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Fwd: hariharaputrajananii

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Dear Ravi,


Mutation to dIkshitar’s work is a big topic by itself. Just to discuss what

is relevant in this context,


Normally in a musical composition there are some rules that a composer

follows to enrich his compositions with shabdhaalankaaram. One common rule

is dvitIyakshara praasa. What it means is that, invariably in all

compositions of dIkshitar <<<the second letter of the first word in the

pallavi and the second letter of the first word in anupallavi are to be the

same (or at least the same varga)>>>


vAtApi gaNapatim bhajeham

bhUtAdi samsevita charaNam (if you notice vA-tA bhU-tA the letter tA is



KamalAmbhA samrakshatu

sumanasArAdhitAbja mukhI (ka-ma – su-ma the letter ma is common)


This rule is not only followed by dikshitar but also by other composers, but

dIkshitar is very strict about this. All the 400+ compositions of dIkshitar

follow this rule.


In marakatavallIm, the pallavi is

marakavallIm manasAsmarAmi so pallavi dvitIyakshara is repam ‘ra’.


So with out choice the second letter of the anupallavi should be ‘ra’ and

not ‘ri’. Hence it is should be

‘hara hrR^idayA veshinIm’ and not ‘harihR^idayA veshinIm’


This is just a rhyming methodology.


But what’s more important in this context is the meaning. If you say

‘mahAviShNu took the form of a lady and enchanted mahAviShNu himself (that

what harihR^idayAveshinIm would mean), that does not make any sense. So even

by looking at the meaning it should be ‘harahR^idayAveshinIm’, this would

mean ‘hara’ – shivaa was enchanted by the beauty of mohiniavatAra of viShNu

which reveals the sthala purANam.


I sincerely invite your friend to join the list. He would not only lean

about devi upAsana but also about dIkshitar a lot. He can also share his

knowledge and we will all be benefited.






>Ravisankar Mayavaram <miinalochanii



> Fwd: hariharaputrajananii

>Tue, 14 Mar 2000 07:09:20 -0800 (PST)




>--- Sridhar Seshagiri <seshagir wrote:

> > Tue, 14 Mar 2000 05:57:55 -0800

> > "Sridhar Seshagiri" <seshagir

> > miinalochanii

> > Many Thanks

> >

> > Dear Ravi,

> >

> > Thank you for posting my question to the group.

> > I read Aravind Krishna's reply and found it very

> > informative. I have been taught this kriti, and

> > it was taught to me as 'Harihridaya Vaasiniim',

> > not 'Harahridaya Veshiniim'. I do not know what

> > the praasa rule that Aravind Krishna mentions is,

> > but i will ask some people I know to verify the

> > correct usage too ! Once I find this, I will send

> > you an email. Thanks again.

> >

> > Sridhar.

> >

> >

> >



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>AUM shrImAtre namaH

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--- Sridhar Seshagiri <seshagir wrote:

> Tue, 14 Mar 2000 05:57:55 -0800

> "Sridhar Seshagiri" <seshagir

> miinalochanii

> Many Thanks


> Dear Ravi,


> Thank you for posting my question to the group.

> I read Aravind Krishna's reply and found it very

> informative. I have been taught this kriti, and

> it was taught to me as 'Harihridaya Vaasiniim',

> not 'Harahridaya Veshiniim'. I do not know what

> the praasa rule that Aravind Krishna mentions is,

> but i will ask some people I know to verify the

> correct usage too ! Once I find this, I will send

> you an email. Thanks again.


> Sridhar.






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