Guest guest Posted November 9, 1999 Report Share Posted November 9, 1999 ------------------------------- KaamaakshI - II ------------------------------- charaNam gauriihindoladutihiira manimayaabharaNe shaurivirinchivinuta shivashaktimayanavaavaraNe | naariimaNyaadyarchita navanaadaanthahkaraNe suurijanasamsevita sundara guruguhakaraNe || (niirajakshi kaamakshi niirada chikure tripure) gauriihindoladutihiira manimayaabharaNe gauri - O ! KamAkshI, you are self-illumining. You wave away darkness or agGYAnA. hindola duti hiira manimaya AbharaNe - you shine with resplendent gem-studded AbaraNas. Devi herself is shining with her resplendent prakaashaa, then where comes the brightness of a diamond or a golden ornament? ' udyad.hbhaanu sahasrakoTi sadR^ishaaM keyuurahaarojjvalaaM' When she emerges like sahasrakoTi suryas then how does keyuura & haara shine? AbaraNas do not equal her shine nor add to her beauty, but they enable one to identify her divya Angas, i.e. without AbaraNas she would be a total flow of unmatched soundaryam inconceivable. Or in other worlds, it is because that devi wears these divya AbaraNas we are able to identify her rUpA . shaurivirinchivinuta shivashaktimayanavaavaraNe shiva shakti maya navaavaraNe - O! kAmAkshi !, You dwell in the Sri Chakra comprising of nine AvaraNa's united with shivA. Sri chakra is perhaps the most important and widely used yantra in the shakti cult. yantra is the geometric form of divinity in the tantric tradition. It comprises of dots, triangles, squares, circles and lotus petal structures representing several devatAs. One or more of these structures enclose the sanctum represented by a dot termed as the bindu. The main devatA to whom the yantra is dedicated to, dwell in this bindu. Structures enclosing bindu are termed as AvaraNas & DevatAs residing in them are termed as AvaraNa devatAs. Sri chakra comprises of nine AvaraNAs. Devi united with shivA reside in the ninth AvaraNa or the sarvAnandamaya chakra. The nine AvaraNAs are created when bindu gradually swells due to the polarization of paternal & maternal principles or shivaH shaktyaa. First a triangle is formed due to this, which is shtchidAnanda swarOpA. This process goes on and on until it results in the entire Srichakra which is a representation of the supreme consciousness in its various levels of evolution. In other words, it represents the absolute in all its aspects names and forms. The pivotal principle of Sri Vidya is the unison of shiva & shakti and hence all AvaraNAs are shiva shakti mayA. The celestial hymn Soundaryalahari commences saluting this shivaH shaktyaa swaroopaa . shivaH shaktyaa yukto yadi bhavati shaktaH prabhavitu.n na cedeva.n devo na khalu kushalaH spanditumapi. | atastvaamaaraadhyaaM hariharaviri~ncaadibhirapi praNantuM stotuM vaa kathamakR^itapuNyaH prabhavati || (SL 1) Diikshitar's phrase 'shaurivirinchivinuta shivashaktimayanavaavaraNe' is just an echo of the above shloka. shaurivirinchivinuta - mahA vishNu (shauri) and brahma (virinchi) salute this shiva shakti swarOpA. naariimaNyaadyarchita navanaadaanthahkaraNe(You sever as the nine nAdAs in the nine AdArAs worshipped by peerless females) naariimaNi in this context refers to lOpAmudrA. lOpAmudrA is the consort of agAstyA. The great treasure of lalitopakyAnam was revealed to agAstyA by hayagrEva muni only by the grace of kAmAkshi. AgastyA after visiting many holy shrines finally came to kanchi and took refuge at the feet of kAmAkshi and was blessed to get the darshan of hayagEvA. AgastyA served kAmAkshi with his consort lOpAmudrA and learnt the nuances of yoga. lOpAmudrA has a special place in Sri Vidya sampradAya. She is the only female in the list of 12 main upAsakAs. Indeed an elegant female to be termed as nArImaNI. In the nine AdArAs, nAdA emerges when shakti blossoms like a lotus emerging as kundalini. The most subtle of all nAdA is AUM kArA. The entire essence of all the four vedas lies in gAyatrI mantrA. GAyatri dissolves in AUM kArA and AUM kArA diffuses in eternal silence. At this point a yogi is able to hear the sound of innermost organs (anthahkaraNA) that results in nine types of nAdAs. devi in the form of such nAdA enchants yogiNIs like lOpAmudrA. suurijanasamsevita sundara guruguhakaraNe (Mother of my guru, guha, celebrated by devas) shiva is ‘sat’ and devi is ‘chid’. When ‘sat' & 'chid’ combine, it results in ‘AnandA’. SubrahmaNya is ‘AnandA’. soomaskanda muurthi with shiva shakthi and guha is the icon of ‘satchidAnandA’ swarOpA. The aboard of subrahmaNya in kanchi known as ‘kumara kOtAm’ is between ekAmreshwarar and kAmAkshi temples, representing soomaskanda tatvA. ‘sundara’ and ‘suurijanasamsevita’ are two adjectives revealing the characteristic of guha. He is devasenApati and hence all suras do serve him. He is the most handsome of all devas and hence sundara. In tamil subrahmaNya has a special name revealing his handsome nature as ‘murugan’. The root word ‘murugu’ denotes beauty. KAmAkshi is guha janma bhUH or guhaambA. niirajakshi kaamakshi niirada chikure tripure (taarayamam) (O ! devi with hair like dark clouds(nIla chikurA), empress of the three universe, lotus eyed kAmAkshi, please uplift me from samsArasAgarA). It's traditional to compare the eyes of devi with the lotus flower. Her eyes as kAmAkshI blossoms like a lotus at the sight of her child longing for liberation. Diikshitar starts his prayer by looking at her compassionate eyes and addresses her as ‘niirajakshi’. The anupallavi also commences addressing her eyes as ‘shaaradaa ramaa nayane’. Diikshitar repeatedly compares her eyes to a lotus with different expressions in different krithis. (‘niirajakshi’ in hindola krithi, ‘kanjadaLAyadAkshi’ in manohari krithi and 'sarasiiruhakshi’ in sarasvatimanohari krithi.) tripura is the first chakreshwarI in sri chakra. KAmAkshi is tripurasundari, the empress of the entire three universes. Pallavi niirajakshi kaamakshi | niirada chikure tripure || Anupallavi shaaradaa ramaa nayane saarasachandraanane | vaarijapaade varade taarayamaam tatvapade. || CharaNa gauriihindoladutihiira manimayaabharaNe shaurivirinchivinuta shivashaktimayanavaavaraNe | naariimaNyaadyarchita navanaadaanthahkaraNe suurijanasamsevita sundara guruguhakaraNe || It's rare to find a lovkEka prartanA in dIkshitar krithIs. He was a perfect smArta advaitin and was little interested in worldly pursuits. A sanyAsI who was the only one to write a commentary for all the 108 upanishads named upanishad brahmam lived in kanchi in 17-18 century. He invited dIkshitar to come and stay with him for some time to discuss shastrarta. dIkshitar accepting his invitation, went to kanchi and stayed with the spiritual giant for some time. dIkshitar is also said to have set to music the rAmAsahtapatI of upanishatbrahmam. Unfortunately we do not have those tunes today. Quite an amass wealth have been lost in our tradition due to poor preservation and lack of proper adikArIs to bear them. Sri Thyagaraaja swamigaL also visited upanishtbrahmam at a later date when the sanyAsI was about to be 100. The mutt established by upanishadbrahman named as the ‘upanishadbrahma madam’ is still there in kanchi. It's worth to visit the mutt when making a pilgrimage to kanchi. (I will conclude kanchi in the next post highlighting two more important kirthis of dIkshitar dedicated to Sri kAmAkshi ) ____ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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