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ratnam - 5 shrii miinaakshii navaratnamaalaa stotram.h

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This is the 5th verse. There was a mixup in my collection. I will

send the 6 and 7th in the next post.


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gauriiM maJNjula miina netra yugaLaaM sinduura siimantiniiM

bimbhoshTiiM jitakunda danta ruchiraaM champeya naasojvalaam.h

ardhendu pratibimba phalaruchiraaM aadarsha kaNTasthalaaM

miinakShiiM madhureshvariiM sukhadharaaM shrii paaNDyabaalaaM bhaje || 5||


gauriiM = guha + ari

One who dispels darkness


maJNjula = beautiful


miina = fish


netra yugaLaam = (One who possesses)pair of eyes


sinduura = Orange colored powder(Kukuma)


siimantiniiM = One who is adorned with


bimboshTiim = One whose lips are red in color (as in bimba fruit)


jita kunda = One who has conquered the night lily


danta ruchiraaM = beautiful teeth


champeya = the champeya flower


naasojvalaam.h = One with a nose glowing in beauty


ardhendu = Half-moon(i.e., crescent moon)


pratibimba = reflection of


phalaruchiraaM = beautiful forehead


aadarsha = ideal


kaNTasthalaaM = neck


miinakshiiM = One who possesses eyes like fish


madhureshvariiM = O Ruler of madhura(Madurai)


sukhadharaaM = One who bears happiness


shrii paaNDyabaalaaM = Child of paaNDya


bhaje = I worship you.


Meaning : One who dispels darkness, One who has beautiful pair of eyes,

One who is adorned with kumkuma, One whose lips are red, One who is

beautified with teeth that are exceedingly beautiful than the night lily

in whiteness, One whose nose is glowing in beauty like a

champeya(sampangi) flower, One whose forehead is the reflection of

crescent moon, One who has an ideal neck, One who possesses eyes like

fish (or one who protects the devotees as a fish nourishes her offspring

by her glance), O Ruler of Madhura, One who bears happiness, O Child of

PaaNDya, I worship Thee.

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