandana, etc.) made with cold water, One whose face is equal to fully

bloomed moon, one who indulges HERself in blue color, One who possesses

eyes like fish, O Ruler of Madhura, One who bears happiness, Child of

paaNDya, I worship you.



Translated by Saraswathy

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Even verse carries the number 6, it is actually verse # 5. I am

sorry for the error



na jnAyate ma hitaM nitarAM upAyo

dIno.asmi devI samayAcharaNAkShamo.asmi |

tat.h tvAM ananya sharaNaH sharaNaM prapadye

mInAkShI vishva jananIM jananI mamaiva || 32 ||

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