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Concluding Verse of shrii miinaakShi navaratnamaala stotram.h

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This is the final verse of the stotram. The original text was

transliterated by shrImati Kalyani and my wife shrImati

saraswathy corrected the text and also translated it. My sincere

thanks to both of them.


As the source of the text was not known, some of the wordings

were corrected based on our limited understanding. I request the

readers to keep this in mind. There may be some errors and we

apologize for that.





---------- Forwarded message ----------


vaacaavaa manasaabhivaa girisute kaayena vaa santataM

miinaakShiiti kadaachidambaa kuruthe tvannaama sa.nkiirtanam.h |

lakShmiistasya gR^ihe vasatyanudinaM vaaNii cha vakraambuje

dharmaatyartha chatushhTayaM karatalaapraaptaM bhavennishchayaH || 10||




vaacaavaa = Either by speech


manasaabhivaa = or mentally


girisute = of the divine mother (daughter of the mountain)


kaayena vaa = or physically


santataM = again and again


miinaakShiiti = by the name miinaakShii


kadaachit = in all three times


ambaa = Divine Mother


kuruthe = whoever performs


tvannaama = your name


sa.nkiirtanam.h = singing the glories


lakShmiistasya gR^ihe vasati = Riches will reside that house


anudinaM = every day


vaaNii cha = also shrii sarasvatii


vakraambuja = and shrii ganesha,


dharmaatyartha = dharma and arthaa


chatushhTayaM = all the four (dharma, arthaa, kaama and mokSha)


karatalaapraaptaM = will be secured


bhavennishchayaH = for sure.



O divine mother, either through speech, mind or body (through

puja) if one utters your names again and again, such as shrii

miinakShii, at any time, shrii mahAlakShmii (riches) will reside

in their house along with shrii sarasvatii(wisdom) and shrii

ganesha (success in all endeavours). The devotee will also secure

dharmaa, arthaa, kaama and mokSha for sure.

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